Mount Meru in the West,

"Hit it! Hit it! Continue to expand the scale, the more deaths, the better, so that I have enough anger and resentment... Wait to temper these four immortal swords. "

"Hongjun, you wait! You think I don't know your calculations? Unfortunately, you don't know what cards I have! "

"From the moment you sat and watched me provoke the three races of dragon, phoenix and unicorn to fight, but did not stop it, you have already fallen into the downwind! This battle of Dao Devils, I won! "

Luo Xiao was in a large array at this time, constantly absorbing the anger, resentment, and even qi and blood generated by the battles in various parts of the Flood Barren Continent... Wait a minute.

Turn them all into nutrients that nourish and refine the four swords, making the power of the four swords more and more terrifying.

If it weren't for the large array of obstacles, the aura of the four swords of the Immortal Immortals would have resounded throughout the Flood Barren Continent long ago.


Not Zhou Mountain, somewhere in the innate array,

"It's another fight, more than a million years ago, it was a fierce beast and countless cultivators, and now it's the three races of dragons, phoenixes, and unicorns, when will the fight stop?"

Nuwa looked at the battles everywhere in the Flood Barren Continent, watching countless Flood Barren creatures affected and died, and said with some compassion.


Fuxi also nodded: "Another round of great calamity, I see, this dragon and phoenix unicorn tribe is afraid that it will fall and withdraw from the historical stage!" They seem to have received the influence of the robbery and become more and more irrational. "

"Look, over the years, the battle has become more and more intense, and hundreds of Da Luo alone have fallen! If you continue to fight, the foundation will be fought hard! "

Look at the huge blood-colored pillars of light that towered over the flood barren land, each of which represented the fallen Da Luo powerhouse.

"Kill !!"

"Give me death!!"

At this time, countless dragon, phoenix, and unicorn clans and the ten thousand clans under their command were fighting in countless large and small battlefields.

The three parties have already killed the red eye and can't stop.

Even Zulong, Shi Qilin, and Yuanfeng all had a posture of robbery, and the anger on their bodies was extremely rich, and their eyes were red.

It's like enchanted.


Yingzhou Island,

Lin Qing also watched the earth-shattering battle of the three late Mixed Yuan Golden Immortals in the depths of the Flood Barren Continent, the Ancestral Dragon, the First Qilin, and the Yuanfeng, and couldn't help but sigh: "The glory of the three races of the Dragon and Phoenix Qilin is coming to an end!" "


At this time, Ao Yu, who was standing on his side and watching these battle scenes through his help, his eyes were red, and he looked at Lin Qing with his eyes and begged: "Master! Can't you save Grandpa Zulong and save the Dragon Clan? "

In the end, she is from the dragon clan no matter what, and how can she bear to see the dragon clan about to enter destruction?

Rolling and Nine Swords on the side also looked unbearable when they saw Ao Yu like this.

Lin Qing smiled bitterly and shook his head: "Xiaoyu, you are too worthy of being a teacher!" Judge for yourself, is this kind of battle something I can get involved in? "

"Even if I go, it's just one more corpse."

"Moreover, the three ancestral dragons and even many dragon clans have long been riddled with causal calamity, and the calamity has penetrated deep into the marrow, and even reason has been blinded!"

"This is the general trend of the Heavenly Dao, and it is not at all for the master to disobey."

Hearing this, Ao Yu's face was miserable and desperate.

Could she just just watch like this?

There is no way to do it?

Lin Qing also touched Ao Yu's head with some distress and soothed: "Do you think you had the sense that you were willing to go with me in the first place?" I'm afraid it's the result of your innate ability to avoid evil. "

"Similarly, why didn't the ancestral dragons investigate too much after you disappeared? Of course, there are reasons why the master used the way of cause and effect to cut off the cause and effect between you and the dragon clan, but it is also because the ancestral dragon knows the characteristics of your talent and power, so they will choose to let go. "

"Because, they are convinced that this is the best option for you."

Rolling and Jiujian were also stunned when they heard this: "It turns out that the junior sister (second senior sister) still has such a talent?" "

They never knew.

"But... Is there really no way to help the dragons? "

Ao Yu looked at Lin Qing pleadingly and asked.

Even if she helped a little, she wanted to do something for the dragon clan.

At the end of the day, she's not a desperate dragon.

"Not really!"

Lin Qing listened, shook his head with a smile and said, "We really can't save those dragon clans who participated in the Great Tribulation and have a deep entanglement of cause and effect and calamity qi, but some of the young children and young generations of the dragon clan in the Ancestral Dragon Nest and Dragon Palace have not been entangled in cause and effect and calamity for the time being, and they can still be saved." "

Hearing this, Ao Yu's eyes suddenly lit up, quickly collected the sadness in his heart, grabbed Lin Qing's hand and asked: "Master, just like that, please save some dragon clan children and young generations!" "

Lin Qing did not hurry to refuse, but continued to say to Ao Yu: "However, for the master, I have to make it clear to you in advance, lest they suffer from the karmic backlash brought by the dragon clan in the future, for their future future and growth; "

"At that time, the master must first completely cut off their causal connection with the dragon clan!"

"Otherwise, when the three races end and the catastrophe passes, I am afraid that these young dragons and even dragon eggs will directly lose their lives under the impact of endless karma."

"Over the years, the dragon clan has created too much killing and karma, otherwise, it is impossible to avoid these."

He's not alarmist.

Why is the future dragon clan so completely lonely?

Because they owe too much karma, it is difficult for them to advance in cultivation, and even it is already a blessing not to go backwards.

In fact, when the great calamity passes, they will definitely suffer the liquidation of heaven and earth, and under the washing of endless karma, even if the power of the three races does not fall, I am afraid that their strength will be greatly damaged and their foundation will be shattered.

Those young dragons and dragon eggs with excellent talent and bloodline are even more afraid that they will directly die out under the washing of karma.


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