"Is that so?"

Luo Xiao listened, revealed a dangerous smile, and indifferently looked down at the introduction and Zhun Ti: "It's not impossible!" However, the two Taoist friends have a relationship with me, and it would be too naïve to want me to give up the superb innate spirit root Bodhi tree and the innate gengjin origin that was about to arrive with a single sentence, right? "

"Who do you think I am? I'm a demon ancestor! Boom!! "

The devil is unscrupulous.

Zhu Ying and Zhun Tigang breathed a sigh of relief, and when they heard Luo Qi's words, their hearts suddenly tightened, and they were a little panicked.

Then he quickly smiled and said, "What you said is!" You see if this works, I will give a source to you as a source of cost, and my junior brother will also give a branch to you as a demon ancestor!" It's a meeting! "

"Besides, we each owe you a favor, what do you think?"

"Yes, yes!"

Although Jun Ti was very painful, he also nodded.

If he separates a branch, his origin must be damaged.

Even, the time of the birth of the incarnation is afraid that it will be postponed for a long time.

But what are these compared to lives?

"Oh? You guys are quite proactive! "

A weird smile appeared on Lin Qing's face, and he looked at the introduction and junti.

Without waiting for him to speak, he took the initiative to offer what he wanted, should they say that they know the time, or are they thorough?

"What if I don't say yes?"

"Luo Xiao" asked sadly.

I, the Demon Ancestor, like to say no to self-righteous people.

When the quotation and Zhun Ti listened, their hearts sank, and the tone of the quotation suddenly became hardened: "If the Demon Ancestor does not agree to this, then fight to blow yourself up, our junior brothers will not let you gain anything!" "

"What has just been given is our most sincere condition, no matter how much, we can't give it."

This is already the maximum limit of not harming the fundamentals.

If it is just a source of cost, although it will delay the time of transformation for a lot and delay a lot of cultivation time, but relying on this innate array, they can still take time to make up for it.

No more, it really hurts the root.

At that time, I am afraid that the road will be hopeless.

If that's the case, it's better to blow yourself up.

Even if you can't be buried with Laluo, at least you have to splash his blood.

He and Jun Ti have never lacked the ruthlessness of breaking the cauldron.

If it weren't for the feeling in the underworld that they couldn't beat at all, if they hadn't taken shape, Zhu Ying and Zhun Ti really wanted to have a fight with Luo Xiao.


Luo Xiao listened and raised his eyebrows: "It's quite bold!" "

Zhu Ying and Jun Ti suddenly looked at Luo Xiao nervously, waiting for his final decision.

In fact, they are also gambling, betting that Luo Xiao will not do that.


At this time, "Luo Xiao" put away his terrifying look, chuckled and waved his hand: "My Demon Ancestor is not a bad person, since you are all so sincere, then I agree!" "

"Of course, appreciating your courage is not the main reason, the main reason is that you are rare talents in my West, and I am not a devil, I really can't bear to ruin talents like you, which is not good for the future of our West!"

When he heard this, he immediately breathed a sigh of relief in his heart, and then said with a smile: "What you said!" The Demon Ancestor is worthy of being the Demon Ancestor, and the pattern is not comparable to us! "

Isn't it just a slap on the horse's?

They're good at this!

This skill, as if engraved in their bones, is extremely skillful even if it is used for the first time.

"Hand over my origin!"

"Luo Xiao" smiled faintly, and stretched out his hand to Zhu Yi and Jun Ti.

"Yes, yes!"

Although the shameless scolding of Luo Xiao in his heart was opened, he still obediently separated a source of cost and took the initiative to send it to "Luo Xiao".

This source of the connection is a cluster of light glowing with golden light, and after separating this group of origins, the body of the connection shrinks in a circle, and the light is much dimmer.

Obviously, the vitality is greatly damaged.

The origin of Jun Ti is a branch that contains a source of his own.

His originally perfect branch was also missing a branch at this time, which made Jun Ti feel very uncomfortable.

"You guys are good!"

"Luo Xiao" waved his hand to put away these two things, looked at the introduction and Zhun Ti and nodded with satisfaction: "However, don't forget that you each owe me a favor, and in the future, at the right time, I will get it back!" "

After speaking, "Luo Xiao" flashed and left here.


After waiting for more than ten days, after making sure that Luo Xiao really left, he was relieved to receive and Zhun Ti.

Then, Jun Ti broke his mouth and cursed, "Damn it! I thought I was shameless enough, but this time I saw what true shamelessness is! Get cheap and sell well...."

Jun Ti scolded directly.

But even so, he didn't dare to mention Luo Qi's name, for fear of being sensed by Luo Xiao and running over again.

That way, they're really done.

"Hey! Who says it isn't? "

The receiver on the side couldn't help but sigh, and said helplessly: "However, this is the devil!" Junior Brother, let's still consider ourselves unlucky! With his strength, I'm afraid we won't have a chance to take revenge in the short term! Write down this for the time being! The future is still long! "

He is convinced of the identity of "Luo Xiao".

"No one can always be in a favorable position, there is always a chance for us to take revenge!"

Jun Ti nodded fiercely: "Hmm! Don't worry! Senior brother, I'm not stupid! "

Obviously, these two brothers hated Luo Xiao.


The other side,


Lin Qing has repeatedly cast the Dao of Space and has been hundreds of millions of kilometers away from the valley where the connection and Zhun Ti are located, and has changed back to the prototype, and he couldn't help but raise his head and laugh loudly: "Leading, leading!" Zhun Ti, Zhun Ti! Do you have today? "

He was actually able to trick Zhun Ti and make a big bargain on them.

One word,


Thinking about the time when he was disgusted by the future two when he read the novel in his previous life, Lin Qing's heart was very happy at this time.

Didn't these two goods always like to say that XX is related to me?

Today, they also let them experience the feeling of being said to be "fate".

Come to think of it, these two must be happy in their hearts at this time!


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