"It's a pity that in the past, I practiced low-level exercises, and the foundation was not firmly laid, even if I changed my cultivation, I am afraid that the image would be very large;"

"Nope! Not a pity at all! Daoist friends will say this, obviously they have not seen the efficacy of the cultivation secret realm, have not understood the effect of the pseudo-heavenly Dao Origin Array and the Du Tribulation Immortal Light Array on the improvement and completion of qualifications and foundations, after reading it, you will not think so! "

"Haha! I've seen it! Dozun YYDS! It's so powerful, even this kind of heaven-defying level large array can be created, now, I don't have to worry about my qualifications and foundations, in the future, it will not be a problem for me to become a quasi-saint or even a Dao realm master. "

"Ugh! This dreaming Taoist, you better be sober first! There is also a price to pay for using these features! These require a lot of contribution points, do you think you can use them plainly? But don't forget the fact that you're just a poor ghost now. "

"Uh..... Depend on! Don't remind me! Can't I keep dreaming for a while? "

"These features are good, but they are expensive! Isn't there about to be a big enemy invading the flood famine? I think Daozun should develop these functions for us for free, so that we can improve our cultivation as soon as possible! "

"Lean! Where did this stupid × come from? Daozun is not your father, why is it free for you? Besides, what's the use of raising rice worms like you? If the time comes for the enemy to invade, I am afraid that you will not go to the enemy at all, right? "

"That's right! I think that such regulations as Daozun are the best, there is a reward for paying, you see, using heavenly materials and earth treasures to replace contribution points is far less cost-effective than hunting and killing enemies who invade the flood waste, it is clear that Daozun has taken these problems into account; "

"More than that! In order to improve our coping strength, Daozun actually has a very comprehensive consideration, do you see the lending function? We can apply for a loan, make a vow, sign a contract and borrow a certain contribution point in exchange for Dharma magical powers and open many ~ practice functions. "

"I found out too! However, Daozun is worthy of being a Daozun, and he has considered all aspects, if someone wants to play clever, borrow money, but in the end do not fulfill his promise to the enemy, and also think of not contributing points, then the final end will be absolutely miserable-. "

"It's true, it actually stipulates that after the start of the war, hunt the enemy every month and accumulate the specific number of contribution points, but these are not important, since this is a catastrophe related to the entire flood and famine, it is impossible to avoid the past, or borrow money to improve cultivation first, or improve the survival ability - ability in the catastrophe."

"I lean! Did anyone find out? Just now, the Illusory Realm has a new function: the resurrection function, as long as the battle merits and contribution points are enough, if you die in the catastrophe, you can consume a certain amount of battle merits and contribution points to resurrect, haha! At this time, there is less worry! I have participated in this catastrophe, this is not a catastrophe, but our opportunity! "

"It's true, Houtu Niangniang is eternal!"



"It seems that most of the Flood Cultivators like this feature! Second Uncle, you really reminded in time, at this moment, the enthusiasm of the flood and desolate creatures was completely stimulated, and it is foreseeable that countless cultivators will actively participate in it in the future. "

Houtu looked at the discussion of the public channel and the cultivators in the city in the Illusory Realm, and smiled slightly.


Lin Qing also smiled lightly: "This is the common feeling of people!" But when life and death can be solved at a cost, there will be much less worries! "

The fourth disaster to understand.

Since those Chaos Gods and Demons planned to use endless chaotic creatures to consume the flood waste, Lin Qing naturally had to come up with countermeasures.

What could be more appropriate than the fourth day of the Tribulation to brush monsters?

"It's just,"

At this time, Lin Qing turned to and said: "You need strict control in this regard, you can't really image the reincarnation order of the flood waste, otherwise, it will be a huge harm to the tunnel and to you; "

"I will then build a virtual and real war zone and cover the outer chaotic area beyond the flood waste;"

"You should pay attention at that time, only the creatures who died in the civil war in the outer chaos virtual real war zone and had enough battle merits and contribution points to pay the price can be resurrected;"

"In the midst of the flood, creatures who die for other reasons shall not be resurrected;"

"Because the virtual and real war zone will be outside the flood and desolation at that time, the impact on the reincarnation of the tunnel will be almost nothing, understand?"

