"Find death!"

Lin Qing sneered and raised his hand to rush at Ao Tian.

"Large Space Technique, Space Confinement!"

Space ripples.

When he boarded, Ao Tian felt that the space around him seemed to freeze, and he was actually unable to move.

"This is..... Space powers? How can it be? "

For a moment, he became terrified.

It seems that this time the kick hit the iron plate.

"You.... Let me go! Do you know who I am? I am the 109th grandson of Zulong, you dare to touch me? The entire East China Sea, the entire flood famine, will have no place for you! "

Ao Tian shouted fiercely.

Obviously, he does not regret his actions.


When Lin Qing heard this, he just smiled coldly and raised his hand again to lash at Ao Tian's eyebrows.

"Large Space Technique, Space Cutting!"

The next moment, Ao Tian's head was directly cut off without hindrance with the true spirit.


Ao Tianzhi had time to let out a scream, and the next moment he was directly annihilated and died.


At the moment of Ao Tian's death, in the depths of the East China Sea, inside the ancestral dragon's nest, a nine-clawed golden dragon of the Great Luo Golden Immortal level suddenly opened its eyes and roared: "Who is it?" Who killed my Ao Tian child? "

The next moment, this nine-clawed golden dragon Ao Ming directly tore the space and left the ancestral dragon's nest, following the cause and effect line to kill.


Lin Qing's side had a feeling of impending disaster in an instant.

"Not good! I'm afraid that this Ao Tian's death was discovered by the Dragon Clan! "

Mastering the Great Causal Technique, Lin Qing deduced the source of the danger in an instant, and did not even think about directly transporting the Great Causal Technique:

"Great causal technique, causal transfer!"

In an instant, he quietly transferred the cause and effect of killing Ao Tian to the half-step Daluo-level demon whale 100,000 kilometers to the north.

Then, with a wave of his hand, Ao Tian's body was included in the Chaos Bead, and the Chaos Bead was borrowed to completely cover up the cause and effect and breath.

"Large Space Technique, Space Shift!"

Then, Lin Qing did not hesitate to cast a large space technique, and instantly moved away from here, appearing a million kilometers to the west.

In this way, Lin Qing still felt unsafe, and kept casting large space techniques one after another, constantly moving away from it, and constantly heading out of the Flood Barren Main Continent.


"Little devil whale, actually dare to kill my Ao Tian child! Give me death!! "

"Roar! You fart! When did Uncle Ben kill your son of a loach? "

"Still dare to quibble!"

"You're such a bully! Uncle Ben swallowed you! "


After Lin Qing had moved dozens of times and was tens of millions of kilometers away from his previous position, he suddenly heard a violent roar and roar from the east.


Lin Qing suddenly let out a long breath with a chill in his spine: "Fortunately, I was clever, passed on the cause and effect, and ran fast, otherwise, this time it would be miserable!" The dragon clan in this period is really powerful! Just run out of a Da Luo-level golden dragon! "

Even thousands of kilometers away, Lin Qing could feel the battle fluctuations over there.

"It's worthy of a Daluo-level battle!"

"No, it's not safe here, keep slipping!"

With this thought, Lin Qing continued to use large space techniques to rush towards the Flood Barren Lord Continent.

There is no thought of watching the excitement at all.


When Lin Qing ran billions of kilometers and appeared in the east of the Flood Barren Continent facing the sea, suddenly, a wailing sound appeared in the sky in the distance.

At the same time, there was a pillar of blood-colored light running through the heavens and earth in the eastern sky.

For a time, the powerhouses above the Da Luo level within a range of hundreds of millions of kilometers were all alarmed by this movement.

"This is.... Has a Da Luo level powerhouse fallen? "

"Nope! It's just a half-step Da Luo! It seems to be the hand of the dragon clan, and the dead is still a fierce beast, interesting! "

"The dragon clan is really not ordinary!"

Many of the great powers in this range have been talked about from the air.

However, just the fall of the half-step Daluo-level ferocious beast did not arouse their great interest, and soon these powerful people withdrew their divine thoughts and continued to work on their own affairs.

Somewhere in the East China Sea.

Ao Ming looked at the corpse of the demon whale coldly and frowned slightly: "Why do I always feel that something is wrong?" Could it be that what the demon whale said was true? Is he innocent? "

With this thought, Ao Ming's mind moved to the river of time and watched the images of the past.

"It's really just an illusion!"

Ao Ming soon saw that in the past images, his son Ao Tian clearly died at the hands of the demon whale.

"Hmph! You actually want to deceive me, it's not a pity to die! "

Ao Ming snorted coldly, waved his hand to put away the body of the demon whale, and then left this side.


Lin Qing saw the blood-colored pillar of light that rushed into the sky, and couldn't help but wipe a sweat in his heart: "Thanks to my cleverness, otherwise, it will be cold if I don't get it right this time!" Sure enough, the Flood Desolation World is really dangerous! "

He is a little Taiyi Golden Immortal, and he is really insecure.

"However, I have written down the grievances of the dragon clan this time, and I must pay tribute to it when I find an opportunity!" Hum! "

Inexplicably attacked by the dragon clan, he was still very unhappy in his heart!

In addition, after understanding along the way, he has understood that he is still at the end of the Ferocious Beast Tribulation, but the dragon clan is already so domineering, so what will happen later?

"Forget it! Now is not the time to think about this, it's time to see the harvest! "

Thinking so, Lin Qing found a mountain to fall on, waved his hand to arrange a large array, and then sank into the Chaos Bead for a year, locking the dragon corpse.

"Let me see what the dragon clan has to hide! I hope you don't let me down! "

With this thought, Lin Qing began to analyze and comprehend this dragon corpse, dragon ball, and even the broken dragon soul


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