Hongjun also nodded: "Indeed!" However, I am more curious about why Nuwa and Houtu did not move and react to this, it is impossible for them not to sense it; "

"Actually watching Zhun Ti and Zhu Ti do things, eroding the reincarnation of tunnels and humanitarian authority, but indifferent?"

"It's not normal, perhaps, there are secrets that we don't know."

Hongjun was very vigilant, and at the same time, he also wanted to know the reason inside.

Tiandao also frowned when he heard this: "Indeed!" But what will be the reason? "

"I don't know! I can only slowly test and understand it later! "

Hongjun shook his head.


Tiandao shook his head and said: "In fact, Houtu has already made a move, she has denied the identity of the Western Terran flood wilderness creatures, so that they cannot really leave their birth world and come to the flood wilderness, otherwise, they will be directly repelled and hostile to the flood wilderness, and their luck will be negative; "

"In addition, Houtu also blocked the ability of Zhun Ti and Zhun to lead them to those worlds that were not linked to the Flood Wilderness, and marked the souls of the Flood Barren creatures, so that Zhun Ti and Zhun Ti could not successfully bring the Flood Desert creatures into those worlds."

"As for Nuwa's side, she is also doing it, what means are arranged for the long river of humanity and the long river of human luck, and what is not clear what it is, but just by looking at the current effect, it can be seen that if you want to erode the flood and human luck through those so-called Western human luck, it is no longer effective;"

"Even, the human luck and humanitarian luck of those worlds are in turn being devoured and purified by the flood and desolation humane;"

"It's not like "Zero Fifty-Zero" Nuwa can get it in a short time, it should be the False Reality Daozun shot. "

As a Heavenly Dao, he can see much more things than Hongjun, these surface things, because Houtu and Nuwa have no cover, Heavenly Dao can easily understand.

"So it is!"

Hongjun listened, and immediately nodded: "It's a good means!" In this way, the quasi-mention and quotation are useless, no matter what calculations they have. "

Of course, Hongjun can also see that at least Zhun Ti and Zhu Ti can also provide a huge amount of faith power by relying on the continuous reproduction of these worlds and the Western race.

Zhun Ti and Introduction, as well as Buddhism, are based on the power of faith.

The six zhang golden body and the eight treasures merit pool all need the power of faith to fill.

At least, the mind was not in vain.

"I don't know why! I always felt that the Western Terran was a little strange, and I didn't know if it was my delusion! "

Tiandao muttered at this time.


This aroused Hongjun's vigilance and attention, and he immediately tried to calculate it.

But in the end, there was no useful information, and the birth of the Western Terrans seemed to be really just a coincidence, and it was ordinary, and the potential was far inferior to the Flood Terrans.

"I can't figure it out."

Hong Jun shook his head helplessly.

Tiandao also nodded: "I also tried, but the result is similar to yours, maybe it's just that I'm overhearted!" "


Hongjun nodded affirmatively on the surface, but he didn't think so in his heart.

He felt that the existence of the Heavenly Dao itself was special, and since he had sensed something wrong, there must be something strange in it.

"It's a pity, I can't see anything for the time being, I can only do it later!"

Hongjun thought to himself.

But he guessed that Lin Qing should know something.

This kind of opponent can see through, but he can't see through at all, the feeling is very bad, he doesn't like it.

Unfortunately, his relationship with Lin Qing is not good, and it is too difficult and difficult to know something from Lin Qing's mouth.

East Kunlun,

"Make people? Westerners? "

Primitive nature also sensed the handwriting of picking up and leading.

After all, the two made a lot of trouble.

This is the first case of opening up the world without choosing to link it to floods.

"Create your own Terrans?"

Primordial brows wrinkled slightly, pinched his fingers and calculated, and then scoffed: "Huh! Naive! Tunnels and humanity have already been mastered and revived, and such means, at all, cannot be put on the table, and will inevitably be countered by tunnels and humanity, in vain! "

"Moreover, the saint of the hall actually went to engage in the power of faith, which is simply smearing the saint."

