Seeing this, he knew that it was useless to punish here, and considering the current situation of the teaching, he could only bow his head and agree in the end.

After making a great oath, he separated a wisp of Origin Divine Mind and handed it to Houtu, and left directly with a black face.

These Heavenly Dao Saints all agreed, and the others naturally did not dare to have an opinion.

They all made a vow and handed over a wisp of their divine doppelganger, and then they all left.

As for the humane saints such as Fuxi and Shennong, it was even less of a problem.

Safeguarding the interests of the Terrans was originally their mind, and there was no need to say anything, and they directly made a great oath and handed over their divine doppelganger.

"This matter troubles my sister!"

Seeing this, Nuwa nodded to Houtu and thanked her.

"No need to do this!"

Houtu also smiled and shook his head: "This is originally discussed!" "

After speaking, Houtu directly waved his hand and threw these divine doppelgangers into the six reincarnation disks, and then nodded to Nuwa and the others: "The matter has been handled, I believe, there will be a reincarnation soon, what to do at that time depends on your own!" "

After that, Houtu left by himself and returned to the Netherworld Mansion.

Nuwa naturally didn't stay much, and they also left.

"The matter of the hundreds of families is very important, next, let's take turns sitting for a while to ensure that this stage is perfect, how about?"

Fuxi looked at Shennong, Xuanyuan and the others and suggested.


"I'm okay with that!"

The people of Shennong, Xuanyuan, and Cangjie nodded in agreement.

Tai Shang this side,

On the way back, he was caught up by Primordial.

"Tai Shang, you give me wait!"

After Primordial caught up with Taishang, he directly waved his hand to sacrifice Pangu Banner and Heavenly Qingyun, covering the nearby Tianji, and then frowned and asked Taishang: "What do you think?" Why such a compromise? "

"In this way, how can we still benefit from the Terrans and humanity?"

Isn't it working for the Terrans for nothing?


Tai Shang didn't seem to be surprised that Primordial would catch up, and did not rush to answer Primordial words, but said with a smile: "Second brother, you are finally willing to talk to me?" "

"Don't talk nonsense!"

Primordial brows wrinkled: "Answer my question!" "

He was willing to come to Taishang because he felt that he was alone now, and there was no one who wanted to find a helper and consult.

But this does not mean that he has 267 forgiven what Taishang did to himself in the first place.

In particular, Taishang actually made a trick in the half of the Jade Qing Origin that he had returned to him, so that he still did not dare to fuse this half of the Jade Qing Origin to perfect his Origin and improve his qualifications.

He is still very wary of Taishang.

Too good, did not joke much, but returned to the bland, and spoke: "Haven't you already seen the situation second brother?" The control of this matter itself is not on our side, what if we don't agree? "

"Second brother, do you think that the False Truth Dao Venerable, Nuwa Junior Sister, and that Houtu can't come up with the power to reincarnate as the sons and sages needed to become the Terran race?"

"Don't be naïve! If we don't agree, then we really won't be able to put our hands in at all! "

"At least, for now, we can further spread our Dao concepts and doctrines among the Terrans and strengthen our respective sects;"

"Besides, although you and I have sworn that the reincarnation will always put the interests of the Terrans first, and will always be Terrans, this does not mean that they are not under our control;"

"They can still get a steady stream of benefits for us, as long as we choose things that will not go against the interests of the Terran race in the future to hand over to this reincarnation?"

"It is true that this in itself will be much more troublesome and the benefits will be much smaller, but it is enough to earn money and break into the humanitarian interior!"

That's what he's always wanted.

Although it is impossible to use this to obtain benefits for him on the premise of harming the interests of the Terrans, the benefits are also obvious.

Even, Tai Shang feels that if it is really necessary in the future, it is not impossible for him to completely enter the humanitarian camp.

It's okay to give yourself an extra way back.

Based on the current situation, he could feel that Hongjun and the Heavenly Dao side were completely at a disadvantage and inferior in the competition and confrontation with the forces led by the False Truth Dao Venerable.

