"Damn Jun Ti, Primordial, I don't share the sky with you!"

"You are too much of a bully!"

The more Haotian looked at it, the more angry he became, and when he saw Jun Ti and Primordial discussing how to calculate his sister, and even the two of them were calculating how to distribute her sister's three children, he directly exploded.

With a hideous face, he couldn't help but roar, and he couldn't wait to bring Zhun Ti and the primordial corpse into ten thousand pieces to solve the hatred in his heart.

Yaochi quickly grabbed him and began to appease him, while casting an apologetic look at Lin Qing.

After a while, Hao Tiancai calmed down, bowed slightly to Lin Qing, and confessed: "Sorry, Daozun! I was excited just now!"

"No need to do this!"

Lin Qing smiled and waved his hand: "Human love! Change me, my family is calculated, I will also be angry!"

"Don't you blame me for not taking action to stop it in advance, just notify you in advance!"


Hao Tian listened, his expression was slightly sluggish, not to mention, he really thought so in his heart just now.

Lin Qing also saw his thoughts, and immediately said with a smile: "Actually, this matter has advantages and disadvantages for you!


Haotian was stunned when he heard this, he didn't understand, this matter is clearly a great shame, where is the benefit?

However, he still endured it, and immediately asked: "Please also ask Dao Venerable to show you!"

Lin Qing then waved his hand, and the picture in the round light mirror became a picture of the life of Yaoji's family.

Hao Tian saw it, although he was still very angry, he clenched his fists and held back for the time being.

Wait for Lin Qing's words.

Lin Qing also did not sell the pass, and immediately said: "Zhun Ti and the original calculation of you, although there are personal grudges, but more things are for profit;"

"Among them, Zhun Ti wants to use this as an entry point, meddle in the Heavenly Court, and insert the hands of the Western Sect into the Heavenly Court, presumably, you should know this very well!"

Haotian listened, his face was livid, and he nodded: "Not bad! At the original Peach Meeting, he proposed it and threatened me!

"I didn't expect that this shameless thing would actually do this!"

What did they think of themselves as a Heavenly Emperor?

He had not yet taken revenge for the original humiliation, but these two sluts had taken revenge on him first.

It makes perfect sense.

Lin Qing nodded and said, "So, Yaoji is actually affected by you!

"After talking about Zhun Ti, let's talk about Primordial, although he can't get used to you, but if it's not good, just to disgust you, he won't agree to Jun Ti's cooperation!"

"His real purpose is actually for your sister's three children, especially the second son Yang Jian!"

Saying that, Lin Qing aimed the picture in the round light mirror at Yang Jian, looked at Haotian and asked, "What can you see?"

Haotian is not a simple person, he is also a strong person in the late stage of quasi-saints, Lin Qing is a little clear, and he shows it, how can he not see it, he can see the talent of Yang Jian and even Yang Jiao and Yang Chan's three brothers and sisters at once.

"How is this possible, people and gods are mixed, but all three are top qualifications?"

Haotian was shocked.

It is not the average top, this kind of qualification, at least a big Luo in the future, work hard, quasi-saint is not a problem.

Haotian originally thought that the miscellaneous born of a mixture of people and gods... Ahem! Children will stain the blood of God and will only give birth to waste.

Now, however, he saw the opposite.

These two who still seem to have perfectly inherited the blood of the Terran and Yaoji Divine Blood are both good talents and beautiful jade.

Seeing this, he suddenly felt less angry in his heart.

After all, his sister gave him three well-qualified nieces and nieces, didn't she?

If you can cultivate it well and let them grow, then the future can definitely become his help.

Why did he provoke the consecration of gods?

Where is humiliation and grievance?

Isn't it because he doesn't have a helper who is strong enough to make him completely trust?

Yang Jian's three brothers and sisters did not have this problem at all.

This is his own niece.

Even Yaochi on the side was surprised: "Yaoji's three children are actually so extraordinary?"

"So, the reason why Primordial agreed to conspire with Jun Ti is for the sake of these three children?