Lin Qing couldn't have made the decision to harm the Houtu in order to stimulate the fighting enthusiasm of the Flood Barren creatures.

Perhaps, Houtu is benevolent and willing to pay some price for this, but Lin Qing is unwilling!


Houtu listened and smiled heartily: "I know!" Second Uncle, you are really thoughtful, but will this pressure on the Illusory Realm be too great? Do you need authentic support? "


Lin Qing nodded: "It's okay!" This is the great calamity of the flood and famine, let the people of heaven and earth participate in it! It can also reduce the pressure of the illusory realm. "

"Heavenly Dao?"

Houtu frowned slightly when he heard this, and asked worriedly: "Letting the Heavenly Dao participate will not give him an opportunity to take advantage of it and erode the Illusory Realm?" "


Lin Qing listened, and immediately said with joy: "Naturally not!" Since I am going to involve Him, how can I not guard against Him? "

"Don't worry! I have already prepared for it, it is impossible for the Heavenly Dao to succeed, but rather, if he really dares to do this, he will only steal the chicken and not erode the rice, and ask for his own suffering, hehe! "

He was too familiar with Heavenly Daohe.

Heavenly Dao wants to take advantage of him?

Think too much.

"Hee-hee! Then I'm relieved! "

Houtu listened and smiled happily.

After that, Lin Qing contacted Nuwa and Hongjun to explain the matter of the virtual and real battlefield and the matter of letting the people of heaven and earth share the pressure of the virtual and real battlefield.

Hongjun and Tiandao naturally agreed happily.

They can't ask for it.

"Perhaps, this is an opportunity to erode the Illusory Realm?"

Hongjun thought to himself.

Tiandao saw Hongjun's thoughts, and directly said speechlessly: "Before thinking about this, you better take a good look at the terms he proposed!" It is necessary to use the Great Avenue Oath, all aspects are sealed, this matter, we don't have much room to operate; "

"Moreover, that Illusory Realm core gives me a very dangerous feeling, I advise you not to hit this thing, don't pull me up!"

Heavenly Dao's resolute attitude made Hongjun suddenly stunned, and after reading the oath to join, his face was also dark.

But he did not give up completely, and of course, did not show it.

I just agreed, and Tongtian Dao made a great oath.

After that, Lin Qing began to build a virtual and real battlefield covering the outer chaos beyond the entire flood waste.

In order not to affect those man-made worlds that are still opening up and increasing, Lin Qing also used his own time-space avenue means to fold the regional space of these world groups, so that they looked at the chaos that seemed to be outside the flood wilderness, but from the time and space, this is no longer the case.

At least, when those chaotic gods and demons and chaotic worlds come, they can't directly invade these artificial worlds, but need to break through the many virtual and real battlefield areas, and then they can attack these artificial worlds.

"What a terrifying time and space avenue attainment, this person surpasses me too much!"

When Hongjun and the others saw this, they were shocked.

They simply can't do this kind of thing.

A small range is still possible, but this kind of scope covering the entire flood famine and many large, middle, and small world groups, they are also very powerless.

But Lin Qing did it easily.

The gap can be imagined.

"Whew! With Daozun's means, we don't have to worry about the destruction of the world we have just opened! "

"yes! In this way, as long as the virtual battlefield is defended, then our world is still safe! "

"Indeed, if even the virtual and real battlefields are breached, it will only be a matter of time before the flood and famine are breached, and at that time, the security of the world we open up is not important!"


Many Creator Builders were relieved when they saw Lin Qingbu's means, and couldn't help but discuss.

In the Zixiao Palace,

"There are so many new features in this Illusory Realm! Void Truth Dao Venerable actually opened up so many methods and divine powers? Can't believe it, I'm not too old? "

Jun Ti couldn't help but smacked his tongue. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )


Primordial glanced at Jun Ti and said with a disdainful smile: "Obviously, this is not his core inheritance, so you will be a treasure!" That Dudu Immortal Light Array, Pseudo Heavenly Dao Origin Condensation Array, Enlightenment Dao Array, Time Array... And that cultivation secret realm is the real anti-heaven thing, I can understand why the cultivators of the Three Immortal Island, one by one, their cultivation has improved so quickly, and their qualifications and foundations are so against the sky. "

It's not that he Lin Qing is really lucky and has received so many people against the heavens, but the means of people against the sky!