It is true that Zhun Ti and Zhu Xi can completely obtain the luck in the opening world, but even if he does not do this, the world opened up by his disciples is linked to the flood waste, and he agrees to let the disciples go to those open up worlds to preach, and firmly grasp the luck in these worlds in his hands.

At most, because of the introduction of the Flood Barren Race and All Spirits, it is just a lot of luck to be divided.

But this is perfectly acceptable.

The primitive main thing is that he does not look at the way of faith.

In his opinion, this is simply rubbish.

"However, speaking of opening up worlds, perhaps, I can create my own illusory realm in these worlds?"

Primordial suddenly thought to himself.

On the side of the Flood Desolate Lord World, he couldn't succeed, after all, there was already Lin Qing's Illusory Realm.

He didn't have a chance.

But the world opened up by himself and his own disciples is different.

His desire to control these worlds was just a matter of words.

"Although, it is still not as good as the Illusory Realm of the Void Dao Venerable in the Flood Wilderness, but it is not bad!"

"In the future, my disciples will open up more and more worlds, and the world level will become higher and higher, and my Illusory Realm will also be able to continuously improve;"

"The point is that I can also try to open up a series of virtual and real cave worlds in the spiritual vein nodes in the open world, so that it can not only enhance my control over these open worlds, but also greatly command the resource conditions for these open worlds, and provide more cultivation resources for my disciples."

It's a lot!

"Decided, let's do it! It just so happens that the way of reality that I have been understanding for so many years can also come in handy! "

You can do it if you want, and immediately, Primordial went directly to the world group opened up by the disciples of the Interpretation Sect.

At the same time, all the disciples were informed of their decisions.

Naturally, it was supported by all the disciples of the Interpretation.

"Master is so powerful! We can actually open up the Illusory Realm that belongs to our teachings, is it that those top-level cultivation secret realms in the Illusory Realm of the Flood Desolation and various welfare benefits can be enjoyed for free? "

Guang Chengzi and the others said excitedly.

"Uh... This is not clear! "

Antarctic Immortal Dragon listened and shook his head hesitantly.

In fact, he felt in his heart that his master should not be able to do the same as the Void Reality Dao Venerable, at least those top-level cultivation secret realm structures, the Great Tribulation Immortal Light Array, and the Pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin... and so on these benefits cannot be done.

This thing is heaven-defying at first glance.

If their own master could do it, he would have provided it to them long ago, so that they could use it to improve their cultivation as quickly as possible. (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

There will be no need to let them go to the Dao Zun's Illusory Realm to pay for it.

The primitive nature over there also heard Guang Chengzi's words, and he couldn't help but turn slightly dark.

He felt that Guang Chengzi's mess did not have a long brain.

Why should such an obvious question be asked?

Do you want to make him embarrassed and embarrassed to be a master?

Not to mention the rest, just the Tribulation Immortal Light Array and the Pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin Condensation Array, it is not something he can get out.

Don't say it's him, Hongjun can't get it either.

The appearance of such outrageous things is very abnormal in itself.

If the two heaven-defying things, the Du Tribulation Immortal Light and the Pseudo Heavenly Dao Origin, can be artificially created, then the reward after the Tribulation, the reward of the Heavenly Dao actually becomes nothing precious?

The original has also been analyzed, Lin Qing's pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin, in fact, the effect is similar to the Heavenly Dao merit, or even stronger.

Of course, it should be worse than the true Heavenly Dao Origin.

But that's enough against the sky.

It's not that he hasn't thought of a way, he wants you to push or steal that pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin Condensation Array and the Du Tribulation Immortal Light Array.

But none of them worked.

Lin Qing has been too strict in protecting her intellectual property.

There is simply no insight into its content.

"It's a pity! If I can get the Pseudo Heavenly Dao Origin Condensation Array, then I will continue to use the Pseudo Heavenly Dao Origin to quickly improve my cultivation!" "

Primordial also thought unwillingly.

His Saint cultivation could be continuously accumulated and rapidly improved through the merits of the Heavenly Dao.

