Zhao Yun's side was irretrievable, and then Liu Bei walked to Zhuge Liang again, stepped forward and took Zhuge Liang's hand and said, "Mr. Kong Ming! I can't stop you!

Zhao Yun shook his head speechlessly when he heard these familiar words.

This Liu Bei is really .... Wonderful?

Over there, Zhuge Liang shook his head with a look on his face at that time and said, "Duke Xuan De should know me, in fact, if it weren't for Duke Xuan Degong's repeated invitations and the Mandate of Heaven, I wouldn't have come out of the mountain;"

"For me, Immortal Dao Immortal Life is the first priority;"

"I've been through it before, and this time, I want to live a different way. "

"Moreover, helping Shu Han is actually the experience of the Legalist for me, now I should also retire and go to the Legalist headquarters for further study, the future mountains are high and the water is long, and Duke Xuande should also take care." "

He is also a person with inheritance, organization and identity!


Liu Bei was slightly startled when he heard this: "Hasn't the Legalist already declined?"


Zhuge Liang listened, shook his head funny, and said, "This is just the appearance;"

"Indeed, for some reason, the Legalists seem to have declined on this side of the Earth Immortal Realm, especially after the Great Han deposed the Hundred Families;"

"However, in fact, the main body of the Legalist just withdrew from the Earth Immortal Realm and went to the Inner World Flood Desolation!"

"Nowadays, the power of the Legalists in the Inner World is not small, even the saints of my Legalists are still there, and they must be rapidly improving their strength with the help of the Illusory Realm. "

"According to the information I got, there will be a big war across chaos to start in the future, which is both a crisis and a great opportunity, and it is best for Duke Xuan De to focus on improving his own strength and that of the Shu Han next;"

"It just so happens that there are still a large number of chaotic creatures and chaotic copies to brush on the side of the Illusory Realm, so you must not miss this opportunity. "

This can be regarded as his last advice to Liu Bei.

As for whether Liu Bei will listen in the end, whether he can seize this opportunity is Liu Bei's own business.

He was not prepared to stay on Liu Bei's side anyway.

First, Liu Bei's own background was too poor to provide him with enough cultivation resources and environment for him to grow rapidly.

It will even drag him down in turn.

Second, continuing to stay under Liu Bei would inevitably continue to deal with a large number of affairs every day, which greatly delayed his cultivation.

Thirdly, he is following the way of the Legalists, and if he wants to obtain a higher inheritance, and wants 663 to obtain more professional guidance, naturally he can only go to the Legalist headquarters.

"Trans Chaos War? What is it?"

Liu Bei's eyes were confused, and he felt unconscious, and he couldn't understand it at all.

"It doesn't matter if you don't understand now, when you go to the flood of the inner world, someone will naturally tell Xuan Degong about you, and then you will understand." "

Zhuge Liang shook his head and explained.

"Is that so?"

Liu Bei listened, and nodded with a slight frown: "Then thank Kong Ming for your reminder!"

"Since you have decided to go, I can't continue to keep you, but, if you have time, remember to contact us more, come back and sit more, this will always be your home!"

Liu Bei basically said such things habitually.

Zhuge Liang just chuckled and nodded, and did not continue to say anything.

And even less will not express a position.

After that, Liu Bei continued to walk towards the other ministers of culture and martial arts, and took their hands one by one to greet each other.

Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang were ready to leave, which was a great loss for him.

Fortunately, no one in the remaining civil and military forces is proposing to leave.

This made Liu Bei breathe a sigh of relief.

At the same time, he was also a little dissatisfied with the choice of Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang.

But it didn't show it.

It won't help to show it now, it will only consume the last bit of affection.

It's better to be like this.

At least there is still incense, and if Zhao Yun and Zhuge Liang really send it in the future, he may also be able to use this incense to pull the relationship and get some benefits.

There is a master behind Zhao Yun, and there is also a Legalist behind Zhuge Liang.

There is a great possibility of development in the future.

Liu Bei is not a person who likes to do things to the extreme, this is his way of dealing with the world.

This side of the Yuan family's secret realm,

"Damn Cao Aqiu, actually treat me like this, to the Yuan family, I will not finish with you in the future!

Yuan Shao had a gloomy face and snorted coldly.

