At the core of the illusory realm,

"Congratulations to Junior Brother Kong Xuan and Junior Sister Lei Ze for their sanctification."

Seeing Kong Xuan and Lei Ze's momentum skyrocketing, Ao Yu and the others congratulated the two one after another.

They don't envy it at all.

After all, he is already a mixed yuan Da Luo, and he can't look at this holy position himself, so he envy a yarn?

"Hee-hee! Is this the realm of a saint equivalent to Mixed Yuan Da Luo? Sure enough, it is extraordinary, that is, the combat power feels a little weak, the physique has not followed, and the strength of the avenue is also weaker, otherwise, it can really be comparable to the same level of mixed yuan Da Luo. "

Lei Ze smiled and felt the change in the power in his body, and spoke.


Kong Xuan also nodded in agreement: "No wonder Master, you let us take a long-term view very early, and put our focus and cultivation on the path of mixed yuan, this saint is indeed inferior to the mixed yuan Daluo." "

For a time, Kong Xuan's interest in the power of the saint was greatly reduced.

If it weren't for the fact that this realm was really real and could greatly increase his understanding and calculus ability, he wouldn't want it.

"The restrictions are really big!"

Lin Qing also smiled and nodded: "But for those of you who haven't preached the Mixed Yuan Daluo yet, it's a good aid; "

"In fact, the real limitation of the holy position is that it is difficult for the saint's cultivation to improve, and it is closely related to the flood itself;"

"If you want to rise to a certain height, the flood itself must develop to a certain level;"

"For people who are not talented enough, this is actually a good choice, not only can they obtain combat power comparable to ordinary mixed yuan Daluo, but they can also be eternal with the flood waste;"

"If Hong Huang can be promoted, his strength and realm can also skyrocket;"

"However, for you who are talented and can follow the path of mixed elements, only the increase in understanding and calculus comprehension ability are good."

Therefore, the holy position is the chicken rib of the gifted, but it is the treasure of those with relatively mediocre qualifications.

At the beginning, Hongjun actually pit Sanqing and Nuwa.

In other words, the two were different, and the holy place was a boon to them.

For Sanqing and Nuwa, the Holy Position is not only a bondage, but also a breaker to their path.

If it weren't for the influence of the Holy Position and the Quasi-Holy Way, Primordial Taishang might not be able to rely on their own Dao Daluo.


Of course, it's too late to say that.

They have all turned to ashes, and it is unknown whether they can be resurrected.

Even if it could, it would be after I don't know how many immeasurable robberies.

Da Luo Eternal, a certificate of eternal proof 453, is not a joke.

Even if Da Luo falls, it will not really fall completely, unless someone is willing to spend a lot of effort to go back to the timeline and erase all their traces.

That way, they will truly and completely fall.

But it's too hard.

Moreover, it is too difficult to go back and tamper with the timeline of the flood, and it has a huge impact on the flood.

Not necessarily good, not necessarily bad, but full of uncertainty.

So, no one would want to do such a thankless thing.

Anyway, the dead Da Luo wants to be resurrected, it's not so simple.

"That's not bad either! At least it can speed up the speed of comprehension of the path of mixed elements, which is already precious! It can allow junior disciples and junior sisters to preach the mixed yuan Da Luo at a faster speed; "

"Otherwise, at a normal speed, Junior Brother Kong Xuan and their desire to preach the Dao Mixed Yuan Daluo will be at least tens of millions of years before it is possible."

Ao Yu said with a smile.


Rolling also nodded affirmatively: "Perhaps, this holy position can be regarded as a kind of heritage of our Three Immortal Island, and after Senior Brother Kong Xuan successfully preaches the Dao Mixed Yuan Daluo, they can remove the position of the saint, let the holy seat vacate, and hand it over to the junior disciples and sisters who have not yet preached the Dao Mixed Yuan Daluo and even the disciples who have made great contributions to the Three Immortal Island to fuse; "

"And with the help of the Holy Throne, continue to accelerate their speed of comprehension of the Mixed Element Way;"

"We can use the Holy Seat as a precious resource;"

Speaking of this, Rolling looked at Lin Qing and asked, "Master, such frequent changes of saints should not have a bad image of the Heavenly Dao, right?" "

If it was before, the Rolling Dao would be unlucky and weakened.

But now that the Heavenly Dao has fallen into the hands of the Master, and the Master has also become the Lord of the Heavenly Dao, it is naturally impossible to smash his own pot.