In the future, although it will become more unpredictable because of the imminent invasion of the Chaos God and Demon and the Chaos World, I don't know why, Tai Shang always feels that the final victory will only be the flood waste.

And the False and True Dao Venerable side will definitely be able to gain greater benefits from it.

He himself is not a staunch Heavenly Dao Sect, Hongjun Sect.

He is a staunch egoist, centered on self-interest.

Other than that, he doesn't care about anything.

As long as it was beneficial to himself, then he didn't mind turning his back on the Heavenly Dao camp.

As for Master Hongjun?


As a natural old coin, Taishang has long seen through the true face of Hongjun.

Hongjun is actually a refined egoist like him.

Everything exists in self-interest.

What he has done in the past is just for the greater good.

These Heavenly Dao Saints are just pawns for Hongjun to grab greater benefits.

Tai Shang is very clear about his position in Hongjun's heart.

Therefore, Taishang did not have any gratitude for Hongjun.

"Inside the mainland humanitarian?"

The original focus noticed this word, and suddenly his eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Tai Shang and said: "Sure enough, your purpose is not so simple, do you want to throw yourself into humanity?" "


Tai Shang took a deep look at Primordial: "Who knows? Maybe it will, maybe not, it's always good to leave yourself one more way; "

"Second brother, are you willing to agree, don't you also have such considerations?"

It's all old coins, who can't see through whom?

The original castle is not low.


Primordial listened, took a deep look, and then turned and left.

Before leaving, Primordial dropped a sentence: "Tongtian told me at the beginning that you left a means in the origin, I checked carefully, and indeed found some abnormalities, you are really a good means!" "

"You should have been waiting for me to fuse that origin, right? Then you don't have to wait! I won't fuse until I clear the back hand in it, you die this heart! "

After speaking, the original left directly.

Only Tai Shang stopped, standing in the void with a gloomy face, his eyes full of anger and haze.

"I said... Is it so Babel? "

Taishang's eyes suddenly narrowed slightly: "It seems that I still underestimate you!" My good third brother, you probably already know the true purpose, right? "

"No, no.... You with a straight nature, this should not be seen by you, moreover, my means are not so easy to see, that is, someone helped you .."

Thinking of this, a figure suddenly appeared in Taishang's mind: "Void and True Dao Venerable?" Sure enough, it's powerful, it's a good strategy! This time I lost! "

However, he will have another opportunity in the future.

Moreover, he has more than one plan for this matter.

Since this plan does not work, then change it.

Fortunately, he still had half a copy of the Yuqing and Shangqing Origin in his hands. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

One qi and three clear divine powers are still there, it is not a big deal to spend more time, slowly cultivate and accumulate more (ciee) of the origin of jade and shangqing.

With an introduction, anything is possible.

At best, it's a matter of time.

But he was still very upset in his heart.

"Once or twice, I have suffered enough losses at your hands! In the future, there will always be a day to come back, don't give me a chance! Hehe! "

Tai Shang thought with a sneer in his heart.

As a saint, he has more time.

There will always be a chance.

As time passed, soon, on the side of the Terrans of the Earth Immortal Realm, there were visions accompanying the birth of babies.

"This is... A vision of the incarnation of the Great Sage that appeared in ancient times? How is this possible? Is there going to be another sage from my Terran race? And, still so much? "

At this time, the great merchants of the Earth Immortal Realm had completely declined, and the Spring and Autumn princely states had begun to rise and emerge.

Because the inheritance of the Terran race had not been broken, many princes and powers of the Earth Immortal Realm also understood the meaning of this incarnation vision, and they were suddenly shocked.

"Quick! Fast! Find me these future sages with a vision of birth, and they will be used by my Qi Kingdom in the future! "

"My Chu Kingdom can't lag behind, we have to find more great sages as soon as possible."

"The world of great controversy, the world of great controversy!"


Although the kings of many princely states tried to find it, they ultimately found nothing.

It seems that these incarnation sages are hidden.

