Suddenly, thousands of years have passed,

At this time, both Gongsun Xuanyuan and Jiu Li Qianyou had already grown up.

Not only is he strong, but he has also made a name for himself in the Terran tribe.

The Youxiong tribe and the Jiuli tribe have also become two behemoths in these thousands of years, one has unified the Terran tribe, and the other has annexed countless Terran tribes, both of which have become one of the top tribes of the Terran race.

On this day,


Walking in the wilderness, he tasted a plant again and recorded its characteristics in his Shennong Materia Medica.

Suddenly, he felt something in his heart and felt that his merit was complete, and then he suddenly came back to his senses.

Then without waiting for him to make any moves, his body began to shine.

Then, the Shennong Materia Medica-Scripture in his hand directly bloomed and flew above his head.

There is no measurable rhyme that begins to emerge.

This Shennong Materia Medica, which had poured a huge amount of effort into him, had long ago unknowingly turned into an acquired treasure.

At the same time, there was immeasurable merit golden light falling in the sky, and soon converged into an ocean of merit, stretching for tens of millions of kilometers.

It's not spectacular.

At the same time, the long river of humanity emerged directly in the flood and famine, reflecting everyone's eyes.

"This is..... Humane? Why did it appear at this time? What happened? "

"Is that a sea of merit? That's a lot! Who made this merit? "

"That is, the co-leader of the Terran Clan, Shennong Clan? What did he do to gain so much merit? "


Countless shocked powers could not help but exclaim when they saw this vision and discovered the existence of Shennong.

Many people became curious in their hearts about the arrival of the Terrans who had successively lowered a large number of Heavenly Dao merits.

What is so peculiar about this acquired race, which can actually be repeatedly favored by the Dao of Heaven?

"Oh? Is the merit complete? Not bad! "

Lin Qing discovered this scene, and the next moment disappeared into the core of the Illusory Realm.

Zhen Motoko and the other saints were also alarmed.

Began to pay attention to Shennong from afar.

Zhen Yuanzi rushed directly to Shennong's side.

"Is merit complete? Not bad! Not bad! With my demeanor, 28 did not disgrace the teacher! "

Rolling sat in the temporary dojo near the Terran King City, and said with a smile while nibbling on the spirit bamboo shoots.

At the same time, he also reached out and stroked several pandas around him.

He muttered, "Little ones, next, it won't be long before I will also meet Sanxian Island!" Do you want to go back with Old Owen? "

One of the pandas shook his head directly and said, "Old Ancestor, we are ready to continue to stay on the Terran side to practice for a period of time, and under your protection, we feel that we can't really grow!" "


Rolling listened and gave a thumbs up to the panda: "Big bear! Good ambition, not in vain ancestors, I carefully taught and cultivated you! "

"Since you have this kind of enlightenment, let it be!"

"Come on! Give you one personal virtual imprint, and give you one life-saving bear feather! "

"If you are in danger, sacrifice it;"

"If you want to come back, feel free to contact Lao Zu and me through the personal virtual and real imprint!"

"I'll pick you up!"

Saying that, Rolling first plucked a few bear hairs from his body, and each panda fell on them one and hid it.

Then, someone raised his hand and pointed at them a little, giving them a personal imprint.

"Thank you Lao Zu!"

Xiong Da took the lead to thank Rolling Roll, and then said: "Actually, we want to stay this time, mainly because we feel that a chance for us in the Terran race is about to arrive!" "

"If we can grasp it, we should be able to benefit a lot, that's why we want to stay, hehe!"

Otherwise, they could directly follow the ancestor back to Sanxian Island, eat fragrant, and drink spicy food.

I don't want to wander outside and suffer!

Isn't he fragrant to eat, drink, sleep and sleep with the ancestor?

"So it is! I said it! "

Rolling listened, suddenly smiled, and pointed at Xiong Da and the others: "You guys! Would it be nice to just say no to such a thing? Also sell Guanzi! I thought you guys really got a knack for the variant! "

"Now it seems that you really created by me, and this character follows me."

"I just don't know what your chance is, will it be dangerous?"

Rolling is still a little uneasy.

On the Terran side, these years seem calm, but in fact there is an undercurrent.

The main thing is that Shennong left the Terran King City, no matter how long it was.

Many tribal leaders are constantly expanding their desire for power.

The control of the tribes on the side of the Terran King City has declined sharply, and it has long become a mascot.

