
Then, these large arrays were activated, and when they boarded, those chaotic qi that kept pouring in began to be rapidly swallowed by these large arrays, and then quickly transformed into a large amount of innate spiritual energy that filled the entire cave space.

For a while, the space of Dongtian became stable and peaceful, and at the same time, the concentration of innate aura began to rise continuously.

Even, the area of this Cave World has a faint tendency to grow, and the space inside is becoming more and more stable over time.

"Find the dragon and set the pulse!"

Then, Lin Qing flashed out of the Dongtian space, hooked the earth vein, and connected it with the core of the Dongtian space.

At the same time, Lin Qing also combined the Dao of Void and Reality with the Dao of Space to wrap and cut the Luo Xiao Dao Seal at the core of this earth vein.

With the characteristics of the way of virtual reality, this package was temporarily hidden, and it would not be detected by Luo Xiao.

However, when Luo Xiao wanted to detonate this spiritual vein through this seal, this spatial package would directly cut off its connection with the spiritual vein, and then retreat into the cave space with the spiritual vein to hide.

After doing this, Lin Qing first adjusted the environment inside in the cave space with the rule of five elements.

Generate the five elements of heaven and earth, generate earth clouds and rain.

Then a large number of elixir seeds were sprinkled into the cave space.

"The Way of Creation, All Things Susheng!"

Then, Lin Qing waved his hand to cast the Dao of Creation and spread it throughout the Cave Heaven space, prompting all the elixir seeds inside to germinate.

After doing this, Lin Qingcai's mind moved, so that the entire Dongtian space was directly transformed from reality to void, hidden in the void.

Unless someone cultivated far beyond him, reached the level of Mixed Yuan Daluo or a Saint, or surpassed him in attainment in the path of Void Reality, it was impossible to discover the existence of this cave space.

"Done! Everything is doable! Now it's time to implement my plan on a large scale! Hey! "

Lin Qing smiled, and immediately flashed out of the ground and came to the ground.

"Weng ~"

At this time, the immeasurable meritorious golden light in the distant sky began to converge, directly covering a radius of tens of millions of kilometers.

"I lean! Who made the great merit? He actually obtained so many heaven and earth merit rewards? "

Countless powerful people within billions of kilometers nearby discovered this scene, and they couldn't help but marvel and guess.

"I lean! To suffer! "

As the protagonist of the incident, Lin Qing naturally discovered all this, and immediately cursed secretly.

Quickly waved his hand and collected this massive amount of merit into the Chaos Bead.

"Great causal technique, causal erasure!"

"Space Dao, Space Shift!"

"Sloppy! Slipped away! "

Immediately, Lin Qing skillfully came to a magical second link, directly erased his cause and effect here, and then broke the space and ran directly.

That action, that skill, is distressing to watch.

Not long after Lin Qing left, Luo Xiao personally appeared here.

"Huh? Did you run? Who exactly? "

Luo Xiao's brows frowned slightly: "This level of merit is almost as good as the merit I gained last time to end the Ferocious Beast Tribulation!" When did I have such a great power in the West? "

"Or is this person actually from somewhere else?"

"But what did he do to get such merit?"

Luo Xiao was suspicious, and quickly checked the earth vein node near here.

After seeing that there was no problem with the Dao seal he left, and at the same time, he did not find anything abnormal here, Luo Xiao left this side with doubts.

Hongjun's side also looked at this place after Luo Xiao left, and his brows wrinkled slightly: "Such a great meritorious person actually appeared in the Western Continent?" Who will it be? Because of what? "

Not only Hongjun and Luo Xiao, but also Yin Yang, Qiankun and other powerful people paid attention to this place and speculated one after another.

Unfortunately, Lin Qing's achievements in the cause and effect are not comparable to them, plus there is also the assistance of the Chaos Bead, even if the Cause and Effect Demon God himself is reincarnated, as long as he cultivates without the Dao Chaoyuan Daluo, he cannot find it.

On Lin Qing's side, he ran hundreds of millions of kilometers all the way before he hidden.


Waving his hand to lay down the formation, he sat down cross-kneeled, and said with a speechless face: "It is really speechless to make such a big battle formation every time you gain merit. "

Then, he looked at the merits he had obtained before, there were tens of billions, and the value was huge.

It was dozens of times more than the last time he created the Tempering Qi Transformation Technique.

"It turns out that opening up the Cave Heaven Secret Realm also has merit! Counting the Chaos Transformation Spirit Array, it would be understandable that there would be such merit. "

"Moreover, in the future, I will not open up a cave secret realm, but I can still obtain a lot of merit, this is a long-term business!" Not bad! Not bad! "

"It's just that the Flood Barren World is so big, the Western Continent alone can be called boundless, and the entire Flood Barren is still expanding at an extremely fast rate, I'm afraid I won't be able to lay out the Cave Heaven Secret Realm in every earth vein node in my lifetime!"

"You have to create a sub-surgery that is practical enough!"

Immediately, Lin Qing began to try to create a new one.


5 years later,

[You combined the memories of your past life with your own comprehension, tried to create a law, you had an epiphany, and you comprehended the magic power and the great doppelganger. 】

This magical ability allows Lin Qing to divide into a large number of body doppelgangers with one thought, and these doppelgangers have almost all of Lin Qing's magical abilities.

However, the specific strength depends on how much mana Lin Qing assigned to him when he divided this doppelganger.

The more mana, the stronger the strength you can exert.

Not enough, this avatar has a big drawback, that is, it is very fragile.

If you are attacked beyond a certain limit, you will directly collapse.

"Perfect for what I'm going to do next!"

Lin Qing was quite satisfied.

He divided these doppelgangers themselves and did not prepare them to use them in battle, just in order to separate more doppelgangers to go to various places in the flood wilderness, and constantly open up one cave after another secret realm.

These doppelgangers are enough.

"The Great Doppelganger! Go! "

Immediately, Lin Qing's mind moved, divided tens of thousands of doppelgangers, and after handing over a batch of elixir seeds to each doppelganger, he opened one spatial channel after another, and directly sent these doppelgangers to the earth vein nodes one by one.

Then, these doppelgangers began to open up the Cave Heaven Secret Realm.

Lin Qing's body sat in place, running the exercises and nine breaths with all his strength, constantly swallowing the spiritual energy of heaven and earth, and replenishing the previous consumption.


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