Since the Pseudo-Heavenly Dao Origin is stronger than the Heavenly Dao Merit, it is naturally possible.

This point, in fact, is not only the original regret, too shang, quasi mention, introduction and even Hongjun are very regretful..........

They want this too!

Tai Shang, Quasi Ti and Zhu Ti can quickly improve cultivation.

Hongjun took it, in addition to improving his cultivation, it would also help him occupy more initiative and advantages in the mutual erosion with the Heavenly Dao.

Earth Immortal Realm, Terran side.

As time passed, the period of victory soon came.

Moreover, the Terran countries of the Earth Immortal Realm, under the efforts of the wise monarchs of the Qin State and under the wise leadership of the Zheng Zheng, began the pace of annihilating and annexing the Qi State.

Korea, Wei, Zhao, Yan, Qi, and Chu were destroyed one after another.

"Damn it! It actually let the barbarians of the Qin State win the final victory, and the merit fell short, so helpless? "

Living in the Void Cave World, King Chu Zhuang saw that the Seven Kingdoms in the outside world had become history, and his Chu Kingdom was also defeated, and said with a look of unwillingness.


At this time, another Chu king said angrily: "If we can't make a move, if it weren't for the junior disciples not contending, how could my Chu Kingdom lose?" "

"All right! There is no point in saying this anymore! If you really want to talk about it, the Qin Kingdom also has previous kings and armies that have been moved into the Cave Heaven Secret Realm; "

"Those of us, if we really want to talk about it, thanks to the kindness of the ancestors of the people, we can continue to live, and even have a broader future, we should be satisfied!"

"Indeed! Since we lost in the Earth Immortal Realm, then we should go to the Inner World Flood Desolation as soon as possible, didn't the ancestors of the Human Emperor also say it? Go over there, as long as we work hard, the future is not impossible to be independent of the real Immortal Dynasty. "

"That's right! Our journey has just begun! Next, the flood famine is about to face the invasion of the outside world, there is a big war, we must seize this almost, rise as soon as possible, otherwise, miss this opportunity, the next time you want to promote the Immortal Dynasty I don't know when to go! "

"The junior disciples do not compete, plus the Qin State has succeeded in reusing the reform of the Legalists, and it is natural that the defeat will be a matter of course."


Similar discussions took place in the Dongtian Secret territories of Korea, Wei, Zhao, Qi, and Yan.

The successive kings of several princely states were very unhappy with the incompleteness of their junior disciples.

Directly educated the unpassed kings with sticks, and cleaned them up well.

Especially the kings of Korea.

Directly beat Han Wang An several times, and scolded while beating: "You bastard, there is such a good son as Han Fei who actually doesn't know how to reuse, in the end, actually let Korea fall into your hands, you are simply a waste, how did I pass the throne to you in the first place?" "4.8

When Han Wang An heard this, he immediately screamed and retorted: "Dad! O ancestors! Don't blame me for passing on the throne, or even the general trend, besides, when Korea fell into my hands, it was already thin and declining, how can I blame everything on my head? "

"Then how far the Qin Kingdom has grown step by step, can't you see it?"

"As for Han Fei, do you think I don't want to reform in the country? But do you think I can? "

"Those great nobles have long been corrupted, divided up the interests of the country, and held many powers in their hands, what can I do?"

"After you abdicated, each of them took away a lot of Korean essence, and besides, you can't communicate with me and teach me how to do it, what can I do?"

That's right, when the king abdicates the throne, he will basically stay in his own lineage, military and military affairs. Wait, even, even the royal city battle array created will generally be taken away.

Every generation of kings is to be taken away.

Once down, coupled with the continuous deterioration of the Earth Immortal Realm itself, not only the Seven Kingdoms, but also the power of the entire Earth Immortal Realm is constantly decreasing.

The key is that the abdicated king is as secret as possible, and he cannot contact the outside dynasty.

Without the help and support of its ancestors, the dynasty could only rely on itself, so all the history would continue to proceed step by step.

This is also what Lin Qing, Fuxi and others hope to see.

The extreme evolution of the Terrans still needs to be maintained.

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