Then, they sensed the law of the Great Dao descending on them, turning into invisible shackles hanging over their heads, warning them.

For a time, Hongjun, Primordial and others were very uncomfortable in their hearts.

"Unexpectedly, this Lin Qing can really lead the Great Avenue to descend casually! Could this person be the illegitimate son of the Great Dao? "

Hongjun thought indignantly in his heart.

No wonder this person was able to embark on the path of mixed elements after the revival of the Heavenly Dao, and even helped Nuwa and his disciples to embark on this path for a period of time.

If he hadn't come up with the method of beheading three corpses and the way of quasi-sainthood later, he would have fooled these people into cultivating the laws of the heavenly path by preaching.

I don't know what kind of mess will be made!

Thinking of this, Hongjun was very happy.

"That's the end of the matter! Do you have anything else to say? "

Hongjun looked at Lin Qing and then asked.

"No more! Let's disperse! "

Lin Qing shook his head with a smile.

If this matter is settled, then the flood desolation will not be destroyed by the battle of the saint level, and this is enough.

No matter, at the beginning, they were just fake or sincere, but now that the vow has been made, there will be no remorse.

Immediately, the saints left the Zixiao Palace one after another and rushed back.

Halfway through,

Citation and Junti contacted Taishang and Primordial.

After a while, several people quietly gathered on the East Kunlun side, without alerting the other saints.

(Lin Qing: Hmm! I didn't see the scene of Zhun Ti and Taishang sneaking into East Kunlun at all. )

"Say it! What do you want to bring us together? "

The primordial eye is not an eye, and the nose is not a nose and says to the lead and junti.

He obviously didn't treat the two very well.

Before I actually wanted to keep the Western Sect out of the matter, let them come to the thunder, it was quite beautiful to think about, hum.

Jun Ti immediately spoke, "Naturally, it's for the matter of sealing the gods!" Do the two senior brothers know that we are already on the verge of sect collapse? "

"That's what you're going to say? Are you alarmist? "

Primordial listened, and raised his eyebrows.

Tai Shang frowned slightly and asked, "What exactly do you want to say?" "

Zhun Ti smiled slightly, as long as you are willing to listen, then my plan will be initially successful, and he immediately spoke: "This time the God Sealing Tribulation, the old 107th division said, everyone under the saint must be robbed; "

"Moreover, according to my calculations, this matter of conferring gods will inevitably occur in the Terran race, and may even involve the replacement of the Terran dynasty!"

"Presumably, if you pay attention to the Terrans, you should know that now the Terrans have entered the dynastic era of the family;"

"Although there are not many things I can deduce, I also understand that the Great Xia Dynasty will become decayed over time, and after that, a new dynasty will appear;"

"And the key to this catastrophe is here!"

"Don't you think this is a good opportunity for us to further meddle in the Terrans and divide the luck of the Terrans?"

In the end, it was a saint, although Zhun Ti calculated very vaguely, he still calculated some information, and then combined with his own derivation, he obtained more information.

He even guessed that this matter of sealing the gods seemed to be caused by Hao Tian's dissatisfaction with the destruction of the Heavenly Court.

But the real reason is actually that Hongjun and Tiandao want to take this opportunity to suppress humanity and divide the luck of the human race, right?

Naturally, he will not expose this.

It just so happens that this matter also echoes his interests.

He just took this opportunity to get a piece of the pie too.


When Primordial listened, he immediately raised his eyebrows, pinched his fingers and calculated, and said with a sneer: "You guys are good at calculating!" Is it any wonder that you want to unite with us, are you worried that you will not be able to withstand the counterattack of Nuwa Junior Sister and Void Daozun? "

"It's a good calculation!"

Taishang spoke, "It's not impossible to cooperate!" "

"There are too many saint-level forces involved this time, and it is difficult for us to achieve results on our side alone, and we may even lose completely!"

"The strength of their side is actually stronger than ours, even if the people of Sanxian Island basically won't make a move!"

"In addition, over there in the sky, I'm afraid we can't rely on it!"

