"Virtual and real world!"

Lin Qing waved his hand, directly formed a world with the way of reality and the way of the world, swallowed the robbery thunder, and then controlled the flow size, swallowed the heaven and earth, and began to absorb and digest the robbery thunder quickly.

[You devoured and absorbed the Purple Xiao Tribulation Thunder, tasted the Dao Rhyme Law in it, and had an epiphany, you comprehended the Divine Power Purple Xiao Divine Thunder, and your Thunder Law was greatly improved. ] 】

"Boom!! Bang!! "


Next, one after another millstone-thick thunder began to slash down at Lin Qing continuously.

He calmly swallowed the whole process with the virtual and real world, and then absorbed it unhurriedly.

A month later,

[You devoured and absorbed a large amount of Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder, your Divine Power Purple Sky Tribulation Thunder was completed, and your Thunder Law increased to 67%. ] 】


Three months later,

[You devoured and absorbed a large number of various robbery thunders, you had an epiphany, and comprehended the thirty-six changes of Tiangang and the five thunders of the palm. ] 】


A month later,

[You have devoured a large number of various thunders, you have gained a lot, your law of thunder is complete, and you are promoted to the way of thunder. ] 】

The entire thunder tribulation lasted more than a year before it ended.

But the final thunder was absorbed by Lin Qing, and at this time, his thunder avenue had increased to 23%.

"The harvest is huge! Unexpectedly, this time he actually comprehended the Law of Thunder, and even raised the Avenue of Thunder to two to three, making a lot of money! What a robbery! It's clearly a reward! "

"If I can come more, maybe I can raise the Avenue of Thunder to the level of the early stage of the Seventy Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal in one fell swoop, or even higher!"

Of course, the benefits of this tribulation are not only that, Lin Qing's physical cultivation has also been greatly improved in this thunder calamity.

At this time, his physical cultivation had already been raised to the peak of the early stage of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, and he was only one step away from breaking through the middle stage of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal.

"Finally, I have some self-preservation ability, I can participate more in the next robbery, and make more benefits, I hope they will not let me down!"

With this thought, Lin Qing used the way of space to rush towards the edge of the flood waste.

It took less than half a month to return to the front of the fetal membranes of the flood barren world.

Looking at this huge flood world, which was constantly swallowing a huge amount of chaotic qi every moment, transforming it into innate spiritual qi, supplying the consumption and expansion of the flood barren world, Lin Qing directly fell into a state of enlightenment.

The comprehension of the Chaos Transformation Spirit Art in his mind began to improve rapidly, and even began to transform.


5 years later,

[You observed the process of the fetal membrane of the Hong Barren World swallowing the Chaotic Qi, and you had an epiphany, and you comprehended the Divine Secret Technique and Chaos Transformation Spirit Technique (Chaoyuan Daluo level). ] 】

After the comprehension was completed, Lin Qing also withdrew from the epiphany, and said with a happy face: "Unexpectedly, what I forgot last time, this time I actually had an unexpected epiphany, and it only took 5 years to comprehend the Chaotic Transformation Spirit Technique of the Chaotic Yuan Daluo level!" "

"Now, make a big profit!"

Lin Qing was crazy at this time!

But soon he calmed down and thought to himself: "It's not the time to be happy yet, just deduce and promote the Great Array!" "

Do what you want

Immediately, Lin Qing continued to sit cross-kneeled on the edge of this chaos, continuing to comprehend and deduce.

Of course, before this, he did not forget to send a doppelganger back to Yingzhou Island and inform the Nine Swords of his safety.

to reassure them.

"Master, if you're okay! It scares me to death! How did it take so long? Has it been this long? "

Xiao Jiujian saw that the master sent the doppelganger back, and while sighing, he couldn't help but ask suspiciously.

"yes! Oh, yes! "

Ao Yu and Rolling also asked with a curious and worried look.

At this time, they were not worried about Lin Qing, but worried about their future.

What if they are so terrifying in the future?

Can I get through it?


Lin Qing couldn't see Ao Yu's thoughts, and immediately reached out and rubbed the hair of the three people heavily, messing up their hairstyles into chicken nests.

Then, in their resentful eyes, he replied: "Don't worry! Not everyone's thunder tribulation is this kind of intensity anymore! Your master, I am special! "

"Of course, don't slack off, the Nine Turns Xuan Gong that was passed down to you by the master a hundred thousand years ago must be practiced well, so that you can increase the chance of success in crossing the tribulation and reduce the chance of injury, understand?"

Physique is very important.

Lin Qing naturally hoped that his disciples could develop their spirits in an all-round way, and not have too obvious shortcomings.

Otherwise, the future will not go far.


Ao Yu listened and nodded repeatedly.

With this incident, they also had a lot of motivation to practice the difficult Nine Turns Xuan Gong.

"All right! Go get busy with your business! It will take some time for the division to come back, in addition, Xiu Wei must also be consolidated, you don't have to worry about me!" "

Lin Qing waved and began to rush people.


The three of Xiao Jiujian listened, and then left.

3 years later,

[Based on the Chaotic Yuan Daluo-level Chaos Transformation Spirit Technique and the Daluo-level Chaotic Transformation Spirit Array, you have deduced a new formation, gained a lot, and comprehended the Chaotic Transformation Spirit Array (Mixed Yuan Daluo level). ] Your formation laws have improved. 】

"It's done! Give it a try! "

Looking at the miniature Chaos Transformation Spirit Array formed in his hand, Lin Qing's face was delighted, and he immediately tried to arrange the Chaos Transformation Spirit Array near the fetal membrane of the Flood Barren World.

With Lin Qing's formation cultivation and understanding of the Chaos Spirit Transformation Array, in just a few days, a small Chaos Transformation Spirit Array with a diameter of more than a million kilometers was called Emperor Formation.

Then, he began to swallow chaotic qi in Lin Qing's eyes and transform it into innate aura.


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