Yujing Yamanaka,

In the Hongjun Dojo, because Lin Qing can avoid here, plus Hongjun is at a critical moment at this time, he is seizing the time, trying to capture the previous wisp of understanding, wanting to completely understand the mystery of the way of the three corpses, and achieve the true unity of the three corpses.

Then, with the help of merit and the purple qi of Hongmeng, preach sanctification.

In fact, with the merit he possessed now, plus Hongmeng Purple Qi, he could forcibly preach sanctification with the help of Hongmeng Purple Qi.

But as the creator of the Three Corpse Path, how could he not be unaware of the disadvantages of doing so?

It is equivalent to denying yourself the possibility of going further.

If he couldn't preach sanctification again and again in the three corpses, then in the future, he would never want to break through the Heavenly Dao Realm, that is, the Mixed Yuan Infinite Luo Golden Wonderland.

Which is lighter and which is important, Hongjun can still clearly distinguish.

Hongjun, who was obsessed with enlightenment and wanted to break through the Saint Realm, naturally had no intention of paying attention to the changes outside, and missed these abruptly.

500 years later,

"Weng !!"

Lin Qing really perfected it for 10,000 years, and finally let the Illusory Realm world completely take shape.

Moreover, Lin Qing also connected the Illusory Realm World with the Flood Barren Fetal Membrane node, forming the second Chaotic Transformation Spirit Array with the Illusory Realm, superimposed with the Chaotic Transformation Spirit Array on the Flood Barren Heavenly Dao Fetal Membrane.

At the moment when this step was completely formed, the Illusory Realm world and the Flood Desolation World were completed in harmony.


The entire Flood Barren World shook, and then the Flood Barren World's ability to swallow and transform Chaotic Qi skyrocketed more than ten times again.

For a time, the Heaven and Earth Spiritual Qi of the entire Flood Desolation World skyrocketed again, and at the same time, the speed of expansion also increased by a large amount again.

970 "What's the situation?" "

"I don't know! It seems that the spiritual energy of heaven and earth has increased again! Or at least ten times more! "

"It's the virtual and real world, it seems that the one who used some unknown means to harmonize the virtual world with the flood desolation world, and also arranged the chaotic transformation spirit array on the fetal membrane of the virtual world and the chaotic transformation spirit on the fetal membrane of the flood barren world to superimpose it, which is why there are such changes!"

"Is this really something that people can do? Something to come up with? "

"I'm afraid that person knows more about the Chaos Transformation Spirit Array than I thought, right? It is estimated that they have been thoroughly understood! "

"Perhaps, the person who created this Chaotic Spirit Transformation Array in the first place may also be the one who created it!"

"It's really possible!"

"Haha! No matter what, thank that person, these, the heaven and earth spiritual energy of the Flood Desolation World has been skyrocketed so much, the difficulty of our cultivation has become lower, maybe I can also break through Da Luo within 100,000 years! "


For the drastic changes in the flood barren world again, countless people talked about it.

Many people have even deduced that the source of all these changes is the virtual and real world.

This time the drastic change, even Hongjun, who was grasping the world enlightenment and wanted to break through, was awakened, Hongjun Divine Mind swept out, and easily discovered the illusory world that was in a semi-manifested state at the moment.

"What is it? Whose handwriting? "

Hongjun looked at this virtual and real world that almost covered the entire Flood Barren World with wide eyes, and his face was incredulous: "This kind of acquiring means, even I can't reach it!" "

"Moreover, there are many avenues in it, virtual reality, space, cause and effect, creation... Who actually has such skills, can comprehend so many Dao, and the degree of comprehension of each one is not low. "

"What is his purpose in creating this virtual world?"

Although, at present, this virtual world seems to be a good thing for the flood world.

But Hongjun didn't feel much joy.

This is not the same as the future he calculated.

He had a faint feeling that the future was out of his expectation.


At this moment, the Heavenly Dao shook and descended a billion miles of boundless merit sea.

Among them, Forty Percent directly integrated into the Illusory Realm World, further strengthening and upgrading this Illusory Realm World, so that the Illusory Realm level was suddenly raised by a level, and it was completely stabilized.