"He has long been on the same level as us, and over the years, the disciple sect under the sect has not been less contested and clashed! Coupled with the fact that he is friendly with Junior Sister Nuwa, the possibility of standing on Junior Sister Nuwa's side is higher. "

In this way, there are even fewer saint-level forces on their side.

It's bad for them.

Fortunately, on the side of the authentic saints, Houtu, Dijiang, Xuanxi, Candle Jiuyin and others should not participate and intervene.

Even, the River Styx.

Only some sect forces under Zhen Yuanzi may be involved, but in fact, it is not a concern.

On the contrary, it was the Shouyang Mountain branch of the False Reality Dao Venerable and some personnel under the Tongtian Sect and Nuwa's disciple that were the real trouble.


Jun Ti smiled and nodded: "We also expected this!" We also didn't expect to let Tsuten! "

"Say it again! The three hundred and sixty-five righteous god places on that god list and many other god places are always filled by people. "

"Our people don't want to fill it in, so we can only let the sect fill it in!"

"You can also fill in some on the side of Shouyang Mountain, but it is definitely not enough!"

"Their strength is not weak!"

"Moreover, if we provoke the False Truth Dao Venerable, I'm afraid we won't even think about it!" This one is not so calculating. "


The original listened and sneered: "Just let the disciples of the Sect Intercept fill it in!" Isn't he proud of the sky? This time, his interception of the sect was completely destroyed. "

In this way, the anger in his heart can be extinguished.

Zhun Ti and Zhun Yi listened, and his heart was very speechless.

In terms of pride, who can compare with your primitive?

However, now was not the time to turn his face with the primitive, Zhun Ti continued: "Actually, regarding Junior Sister Nuwa's side, we already have a plan on our side, and when the time comes, we may be able to keep her out of the matter and not participate in this battle of luck, and even, take away some of the Terran luck from her. "


Primitive and Taishang were a little surprised to hear it.

"What are your plans? Say it and listen? "

Tai Shang asked with burning eyes.

When it comes to Terran luck, he is very interested.

"Please allow me to sell this!"

Jun Ti shook his head: "Now say it, the variables are too big, it may be sensed by Senior Sister Nuwa, it's better not to say it for the time being!" "

"When the time comes, the two of you will naturally know! All in all, we are very sure! "

"Now the main thing is to reach an agreement with the two senior brothers, and when the catastrophe breaks out, the three of us can really join forces to deal with the forces of Shouyang Mountain and the Sect Interception, what do you think?"

On their own, they are completely unsure of both the quasi-mention and the introduction. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Primordial thought for a moment and nodded: "As long as I can divide part of the Terran Qi Luck, and can destroy the Intercept Sect and even the Shouyang Mountain forces, I can form an alliance with you!" "

"It's okay on my side!"

Tai Shang also nodded without hesitation.

"Haha! That couldn't be better! "

When Zhun Ti and Zhun Ti listened, they all smiled heartily.

Then, after carefully discussing the details, several people quietly left, returned to their respective dojos, and began to hurry up and prepare.

At the core of the illusory realm,

"Gee! Is it really united? "

Lin Qing took the divine doppelganger of Nuwa and the others through the round light mirror together, witnessed and listened to the conversation of their conspiracy with Zhun Er throughout the process, smashed the mouth of the cidf, and then looked at Nuwa and Tongtian: "It seems that they are determined to deal with our three families this time!" "


Tong Tian listened, and immediately sneered: "It's not unexpected at all!" "

"With the personalities of two faceless guys with Zhun Ti, plus the two shameless people of Primordial and Taishang, it is not surprising that they will unite!"

"However, they are a little too arrogant to let me destroy the sect, and even want to destroy your Shouyang Mountain branch of Daozun;"

"Since they have all calculated to this point, then don't blame me for being unkind and letting their sect perish!" Hum! "

If anyone does not sin against me, I will not sin, but if anyone sins against me, I will sin.

He doesn't have the slightest mercy.

"That's because they don't know the strength of the disciples of the Shouyang Mountain Branch and the growth of the sect over the years, otherwise, they wouldn't be so arrogant!"