In the primitive view, the Pseudo-Heavenly Dao Condensation Array, the Dao Enlightenment Array, and the Crossing Immortal Light Condensation Array should not exist at all, nor can they exist.

But on the other hand, Lin Qing came out, and now it is directly opened.

There are many more problems that can be explained here.

"It's a pity that by the means of blockade and protection, you can't understand it, and you can't forcibly crack it, otherwise, you must get the arrangement method of these large arrays!"

Not only did the original think so, but Taishang and Zhun Tiyi all thought so.

Hongjun and Tiandao were also confused when they saw that pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin Condensation Array.

Tiandao said in Hongjun's heart: "What is the situation? Can even this kind of large array be made? How is this possible? "

Hongjun also replied speechlessly: "This is also the question I want to ask!" Heavenly Dao, when did he steal part of your Origin Mysteries? "

This Heavenly Dao is really pulling, the other party has already come up with this kind of thing, and Heavenly Dao has never known it.

Tiandao was also stunned: "How do I know? Not to mention that I haven't been stolen by him, even if there is, it is impossible to make such a big array? "

"However, if I can get this great array, won't it be a continuous source of energy condensation? I looked at the pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin if it was processed and refined by me, it could become a true Heavenly Dao Origin. "

Hongjun listened, and was even more speechless: "Don't think about it!" We are destined to be on the opposite side of him, and he cannot open this to you! "

What to think?

"It's a pity!"

Tiandao was depressed.

If he can get this pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin Condensation Array, then in the future, there will be a continuous flow of energy and perhaps more Origin to improve his strength at a faster speed, then it will not be easy to annex the Origin and Humanity in the future?


"Hongjun, you have to find a way for me to get the arrangement method of this large array!"

Heavenly Dao righteously commanded Hongjun.

Hongjun: "....."

"I'll try my best!"

Hong Junyan replied insincerely.

Even if he gets it, he will use it himself, and will not give it to Heavenly Dao!

Isn't this a capital enemy?

It is true that he is the opposite of Lin Qing, but it is also with the Heavenly Dao!

Heavenly Dao wanted to devour him, and he wanted to devour Heavenly Dao.

Don't see that they are working very closely now, but in fact, they both want to kill each other and devour everything in each other!

This is called falling in love and killing each other?

"If it weren't for this catastrophe, I'm afraid these things wouldn't be revealed, right?"

Tai Shang muttered.

So, this catastrophe is actually a good thing?


At this time, Hongjun scanned the circle and said, "That's the way it is, I won't say anything more!" You all go and get ready! "

"Especially Hao Tian, on your side, as the Heavenly Court is the dominant institution of the Three Realms, there are many things you need to do;"

"In the future, the deployment and defense of many battlefields... And so on, your Heavenly Court also has to play a central role, understand? "

This time is a major opportunity for the Heavenly Court, and whether it can be grasped or not depends on Hao Tian.

Of course, Hongjun will not forget to strengthen his control over Haotian, and he will not let go of the Heavenly Court.

As for Haotian because of Yang Jian's family, he had contact with Lin Qing before?

Hongjun is clear, but he is confident in controlling Haotian.


Hao Tian saluted respectfully, and at the same time, sneered in his heart: "Hongjun, Hongjun, you are so vicious, you actually did something in my origin from the beginning, if it weren't for the last time I took the initiative to ask Daozun to help me check, I wouldn't have known!" "

"It's a pity, you still don't know that the means you left in my origin have been broken and sealed by Dao Zun, right?"

"If I'm worried about alarming you, I will directly ask Daozun to help me clear it all."

However, now it is almost the same, and he has been sealed by Daozun for him.

It is no longer possible to endanger Haotian.

In fact, not only Haotian, but also Yaochi there.

Haotian also asked Lin Qing to help relieve the hidden danger.

In short, now both Haotian and Yaochi are fully leaning towards Lin Qing's side in their hearts.

It's just that Hongjunhe doesn't know.

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