This time, their Yuan family lost miserably.

I originally thought that I could dominate the world and the next king of the imperial dynasty outside the city, but I didn't expect to end up like this.

This time, their Yuan family almost lost all games.

Even, because they lost too early, many literary and martial talents were poached by Cao Cao, and now their foundation has been emptied a lot, and even if they go to the Inner World Flood Famine, their growth will be greatly affected.


Yuan Shu saw this, and said with a contemptuous smile: "Don't you still like to laugh at me and look down on me?

"Most of the people in the family chose to support you, otherwise, you can have the original power?"

"As for finding Cao Ah to take revenge back, it is even more ridiculous, even if the people Cao Wei are gone, but how many cultural relics talents and armies belong to them?

"In the future, Cao Wei's growth rate in the Inner World Flood Wilderness will only be faster than my Yuan family, are you sure you want to be an enemy of him?"

"What if it is, is this revenge not rewarded?"

Yuan Shao glared at Yuan Shu viciously and questioned.


Yuan Shu smiled disdainfully: "King Cheng and defeat have already died once, those naturally do not count, if you want to choose to be the enemy of Cao Cao, please don't pull up the Yuan family, pull me, we can't accompany." "

It is really unwise to have one more enemy of this strength.

After experiencing a life and death, Yuan Shu felt that he had matured too much.

The failure taught him his lesson.

He didn't want to keep repeating the same mistakes.

If you can obviously cooperate and win-win, why should you have an extra enemy?


Yuan Shao listened and glared angrily at what Yuan Shu wanted to say, but he didn't know what to say for a while.

At this time, the ancestor of the Yuan family stood up and spoke: "The highway is right, next, we should not be enemies with Cao Wei, their strength is much stronger than us, and there are many more talents than us!"

"It is true that we were once and now a prince, but because we lost too early, many of the original forces were not counted on our heads, so our current strength is not strong;"

"It is really unwise to set up such an enemy as Cao Wei, in the beginning, don't mention this matter again!"

Yuan Shao listened, although he was very unwilling, but in the face of this Yuan family ancestor, he could only bow his head in the end: "Yes!

At the same time, Yuan Shao thought resentfully in his heart: "You guys wait for me, one day, I will let you understand that your ideas and practices are wrong, and I am right." "

Soochow Secret Territory,

I didn't expect that my grandson Jiaran would also become one of the winners of this late Han dynasty, hahaha!"

Sun Jian looked at Sun Quan and Sun Ce, and couldn't stop laughing.

He originally thought that if he died so early, it was basically impossible for his Sun Jian to emerge at the end of this Han Dynasty.

All these years, he has stayed in the secret realm and can only do it in a hurry. (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!)

But I didn't think that my two sons were so productive.

Both Sun Ce and Sun Quan were excellent than he expected.

"Hey, hey!"

Sun Ce listened and said with a smug smile: "Thanks to my father's teaching and the foundation left to us, we Sun Jian can have today;"

"Although we still lost this battle for hegemony in the late Han Dynasty, who would have thought that in the end we would be able to live again, and we would be able to go to the flood of the inner world and have a broader future?"

"This (cibd) once, I believe that we will definitely not end up hastily, and will definitely be able to build my Eastern Wu into a true Eternal Immortal Dynasty;"

Speaking of this, Sun Ce looked at Sun Jian and said, "Father, in the future, this big banner of Eastern Wu will need you to lead, and I'm better to be a vanguard general!"

"I can see that I am not a qualified monarch, and I am still more suitable for fighting with the army. "

Government affairs or something, it is not suitable for him at all.

"That's right!"

Saying that, Sun Ce looked at Sun Quan again and said, "Second brother, you are more suitable for governance than me, and the future affairs of government affairs should be left to you and your father." "

Sun Jian nodded affirmatively when he heard this: "Quan'er is indeed suitable for handling government affairs, then my Eastern Wu's government affairs will be handed over to Quan'er!"

"In fact, being a father is also more suitable and likes to fight together, but he is not interested in government affairs and is not so proficient;"

"This arrangement is just for the three of us to make the best of our talents and make my Soochow develop better." "

Sun Quan listened and said with a faint smile: "Since the eldest brother and father have said so, I naturally obey your arrangement." "

At the same time, Sun Quan was actually very happy in his heart.