"Don't worry! This time is a good thing for them! "

At this time, a voice sounded in this dojo, and then Lin Qing's figure appeared here.

Lin Qing directly picked up a small ball, stroked it, chuckled and looked at the rolling: "You kid did a good thing this time, actually used his own bloodline as a template to create this heavenly panda family?" Not bad! "


Rolling listened, first stunned, then stood up, looked at his master helplessly, and said: "Master, what I created is an iron-eating beast, and my race is also an iron-eating beast, not a panda!" "

He will never forget when he first met Master, when Master also directly called him Panda, and also gave him a nickname called Rolling.

But he is obviously an iron eater.

"Hey! All the same! I said panda, that's panda! "

Lin Qing waved his hand indifferently.

Roll over to refute this less?

But Lin Qing just won't change.

"If you're happy!"

Rolling sighed helplessly, and then asked suspiciously: "Master, you said that Xiong Da's chance this time is a good thing, do you know what it is?" "

"Xiong Da?"

When Lin Qing heard this name, the image of a brown bear from an anime he had seen in his previous life suddenly appeared in his mind.

Then, he looked at the largest giant panda over there and shook his head funny.

Then, he looked at Rolling and said, "Nature knows!" But it's better not to say it first, anyway, there is basically not much danger, there is a back hand you left behind, plus their image, there can be no problem! "

Can Ao Yu still not know the ontological image of his third junior brother?

At that time, they really fought with Chiuyou, and seeing that Chiu's mount was rolling, it was impossible to embarrass them.

"So, if you don't change something, will there still be a fixed number in the underworld? Rolling has created a family of back soil, and they have sensed chance, this is fate! "

Lin Qing's eyes flashed a destiny avenue, and the corners of his mouth turned up slightly.

"With your words Master, I am relieved!"

Rolling smiled and nodded.

Then he waved his hand at Xiong Da and said, "You guys go according to your own feelings next!" I hope you guys get the rewards! "

Then, Rolling looked at Lin Qing and said, "Master, you are here for Shennong, right?" I sensed that his merit was complete, and it seemed that he had already crossed the Great Luo Tribulation, and I was going to take a look, what about you? "

"Let's go together!"

Lin Qing waved his hand to open a spatial passage and stepped into it with Rolling Roll.

Shennong's side,

It was also at the moment when the merit fell, he felt something, fell into a deep epiphany, and grasped Da Luo's chance.

The next moment, the Da Luo bottleneck disappeared directly, and his momentum began to skyrocket, directly entering the Da Luo realm. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

And, it hasn't stopped.

Continue to climb, the middle of Da Luo, the late Da Luo period, until Da Luo consummation.

At this time, clouds appeared in the sky, which soon covered a range of tens of millions of kilometers.

But soon, this calamity cloud actually began to actively shrink again, and the power began to decrease.

In the end, only a million kilometers in diameter remained.

"The cloud robbery is still shrunk? It's just weird! "

"Isn't that normal? For those with great merit, it is normal that the thunder tribulation will weaken; "

"Isn't the point that the Shennong clan ascended to heaven in one step, and cultivating himself to break through from Taiyi Consummation to Da Luo Consummation is more worthy of attention?"

"Obviously, the other party's comprehension of the Dao has long been to a certain extent, plus at this time he fell into a deep epiphany, it is not surprising that this situation will occur!"

"Fuck off! If that's not strange, what's strange? "

"To break through Da Luo, you will go straight to Da Luo consummation, envy! It has taken me millions of years, and I haven't reached the Da Luo consummation! "

"The Terrans are really blessed! First there is Fuxi, and now there is Shennong, and I don't know what powerful characters will emerge in the future! "

"Don't you see that so many saints are paying attention to the Terrans? In my opinion, this Terran has a great secret, according to this trend, I am afraid that I will not become the protagonist of the new world of the flood and desolation in the future! "

"The protagonist of heaven and earth? Terrans? Hahaha! Stop laughing off your big teeth! Just by virtue of this area is also an acquired race? "

"What happened to the acquired race? Have you ever seen that acquired race has a human race here powerful and extraordinary? "

"Indeed! Sometimes, the strength of the foundation may not qualify as the protagonist of heaven and earth. "


For a time, countless great powers fell into discussion, and frequently began to communicate with each other.

Most of the eyes that look at Shennong can be full of envy and jealousy.

At this time, Lin Qing rushed to the vicinity of the Shennongdu robbery site with a roll.