"It's Nuwa Daoyou, judging from Jun Ti's words, he is obviously still ready to deal with you according to the practice of Zhun Ti on another timeline I showed you last time!"

"What are you going to do?"


Not to mention that it's okay, as soon as she said this, Nuwa also snorted coldly: "This matter naturally can't let it succeed!" "

"Otherwise, Di Xin and Shang Dynasty's luck will be completely wasted, and it will even affect the Terran luck and humanitarian authority I enjoy!"

"This matter must not be taken lightly!"

"At that time, I will always monitor this matter and stop it in time!"

"In addition, you are waiting for me, this matter is not over!"

If she is not allowed to pick up a layer of skin, she is not Nuwa.

He will tell Jun Ti with factual actions, don't mess with Nuwa, otherwise, you will only regret it forever.

"One by one, they all want to calculate me, think that I am a woman, is it easy to bully?"

Nuwa thought indignantly in her heart.

It was Taishang who originally wanted to cut off her position as the Lord of Terrans and even humanity;

After that, Hongjun and Tiandao were also secretly calculating.

Now, even the Zhun Ti Zhi began to calculate her.

She felt that she had not been powerful for too long, and these people regarded her as a good bully!

This time, she will completely wake up these people in the name of the Lord of Humanity, and let them deeply show how serious the consequences of bullying her are.

"That's it!"

Lin Qing nodded with satisfaction: "Your link is very critical, you must not make mistakes, otherwise, your position as the Lord of Humanity will have twists and turns, the more you are at this critical moment, the more careful you must be, and you can't be careless!" "

"Of course, when I turn into Di Xin, I will also control it well, and I won't let their conspiracy succeed!"

When everyone listened, they couldn't help but look at the Lord of Void Reality.

The virtual and real doppelganger on the side also smiled and nodded to everyone.


Tongtian didn't know what came to mind, and said with a happy smile: "I already have some expectations that when the time comes, Jun Ti will be desperate when he faces Di Xin, who is a mortal on the surface, but the actual core is the Dao Zun doppelganger of the Mixed Yuan Daluo!" "

Zhen Yuanzi, Styx, Nuwa and the others listened, and they all gloated and smiled.

Lin Qing said with a chuckle; "I won't be so exposed at the beginning, lest some people jump off the wall and directly lift the table, then it's not good!"

Di Xin's step is very critical, he will be one of the six saints of humanity, before the achievement, it is best not to expose the true doppelganger, otherwise, Hongjun will definitely lift the table.


Everyone nodded in agreement.

"All right! That's it! Let's all go and prepare! There is not much time left for us! "

Lin Qing smiled slightly and began to see off the guests.

Everyone nodded and left one after another.

In a flash, tens of thousands of years have passed,

Since Xia Qi came to power, the Terrans have developed more and more rapidly and prosperously.

Similarly, the speed of emperor replacement began to accelerate.

Although Xia Qi and even many of his successors were actually not weak in cultivation, even if they sat in the position of co-lord for tens of thousands or even longer, it was not a problem.

But in fact they can't.

Because they can feel that as long as they sit in this position for a certain number of years, they have to fake their death and abdicate and take a group of people to retire to a secret place specially opened up for them to show seclusion, waiting for the opportunity to be born.

If they dare to covet this position and continue to sit, then even if they have become immortals, they will still encounter the doom of Shouyuan, the five declines of heaven and man, and Shouyuan and even Xiuwei will begin to regress rapidly.

This is also the reason why these Xia Dynasty emperors are willing to obediently fake their death and abdicate.

Even Xia Qi is no exception.

This is actually the result of the joint promotion of Tiandao, Hongjun and Lin Qing.

And there's much more to it than that.

There are more arrangements for this.

Everything was Lin Qing's plan and preparation to make the flood wilderness more perfect, powerful, and more potential.

Hongjun and Tiandao may not be particularly willing, but if Lin Qing insists, they are not easy to object.

Because this matter is actually beneficial to them.

It's just that it's just as good for humanity and authenticity.

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