Lin Qing smiled and nodded: "Almost, however, the original fancy is Yang Jian, who is ready to cultivate into a protector of the teachings;"

"Yang Jiao and Yang Chan's words are actually worse, but Zhun Ti has thoughts about them. "

It's just that although Jun Ti and Primordial are cooperating, their purposes are different.

In order to make Yang Jian desperate for the teachings, he may not come according to the plan agreed with Zhun Ti.

The ending of Yang Jian's family in another timeline illustrates this.

However, since Lin Qing noticed it, it naturally would not let things happen like this.

"What a vicious fellow!"

Yaochi gasped.

Calculated others, but also calculated other people's offspring, and even wanted to train other people's descendants into their own thugs.

In the future, I am afraid that the other party's children will be opposed to their own relatives, right?

"Is this a saint?

Haotian gritted his teeth.

At this moment, his hatred for Primordial and Junti reached a new peak.

At this time, Lin Qing spoke again: "In addition, that Yang Tianyou was originally replaced by someone from the Western Sect, but in the end, he was secretly replaced by me!"

"The real Yang Tianyou is actually the reincarnation of the Prince of the East, in fact, for this alone, Haotian and Yaoji are not at a loss!"

This is Lin Qing's handwriting.

According to the original timeline, the Prince of Dong would have been reincarnated as the Emperor of Donghua, and then reincarnated as Lü Dongbin.

But because Lin Qing's early intervention and forgetting made him miss the opportunity to become the emperor of Donghua.

However, in Lin Qing's opinion, this is not necessarily a bad thing for him.


Haotian and Yaochi were stunned when they heard this.

"The head of the male immortals, the Prince of the East?"

Didn't he fall under Di Jun's hands back then?"

Hao Tian was puzzled, and then thought about something, and asked, "Could it be that Daozun secretly saved his true spirit back then?"


Lin Qing nodded: "Just at the right time, coupled with the request of the Queen Mother of the West, I came out to save his crippled true spirit, and I have been helping him recover all these years, and this time I also feel that the timing is good, so I let him reincarnate as Yang Tianyou!"

"How? Are you satisfied? Do you still have mustard in your heart?"

Hao Tian listened, greatly relieved, and shook his head again and again: "Naturally, there is no more! With the reincarnation status of the Prince of Dong, it is not considered to destroy the heavenly rule I set, and it is also worthy of my sister!

It seems that, all at once, the problem is all solved.

Haotian was extremely grateful to Lin Qing in his heart at this time.

Daozun, good man!

Well thought out.

"Oh! If you're happy!"

Lin Qing smiled slightly, and then ridiculed: "Your immortal heavenly rule that cannot intermarry itself should not be established, it is absolutely not good for you!

Haotian actually cocooned himself this time. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)


Haotian listened, and smiled helplessly: "I didn't expect that in the end this point would become a pain point for others to calculate me and target me;"

"It's just that this Heavenly Rule is actually not only set by me, but also related to the Heavenly Dao and the Master, and it has already taken shape!"

"Others may be able to change it, but I alone can't modify it!"

Otherwise, he will inevitably be robbed.

It's a hard feeling.

It was originally used to restrain the immortal gods, but as a result, it actually became a constraint to restrain him.


Lin Qing nodded clearly: "Then let Yang Jian help you modify it in the future!"


Hao Tian listened, and was stunned for a moment, and then asked, "I wonder how Zun plans to arrange my sister's family next?

"I'm afraid I can't protect their three brothers and sisters, nor my sister and brother-in-law!"

"By the way, I still have a question, Dao Zun, why didn't that Yang Tianyou show any supernatural characteristics?

It stands to reason that if Yang Tianyou was the reincarnation of the Eastern Prince, it would definitely not be so ordinary.

Even if the cultivation in the previous life does not exist, then after reincarnation, he should be a genius.

Weren't they the original Fuxi and Hongyun?

"Huh! Found it?"

Lin Qing listened to it and said with a slight smile: "Because, in order to confuse Jun Ti and Primordial, I deliberately sealed these characteristics and talents of his!"

"If the seal is lifted, he will re-show his genius side, and if he embarks on cultivation, he will soon be able to grow!"