Zhen Yuanzi, Nuwa and other saints also arrived one after another.


Seeing Shennong directly rushing into the clouds of calamity with a tough attitude, actually running the heaven-devouring earth divine power to devour the robbery thunder into nourishment, while running the nine-turn Xuan Gong to improve the cultivation of the flesh, many watching powers couldn't help but smack their tongues.

"What a fierce way to cross the robbery!"

"This is the crossing posture of the cultivator of the Three Immortal Island! Only the cultivators of the Three Immortal Island basically crossed the calamity like this! "

"Isn't this definitely provoking the Thunder Tribulation?"

"Look, that thunder calamity is angry! Ha ha! "

Sure enough, Lei Tribulation seemed to feel Shennong's provocation, and directly rolled, the Tribulation Cloud began to expand rapidly, and the power also began to increase.

Rolling saw it, he immediately raised his eyebrows: "Uh... Isn't the eighth junior sister in charge of the thunder calamity? Why did it increase the difficulty? "

"Third Senior Brother, you really don't have back pain while standing and talking!"

The next moment, a voice sounded in Rolling and Lin Qing's ears, and then, a thunder light in the sky fell next to the two and turned into the appearance of Lei Ze.

"Lei Ze meet Master!"

Lei Ze first respectfully saluted Lin Qing, and after Lin Qing nodded in agreement, she turned to look at Rolling helplessly and said, "Third Senior Brother!" There are so many people crossing the robbery every day, I can't pay attention to it all the time, most of the time let the rules and systems of the thunder tribulation operate on their own! "

"Moreover, this thunder tribulation growth is also the result of Shennong's nephew's own provocation, who is to blame?"

The tradition of crossing the robbery on Sanxian Island is indeed relatively fierce.

But there are not many as Shennong.

Directly rushed into the robbery cloud to swallow the power of the 373 Tribulation Cloud and Thunder Tribulation?

You just wait for it to split down and swallow it!

The crossing posture is so bonty, who will you not split?

"Uh... Ahaha! "

Rolling faced the resentful little eyes of the eighth senior sister, he immediately touched the back of his head and smiled: "Senior brother, I'm just joking and complaining!" This thunder robbery my apprentice can still bear! "

It's all that he taught badly.

In the past, he encouraged Shennong to cross the plague in this way.

If you roll, you don't brag, this thunder tribulation is indeed completely helpless Shennong, and a few days later, Shennong successfully survived the Great Luo Lei Tribulation.

Then, directly summoning the river of time, he walked in and began to retrace the timeline.

"Master! I'll go back! "

Rolling immediately greeted Lin Qing, and also followed into the river of time, and the appearance of the dignified person, exuding terrifying coercion, began to protect Shennong.

Many of the great powers who were originally ready to teach Shennong a lesson sensed the terrifying momentum of the rolling and suddenly withered.

Straight away from the river of time.

Can't afford to mess with it!

"It turns out that because of my departure, has the Terrans actually become like this?"

"My fault!"

When looking back at the timeline, Shennong also saw the changes that occurred in the past 10,000 years or so, and the tribes of the Terran race had changed in the process of leaving the Terran King City and walking the great desolation to taste the hundred herbs.

I saw the scenes of tribes growing and even conquering each other;

I saw the scene of the bear tribe growing step by step under the leadership of Gongsun Xuanyuan;

I saw the scene of many human and witch tribes under the leadership of Qianyou, Xingtian and others, uniting all the witch tribes and growing;


Shennong not only let out a long sigh.

Coming out of the river of time, Shennong's aura had been completely consolidated at this time, and immediately, the sea of meritorious clouds in the sky fell directly towards him.

Seventy percent of the merits of the Heavenly Dao and the merits of humanity submerged into his body, and he quickly began to urge the Heavenly Dao merits to return to the original reduction method to refine and transform and absorb the merits of the Heavenly Dao.

The remaining two percent were all submerged into the Shennong Materia Medica.

Suddenly, the breath of the Shennong Materia Medica-Sutra began to transform and climb;

It soon turned into an acquired meritorious treasure.

Although the attack and defense are not outstanding, they are also extraordinary.

Many of the great powers who saw it were hot in their eyes.

Issei fell towards Rolling and was put away by Rolling Wave. Prepare to find time to care about the Heavenly Dao merit return to the original reduction method to transform and absorb and turn it into cultivation.

Righteousness achieves quasi-holy perfection.

Then, Shennong stood up, flew into the air, and declared:

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