Admittedly, he was very happy to find out that many people had been resurrected before and Soochow.

But seeing his father and eldest brother, he has always been careful who will be at the helm of this Eastern Wu in the future?

How powerful can he be in the future?

And where to go.

Now there is no need to worry, my eldest brother and father are really not interested in government affairs.

On the contrary, he was more interested in unified combat.

It just so happened that he himself had no interest in fighting in command.

Even, speaking of unified combat, he once regarded himself as a shame.

The name Sun Shiwan was a pain in his heart.

"Damn Zhang Liao, it's all you thief, otherwise how could I do this?"

Sun Quan thought resentfully in his heart.

Obviously, he is still worried about the defeat to Zhang Liao in Hefei and cannot be forgotten.

"With this Liao's ability, he must also be reborn, right?"

"The possibility of being under Lü Bu is not high, judging from the situation of culture and martial arts on my Eastern Wu side, he is the most likely on Cao Wei's side;"

"Hmph! Wait, I'll find an opportunity to take revenge in the future. "

Sun Quan thought hatefully in his heart.

In the future, he must wash away the notoriety of his grandson 100,000.

The secret territory where Lü Bu is located,

"Unexpectedly, after the last remaining Gao Shun you, can it be regarded as providence!"

Lü Bu inserted Fang Tian's halberd in front of him, stood there with his hands on his back, and saw through the light curtain the scene of the Jin dynasty being defeated by Wuhu in the north, and couldn't help but clench his fists: "How good would it be if we hadn't left with Na Ding Yuan and Hezhou?"

"That way, everything would be different, right?"

"Perhaps, we will always gallop on the vast grasslands in the north and cut off more Wuhu's heads, so that the current Han soil will not be as miserable as it is now." "

"Hehe, in the end, it is still useless for posterity, especially this Sima clan of the Jin Dynasty;"

"A group of villains who like to play tricks, in the end, they can't keep the rivers and mountains, it's just waste, if they were born in our time, our heavenly halberd would have slaughtered them in minutes." "

Obviously, Lü Bu was very disdainful of the Sima clan.

Some even regretted why they didn't find an opportunity to destroy this waste of the Sima Clan in the first place.

Otherwise, even if this world is in Cao Wei's hands, it will not be so useless.

For Cao Cao, Lü Bu had a bitter hatred when he was just resurrected, but now, he has seen a lot of things.

At the same time, he still recognized Cao Cao's ability.

"It's a pity, we can't go back!"

Gao Shun shook his head: "Wen Hou is right in saying that we shouldn't have left Hezhou in the first place;"

"We are the border troops of the villagers in our hometown who rely on the province to feed and provide for it, and our mission should be to defend our hometown and the villagers, not to throw ourselves into the whirlpool of the dispute between the princes;"

"Presumably, the villagers in my hometown hated us until they died, right?"

"Maybe they've been resurrected too, but I don't feel like I'm going to see them at all." "

This is the eternal pain in Gao Shun's heart.

Unfortunately, there is no regret medicine to take.

Even if the villagers are resurrected, he can't forgive himself, and similarly, he thinks the villagers should not be able to forgive them, right?

"You think too much!"

Lü Bu listened, nodded, shook his head again, reached out and patted Gao Shun's shoulder, and said, "When we left Hezhou, we couldn't help ourselves, then Ding Yuan gave the order, can we not obey?"

"I admit that I had the idea of achieving fame and fortune, but in the end, we are also involuntary in this matter, so don't blame yourself so much!"

"It's a big deal to find the villagers, apologize to them, and find a way to double their compensation." "

"In order to find them and compensate them, we must not retreat into decadence, but strive to become stronger." "

"You have also seen the situation of the illusory realm, I think it is very suitable for us to grow, in the future, we will not engage in hegemony, nor will we care about those intriguing government affairs, we will be pure generals, strong people, and strive to become stronger together with our brothers;"

"I believe that with our talent and hard work, there will be a place for us in this flood in the future." "

In terms of governance, he knew that he was not this piece of material, but when it came to martial arts, cultivation, and commanding troops, Lü Bu was full of confidence.


Gao Shun listened and nodded: "Then try harder!"

PS: Customize, flowers! Evaluate! Support.

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