And at this time, above the Earth Immortal Realm, Fuxi, who was sitting at this time, looked at the situation of the Terrans below with a smile, chuckled and muttered: "It's not time yet, let's let these future sages grow naturally!" I believe that they will soon be able to make their mark! "

Then, Fuxi looked at the long river of Terran and humanitarian qi luck, and found that at this time, both the human race and humanitarian qi luck began to further erect, and there was already a lot of improvement, and the smile on his face was even stronger.

Hundreds of years have passed,

Because the Earth Immortal Realm is constantly downgrading and separating many planets, the lifespan of the Earth Immortal Realm Terrans is shortening, and the speed of dynasty change is also accelerating.

Of course, the process of Terran civilization is also accelerating.

At this time, hundreds of years have passed since the original trend of the Great Sage descend.

On the side of the Terrans in the Earth Immortal Realm, dozens and hundreds of academic schools have begun to appear one after another.

Among them, the Taoist doctrine of Laozi Li Er, the Confucian doctrine of Confucius Kong Qiu, the Mojia doctrine of Mozi Mozhai, the peasant theory of Shennong, Wang Chan's theory of the Ghost Valley Zonghengjia, and Sun Wu's doctrine of the soldiers.... And so on.

For a time, Terran thought began to diverge, and many people joined their own schools of doctrine.

At the same time, with the continuous expansion of many schools of thought, there began to be a collision of ideological levels, and the group gradually extended to the collision of physical practice and doctrine implementation.

For a time, the collision and fight between the princely states of the Terran race in the Earth Immortal Realm and the princely states began to intensify.

Many schools also began to use the major princely states as chessboards and pawns, and began their violent collision.

For a while, the Earth Immortal Realm Terrans began to fall into a more violent internal collision.

The war began to unfold continuously.

Although he saw that many Terrans died in this war and collision, Shennong, who was on duty at this time, still did not make a move.

Because he knows that this is an inevitable situation in the rise of hundreds of families, and it is also a pain that must be experienced in the progress of civilization.

It was also in the collision and struggle of hundreds of families that the luck of the Terrans not only did not decline and lose due to many wars and deaths, but began to improve rapidly.

At the same time, humanitarian luck began to grow and climb rapidly.

This situation made Nuwa, Fuxi and other humane saints very happy.

I am even more looking forward to the rise of the hundreds of families.

Funiu Mountain,

"It's a pity! I couldn't really get this benefit, otherwise, with my status as a Taoist and Lao Tzu, I would definitely be able to grab a rich victory from the Terran race and human luck. "

Taishang also paid attention to all this, and while his eyes were hot, he also thought with regret.

At the same time, Primordial et al. have the same idea.

Seeing the rapidly growing Terran race and human luck, Primordial and the others' eyes turned red.

Red eyes!

Western Lingshan,

"Senior Brother, it can't go on like this! I have to speed up my Buddhism, otherwise, I won't be able to catch up with the benefits of this time! "

Seeing that the other sons and hundreds of families began to show their prominence, and his Buddhism had not officially begun to spread eastward, Zhun Ti was a little unable to sit still.

"Peace of mind!"

The introduction was much calmer, and he soothed: "The rise and prosperity of Buddhism and Buddhism are the general trend and unstoppable, junior brother, you don't need to be anxious, just wait patiently; "

"Buddhism itself has become part of the teachings of the sons and daughters of the Terran race, and it is also good for the Terran race and humanity, and I believe that the Taoists cannot stop it, nor can they target us."

This is harmful to the Terrans.

"Hey 1, hope!"

Jun Ti sighed and nodded.

That's true, but he should be worried.

At the core of the illusory realm,

At this time, Lin Qing also sensed the discussion of jun mention and introduction.

Lin Qing smiled lightly and said, "Indeed, I will not stop Buddhism from spreading eastward, Buddhism is also of great benefit to the human race in general; "

"But there is also a difference between Buddhism and Buddhism!"

"Only Buddhism, which is completely beneficial to the Terran race, only Buddhism that belongs completely to the Terran race and even the sons and hundreds of families, can meet my requirements, meet the requirements of the Terran race, and can finally gain a foothold in the Terran race and not be eliminated."

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