"I used to do this for the sake of planning, in order not to ruin the birth of Yang Jian's three siblings;"

"It's not necessary now!"

"I'll unseal it, just right, it can also allow Yang Jian's three brothers and sisters to revive the bloodline power of their Terran race together;"

In fact, in order to hide the affairs of Yang Jian's three siblings, Yao Ji also sealed the divine blood of these three siblings.

Saying that, Lin Qing raised his hand and pointed at the round light mirror.

The next moment, that Yang Tianyou suddenly still glowed and began to undergo huge changes on his body.

"Husband, you are....."

Yao Ji was stunned when she saw Yang Tianyou's changes.

"I don't know, I just feel as if something has awakened in my body, and my body and mind seem to have removed the shackles, so relaxed!"

Yang Tianyou also replied with a confused look at this time.

"This..... What's going on? Aren't you an ordinary person nearby? But isn't that right?"

Yao Ji quickly put her hand on Yang Tianyou's body, probed for a while, and then was stunned: "This... Husband, your talent root bone is actually so good?"

"Changed, completely changed! What the hell is going on here?"

She was completely confused!

At this time, as soon as their eyes flickered, they found that the two of them appeared in a strange space.

"Let me answer this question!"

A voice came, Yaoji and Yang Tianyou looked over one after another, and suddenly saw Lin Qing.

The two naturally don't know each other, but the other two.

"Brother, sister Yaochi, why are you here?"

Yao Ji was first startled, and then her face changed drastically: "Not good...."

"What's bad?"

Haotian turned to look at Yaoji, stretched his face and looked at Yaoji in a deep voice: "Yaoji, my good sister, you are so daring!

"I.... I...."

Yao Ji was speechless for a while, lowered her head, did not dare to face Hao Tian, but still subconsciously protected Yang Tianyou behind her, her eyes became firm again, and looked at her brother: "This matter has nothing to do with Tianyou and my three children, it's not their fault, if your brother wants to punish, send me! "


Haotian saw it and exploded.

Is his brother so unfriendly in Yaoji's eyes?

He was so angry that he couldn't help but look at Yang Tianyou.

Suddenly I felt that how this guy looked unpleasant.

At this time, Yang Tianyou stood up from behind Yaoji, but instead protected Yaoji behind him, and saluted Haotian and the others: "Although I don't know what my wife said is wrong, please don't hurt her, if you want to target, target me!"


Hao Tian saw it, raised his eyebrows, and sneered: "It's still a little responsible, but how to punish you now is not me, but to see what arrangements are on Daozun's side!"

Saying that, Haotian turned to look at Lin Qing.

Lin Qing chuckled and said, "I have the intention to let my third disciple take Yang Jian as an apprentice, and let my eleventh disciple accept Yang Jiao as an apprentice, as for Yang Chan, she has a relationship with Nuwa, and she can send it to Nuwa to practice!"

"But the catastrophe is coming, if Yang Jian and Yang Jiao want to grow up, ordinary methods are not enough, they need to add a little stimulation!"

"So, I have prepared a twisty drama for them, and at present, the drama has begun!"

Saying that, Lin Qing smiled and looked into the round light mirror over there.

In the sky, ten rounds of great sun suddenly appeared, and ten golden crows who claimed to be the princes of the Heavenly Court descended on Yangjia Village and directly burned Yang Tianyou's home.

Under the witness of Yang Jian and Yang Chan, they burned Yang Tianyou and Yang Jiao and took Yao Ji away.

And Yang Jian and Yang Chan were sent away by Yao Ji at a critical moment.

Yaoji: "....."

Hao Tian: "....."

Yang Tianyou: "... Up"

Several people looked at Lin Qing with a confused expression.

Yao Ji and Yang Tianyou couldn't help but ask, "Daozun, what is the situation?

"Also, I'm a sister..."

"Peace of mind!"

Lin Qing pressed his hand and waved his hand to open another round light mirror, which showed the scene where Yang Jiao was taken by Dapeng to cultivate in the Netherworld Mansion.

PS: Customize, flowers! Evaluate! Support.

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