
Lin Qing listened and smiled slightly: "Okay!" Come to Japan! You better nurture and grow well! I still have important things to do! You can't stay here all the time! "

"You don't need to worry about Wangshu's side, she will be fine, and she should also take shape before you in the future, when the time comes, she will naturally come back to you."

Saying that, Lin Qing waved his hand and collected some moonlight crystals from the side, then tore open the space, left the Taiyin Star, and rushed towards the Flood Barren Land.

On the way, I did not forget to parse the moonlight crystals in my hand.

2 years later,

[You have analyzed the moonlight crystal, had an epiphany, comprehended the moonlight crystal condensation technique, and the moonlight crystal array. ] 】

"Qi live! At this time, it is possible to further comprehend and try to create a magical secret technique and even a formation that artificially synthesizes the three-light divine water! "

Lin Qing thought happily.

Once this magical secret technique is completed, then he will be able to have a steady stream of three-light divine water in the future.

In the past ten thousand years, Lin Qing has continuously used the Dao of Space, and he has not forgotten to continue to comprehend the Dao of Space, so his speed is faster.

It took decades when he came, and when he returned, it was only more than 5 years before he returned to the Flood Barren Continent.

Of course, this is because he did not rush with all his strength.

After returning to the Flood Barren Continent, Lin Qing did not go to other places, but directly rushed to Yingzhou Island in the East China Sea.

It has been a long time since he came out this time, and he feels that it is time to go back and digest the harvest this time.

"Now the three races of the Dragon, Phoenix and Qilin have completely developed and become the protagonists of the era of the Flood Barren World!"

"It seems that a new catastrophe is not far away!"

Along the way, Lin Qing found the domineering figures of the three races of dragons, phoenixes and unicorns in many places on the Flood Barren Continent.

Moreover, the conflict between the three communities has intensified.

As for the other Flood Barren races?

Under the suppression and annexation of these three ethnic groups, they can only rely on the three ethnic groups to survive.

In this process, conflicts are naturally inevitable.

Countless creatures died in the process.

Most of them were even affected by the aftermath of the battle.

Lin Qing could clearly feel that the calamity that had disappeared with the end of the ferocious beast calamity in the flood desolation had now appeared.

Moreover, it is becoming more and more intense.

It wrapped around the members of the three races of the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin and many of the Hong Barren creatures who participated in the battle, making them more and more violent and murderous.

"Heaven and Earth Tribulation? Is it naturally derived from the Heavenly Dao, or is there a problem behind it? "

Lin Qing felt that something was wrong inside, but what it was, he still couldn't touch it, and he couldn't feel it.

"It's still too weak! If I break through the Mixed Yuan Da Luo now, maybe I can see more things."

"There is not much time left for me, I have to grow up as soon as possible!"

Lin Qing had a sense of urgency in his heart, urging him to keep getting stronger.

It took several months for Lin Qing to quietly return to Yingzhou Island after avoiding many dragon clans that were raging in the East China Sea.

With his attainments in the Dao of Space, the Dao of Void and the Dao of Cause and Effect, even the Daluo of the Dragon Clan and even the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal level powerhouse would not be able to discover him if he didn't meet him in person.

"I'm back!"

Back in the Qinglian Creation Mansion, Lin Qing first came under the Wudao tea tree, reached out and touched the Wudao tea tree and said hello.

"Welcome back to Taoist friends!"

The crisp voice of the Wudao Tea Tree sounded in Lin Qing's mind, and at the same time, the branches and leaves of the Wudao Tea Tree were still gently shaking, making a sassy sound.

"Huh! Congratulations to the Taoist friend, who finally gave birth to a complete spiritual intelligence and soul, and even, even his cultivation has been promoted to the Golden Immortal! It's so fast! "

Lin Qing looked at the changes in the Wudao Tea Tree, and his eyes lit up slightly.

It is worthy of the enlightenment of the tea tree as a heel, this talent is savvy, really not too good.

"Hee-hee! Fair is decent! It's still not as good as you! I'm afraid that Da Luo is coming to an end, right? "

Gokudo Tea Tree replied cheerfully.

In terms of talent, he was not convinced by anyone, but admired Lin Qing.

In his opinion, his little talent of understanding was nothing compared to Lin Qing.

"Almost! This time when I come back, I will retreat for a while and cultivate the essence flower, and it should be almost the same by then!" "

"Daoist, you have to work hard too!"

"Oh, right! This time, I will bring you back a few Taoist friends! They are all spiritual roots and feet, I believe that Taoist friends should like it! "

Saying that, Lin Qing waved his hand, released the little Bodhi, the laurel tree Wangshu, and the Fuso Divine Tree, and looked at this courtyard.

Several formation nodes were selected and planted them.

Then he pulled and modified the large arrays in these places, arranged the corresponding formations suitable for them, and sent them each a handful of three-light divine water, and then introduced them to each other.

When Wudao Tea Tree saw these newly emerged fellow Spirit Roots, he immediately greeted happily: "Wudao has seen all the sisters!" "

"It's actually the Wudao Tea Tree? Simply incredible! "

Seeing the Wudao tea tree and sensing the enlightenment rhyme she emitted, Wangshu was first startled, and then they also returned the salute.

"I've seen enlightened Taoists!"

It was strange that they were not happy, and with the help of the Dao Rhyme of the Enlightened Dao Tea Tree, their cultivation speed and transformation speed would inevitably be greatly accelerated.

Next, several innate spirit roots had a good exchange.

Lin Qing left here and went to the main hall to receive the memory information of the doppelganger.

"Speaking of which, little Bodhi, what's going on with you? Why did Lin Qing Daoyou call you Little Bodhi? Also, you seem to be a little special! It stands to reason that your Origin shouldn't be so weak! "

Wudao Chashu sensed that something was wrong with Little Bodhi and couldn't help but ask.

"Because I am only created by God the Father through the origin of the Isseibodhi tree!" The origin is not as good as the predecessors, you are normal! However, I am confident in my future, and sooner or later I will catch up with you! "

Little Bodhi replied, swaying his branches and leaves.


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