"Naturally not!"

Lin Qing shook his head with a smile: "It's just a change of saint, the image is minimal, this problem doesn't need to be considered at all!" "

"In addition, your idea is very good, so let's come like this in the future!"

Saying that, Lin Qing also looked at Kong Xuan, Lei Ze, and Bixiao and instructed: "So, you can't slack off next, and use the power of the saint to preach the Dao Mixed Yuan Da Luo as soon as possible!" "

"At that time, it is better to vacate the holy seat and give it to other junior disciples and sisters to use."

"You can't always take advantage of (CIDJ) actions, that would be very unfair to your junior brothers and sisters, understand?"

He said this on purpose, wanting to put a little pressure on Bixiao.

Let her spend more time on cultivation.

As for Kong Xuan and Lei Ze?

He wasn't worried at all.

Because, these two people are the most diligent in cultivation among his family members.

It's just that Bixiao is more playful.

Oh! Ao Yu is actually quite playful, but she has not pulled down in her practice.

In addition, the entry is more searchable, so her speed of preaching mixed yuan Da Luo is not slow.


Kong Xuan and Lei Ze nodded solemnly when they heard this, that is, Bixiao felt a little bitter in his heart.

She dared to pick herself up as if she had entered a pit.

"If you know it earlier, don't rush to ask for it! Well, if you want to be lazy, you can't do it! "

Bixiao thought with regret in her heart.

"That's right!"

At this time, Bixiao suddenly thought of something, and her eyes lit up slightly as she looked at Lin Qing and asked, "Master!" The master sister seems to be still in the position of the Heavenly Dao Saint, right? In fact, it can make the master sister also step down and hand it over to Junior Brother Dapeng or Senior Brother Wukong. "


Lin Qing listened, and immediately said speechlessly: "Don't worry about your senior sister's affairs!" "

"I'll ask her when she returns to the Flood Wilderness, in fact, she is now more to help me manage the Heavenly Dao and govern the Heavenly Dao Saints!"

"Don't you forget that among the Heavenly Dao Saints, there are still quasi-mentions and introductions! You have to stare at them a little; "

"It's impossible for a master to keep in charge of the affairs of the Heavenly Dao!"

In his opinion, cultivation is the most important, Heavenly Dao or something, he doesn't want to spend too much time on management.


Bixiao was puzzled when he heard this: "Master, that Zhun Ti and Zhu Yi are not good people, since the Heavenly Dao has already fallen into your hands, why don't you simply destroy the two of them directly?" "

You don't have to stay in that bother.

She doesn't care about others, anyway, she is unhappy with the mention and introduction.

"Little sister!"

Yunxiao listened and glared at Bixiao: "Since Master didn't do this, there must be Master's consideration, what are you saying so much for?" "

This smelly girl really didn't hit the house for a day.


Lin Qing waved her hand at Yunxiao, signaling her to be calm, and then Lin Qing looked at Bixiao and explained, "Because the two of them can't die yet!" "

"Do you remember how they were sanctified?"


This question immediately made Rolling and the others slightly startled.

Ao Yu, who had a flexible brain, suddenly flashed a message in his mind, and immediately spoke: "I remember!" In order to become holy, these two people seemed to have made forty-eight great wishes to the Heavenly Dao, and borrowed a huge amount of Heavenly Dao merit from the Heavenly Dao before they could barely become holy; "

"That's a lot of merit, it is estimated that they haven't paid much until now, right?" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

"Now that Master has become the Lord of Heaven's Dao, then this creditor has naturally become, Master;"

"If you kill these two people directly, doesn't that mean that these two debts cannot be recovered?"

"It's really not worth killing them, it's not cost-effective."

"I think it's better to wait until they pay off their debts and destroy them."

How to squeeze their use value is not.


Bixiao also suddenly realized.

Then looked at Ao Yu a little strangely and said, "It's just that Second Senior Sister, your trick is too damaging and you did a beautiful job, I think you should do it." "

As long as she saw the bad luck of the Western Two Saints, she was happy.

"Hee-hee! Right? "

Ao Yu also smiled proudly.

"Huh! You guys! "

Lin Qing and the others looked at these two people and shook their heads funny.

The heart is silent for a second.

Targeted by these two naughty melon babies, then their future is worrying.

Western Lingshan,

"The Heavenly Dao Saint actually changed three at once, it seems that the Primordial and Taishang and the teacher are already fierce!"

