"Good, good, good! This teaches you! "

Lin Qing saw it and touched Ao Yu's head funny.

Because it is a congenital Yin and Yang Origin Form, he has innate mastery of Yin and Yang divine powers, and because of the foodie instinct, he has developed the divine power of devouring heaven and earth.

It can quickly digest and absorb everything eaten into its own growth nutrients.

Not only spirit bamboo, spirit medicine, spirit plant, but even hard spirit materials, innate spirit mines... Wait, everything that comes to his mouth is a dish.

The name of the iron-eating beast is definitely not a joke.

Because Lin Qing himself had mastered the law of yin and yang, he had secretly observed it for a while at this time, and with his anti-heavenly understanding, he had already comprehended this magical ability.

[You observed the innate divine power exerted by Xiong Batian to devour the heavens and the earth, combined with your own yin and yang law and devouring law to deduce, you had an epiphany, and comprehended the divine power to devour the heavens and the earth. 】

"However, this magical ability still needs to be simplified, otherwise, you won't be able to learn Ao Yu!"

"For the master to divide the divine power into nine layers, you learn layer by layer, and when the nine layers are completed, you can reach the power of rolling innate divine power!"

"The name of the god is to devour the heavens and eat the earth!"

Saying that, Lin Qing raised his hand to the heart of Ao Yu's eyebrows, and passed on this heaven-devouring divine power to Ao Yu.

Ao Yu directly felt the massive amount of information pouring into his mind, directly turned into a prototype, lay on the ground, closed his eyes and digested.

At the same time, between a breath and a breath, there was actually a faint yin and yang dao rhyme and devouring dao rhyme appearing, and the rolling eyes directly rounded when they saw it.

Purr! The spirit bamboo shoots in his hand fell directly to the ground, and he didn't care.

"This... How is this possible? "

Rolling looked back and forth at Ao Yu and Lin Qing with a look of disbelief, and then asked Lin Qing: "Master!" Do you really grasp my true powers at a glance? "

"Nope! I feel that your devouring is more powerful than mine? "

Could it be that Lin Qing mastered the genuine version?

Is his talent actually a pirated copy?

Or is it that his own master is actually a rolling body.

"If that's the case, it makes sense why Master rushed to take me as an apprentice!"

Rolling with an expression of insight into everything, I nodded to myself.

Lin Qing was amused when he saw it.

This idea is written on the face, and you don't have to guess to see it.

Lin Qing immediately reached out and knocked on his brain, "Don't guess!" Your master, I'm not a roll! You are the first rolling in the world, and maybe even the only one for the time being! "

"Master Wei's Heaven Devouring Earth is only based on your natural talent, combined with the Devouring Law to deduce and comprehend, and it is precisely because of the Devouring Law that you feel that it is stronger than you."

"How? Worship me as a teacher, right? Do you want to learn from my version of Devouring Heaven and Earth? "

This magical power is definitely a boon for foodies and lazy people.


Rolling nodded repeatedly, looked at Lin Qing with his eyes wide and pleaded, "Master, teach me quickly!" Teach me quickly! "

At the same time, he thought to himself: "This divine power is much stronger than my natural power, with this, won't I be able to eat more and increase my cultivation every day?" "

"Even, can I eat the hard guy I couldn't gnaw before?"

In this life, he can only eat and cannot give up.

He has a dream, a dream that one day, he can truly devour the heavens and the earth, and there is nothing he can't digest.

"Huh! You! "

Lin Qing saw it, and knocked on his head funny: "This will pass on you!" Remember to practice this magical power! In addition, I will pass on another major exercise to you, and it is guaranteed to match your magical powers! "

Saying that, Lin Qing passed on this enhanced version of the Heaven-Devouring Divine Power cultivation method to Rolling Roll.

By the way, based on this heaven-devouring and earth-devouring divine power, he deduced a technique that can become stronger by eating, and it was also passed on to Rolling Roll.

Then, Rolling also fell into a deep sleep and began to digest the magical powers and exercises in his mind.

At the same time, the Yin and Yang Great Mill Chart composed of Dao Rhymes appeared on his body;

In addition, a faint devouring rhyme appeared, enveloping him.

Lin Qing was worried that he would affect Ao Yu, so she waved her hand to send Ao Yu back to her residence, and at the same time, waved her hand to lay a formation around the two of them to assist them in cultivation.

After doing this, Lin Qing returned to the rolling side, carefully observed the operation of his natural talent and the yin and yang rhyme, and analyzed and comprehended.

His cultivation was higher than Rolling Rolling, and even his comprehension of the Yin and Yang Law was far beyond Rolling Rolling.

But the rolling body is the innate yin and yang origin.

Its body contains an extremely profound path of yin and yang.

Seeing the Dao Rhyme on his body, Lin Qing's practice on the path of Yin and Yang was twice as effective with half the effort.

Of course, this is only part of his mind, but part of his mind is still outside.

At this time, Zhengfei broke away from the Flood Barren Continent and rushed all the way to the extraterrestrial starry sky.

He was going to explore the Sun, the Sun, and other big stars.

Especially the sun star.

But he knew that there were still a lot of good things there, and if he didn't take advantage of Di Jun and Taiyi not to take advantage of the fact that they didn't take shape, he wouldn't have such a good opportunity in the future.

The extraterrestrial starry sky is far away from the flood wilderness, and even with Lin Qing's current cultivation and comprehension of the way of space, the journey will take tens of hundreds of years.

In this process, he divided more minds into the doppelganger inside the Chaos Bead, and realized the Yin and Yang Dao on the rolling body, and the golden thunder on the golden thunder bamboo.

Of course, he has not forgotten to divide some doppelgangers from time to time to supplement the number of doppelgangers who are constantly opening up virtual and real holes in the western continent and even the east, south, and northern continents.

Maintain it at a certain number.

This work will continue for many years to come.

No way, the flood is too big.


10 years later,

[You have analyzed some of the Dao rhymes of the innate yin and yang origin in Xiong Batian's body, and you have gained a lot, and your yin and yang laws have been greatly improved. ] 】


5 years later,

[You comprehend the thunder rhyme in the Golden Thunder Bamboo of the Innate Spirit Root, and you have an epiphany, you comprehend the small god power and ward off evil god thunder. ] Comprehend the Law of Thunder (3%). 】


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