He looked at the three successive visions of sanctification and couldn't help but muttered in horror.

The truth is so scary.


Jun Ti also nodded along: "It seems that who can be blamed for this?" If you want to blame, you can only blame Primordial and Taishang for their own death; "

"I don't know what they think when they choose to join the enemy at that time?"

"If you have a long brain, you should know that Dao Zun is not such a simple character, but they just did it! I'm afraid their purpose at that time was not simple! "

He wouldn't believe that Primordial and Taishang chose to do this at that time, and only made such a decision because he felt that the Hong Huang side could not win the battle.

"It's nothing more than to find the right time to pit the Dao Venerable, and then use the hands of people from different chaos to invade the flood wilderness and control the flood wilderness!"

"Primordial and Taishang's minds are not complicated, and the two have never given up controlling the flood waste;"

"They have always regarded themselves very highly, feeling that they are the authentic Sanqing of Pangu, and this flood should be controlled by them;"

The introduction has always been clear about this.

Although on the surface he never showed it, he actually always scoffed at it in his heart.

The entire flood famine was created by the Pangu Great God, and in this year, who can stand on the top of the flood famine, who is not Pangu authentic?

"This should be it!"

Jun Ti also nodded and said with a mocking face: "It's a pity! They are too self-sufficient! In the end, it will lead to the scourge of killing! "

"Or Tongtian is smarter, and secretly turned to Daozun in the morning, which is what he achieved today, sometimes I have to envy that guy in Tongtian, it's too lucky."

If they had also turned to Dao Zun early, their lives would have been much better now.

Obviously, although their little lives will be fine, they are also completely subject to Lin Qing, not only do they not get Lin Qing's favor, but they want to obediently work for Lin Qing.

One is not good, and it may be killed by Daozun himself.

It's a bad feeling.

On the other hand, the lifeblood is nested in the hands of the other party, and they have no strength and opportunity to resist.

"Damn Hongjun! Everything is his fault! "

Jun Ti suddenly couldn't help but scold.

"If he hadn't found his own death to attack the Gate of Time and Space and attack the Dao Venerable, my Heavenly Dao Saint side would not have become like this."

Everything is Hongjun's fault.

Jun Ti and Zhu Yi hated Hongjun in their hearts.

You said that since you have done this kind of thing, then you are a little more powerful, give me success!

On the other hand, they ran directly to send it, and they didn't even splash a little, and they were tired, which made people very annoyed.

Isn't this a pit man?

"Junior Brother! Stop scolding! Want to open some! If you think about it, although we are now a little passive, we can be regarded as successfully cast under the Dao Zun; "

"As long as we work diligently and diligently to do things for Daozun in the future, with the character and behavior of Daozun, we will certainly not embarrass us, and even give us corresponding benefits;"

"Thinking about it this way, doesn't it feel much better?"

Although they lost some freedom, they got a chance to hold their thighs, and they also gained a brighter future.


Jun Ti nodded helplessly and let out a long sigh: "Hey! I am just a little worried that Daozun has opinions about us because of some of our past behaviors, which will affect his old man's judgment and treatment of us in the future. "

He knew very well how many people he and his senior brother had offended in the past, and how unpopular they were.

"Probably not!"

He was also slightly stunned, a flash of worry flashed in his eyes, and then comforted: "I believe that as long as we do things for Daozun with our hearts, that Daozun will no longer live up to our efforts in the future." "

That's all there is for now.

This feeling of putting all hope in the hands of others is really bad.

East Kunlun,

"Senior Brother, what should we do next?"

Huang Long looked at Guang Chengzi and asked.

Last time he went to Xenochaos, he and Guangchengzi and Antarctic Immortal were left behind as family keepers.

Unexpectedly, he actually escaped because of this.

Otherwise, he estimated that he would have died.

When Guang Chengzi heard Huang Long's question, he also replied a little irritably: "Junior brother, if you ask me, who should I ask?" Who would have thought that Master would actually choose to betray the flood and join the enemy? "

"The key is still dead now, leaving us such a mess that we can't clean up at all;"

"These days, there are already countless disciples of the Interpretation Sect and sects affiliated with the Interpretation Sect who have chosen to break away from the Interpretation Sect and choose to distance themselves from us;"

"If we continue like this, it won't be long before our teachings will completely fall apart!"

"I'm also going to think of a perfect solution! Unfortunately, I can't! What might you figure out to do? "

He was desperate!

Who would have thought that the original was such a pit?

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