Another 2 Chengdu virtues are integrated into the Void and Reality Rubik's Cube and the countless Void and Reality Cave Worlds.

Make these cave world edges more stable and large.

The virtual and real Rubik's cube subbody at its core has also been greatly improved.

"At this moment, even if the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal wants to destroy the Illusory Realm World, it is not so easy! Da Luo's harm to the Illusory Realm was even minimized. "


Speaking of this, Lin Qing summoned the Void and Reality Rubik's Cube, and I saw that the Void Magic Cube bloomed at this time, and on it, the 37th Innate Treasure Forbidden instantly took shape.

This is not over, and then, under the dual effects of merit and the rapid improvement and improvement of the illusory realm world, the 38th, 39th, and 40th innate treasure forbidden of the Illusory Rubik's Cube took shape rapidly.

Not only was it completely promoted to the ultimate innate Lingbao, but he also bought three major steps at the level of the ultimate innate Lingbao.

At this time, there were five other successful virtues that fell on Lin Qing's head.

Lin Qing thought for a moment, waved his hand to put it away, and directly threw it all into the Void Magic Cube.

"Weng!!" (Read violent novels, just go to Feilu Fiction Network!) )

When he boarded, the Void Magic Cube erupted with an extremely terrifying golden light.

CIFI 41, 42, 43, 44.45 Innate Forbidden Treasures took shape almost instantly.

"Thank you master!"

After completing the great transformation, the Void and Reality Cube happily circled around Lin Qing a few times and thanked him.

This time, it really took a step to the sky.

"Huh! You're welcome! "

Lin Qing waved his hand with a smile and said, "With these Heavenly Dao merits, not only have you upgraded your innate treasure forbidden to 45 Dao, but you have also become a meritorious Lingbao." "

"After that, killing does not stick to cause and effect, but it is not a small benefit for you to run the Illusory Realm."

Not only that, with the promotion and improvement of the Illusory Magic Cube, the Illusory Realm World has also received a huge improvement again, becoming more stable and huge.

At this time, even the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal didn't want to easily cause damage to the Illusory Realm.

At the same time, the connection between the illusory world and the flood world has become closer.

Fortunately, everything in this illusory realm world was still under Lin Qing's control, and he didn't have to worry about it getting out of control.

At this time, an incomparably tall phantom appeared in the Flood Barren Void, and then a voice sounded in the minds of all living beings in the Flood Barrens:

"The avenue is on top, now my Lord of Void Realm, Lin Qing, created the Illusory Realm World in the Flood Wilderness, for all living beings in the Flood Wilderness to experience, act, discuss, trade, and communicate, and suppress the Illusory Realm World with the ultimate innate spirit treasure Void Magic Cube, and the Illusory Realm World should be the second Flood Barren World, looking forward to the Dao!"

Seeing this figure and hearing this oath, countless flood creatures were shocked.

However, many powerful people sneered in their hearts: "Hehe! Summoning the Avenue? Who do you think you are? Can anything make the Dao respond? "


"Don't measure yourself!"

"This is floating!"

Many powerful people ridiculed and waited to watch the play.

At the same time, Heavenly Dao also began to shake at this time, and it seemed that he was very dissatisfied with Lin Qing's approach.

In the eyes of Heavenly Dao, since the Illusory Realm was located in the Flood Desolation World, it should be under his control.


However, at this moment, a supreme will descended on the Flood Desolation World, causing the Heavenly Dao to emit a trace of wailing, and then retracted the Heavenly Dao Origin Space without hesitation, nestled there, lowered the sense of existence, and did not dare to make the slightest move.

Then, all the living beings in the flood wilderness seemed to feel that they were being paid attention to by the Supreme Will.


A voice was engraved into the hearts of all the living beings.

Then, a stream of light emerged from the void and disappeared into the illusory world.


The entire Illusory Realm shook slightly, as if something had brushed through the entire Illusory Realm and calmed down.

The Illusory Realm world also seemed to have undergone some kind of change, but if I seriously investigated, even Lin Qing didn't find anything.

I only feel that the Illusory Realm has become more stable and perfect.

After doing this, the will of the Dao slowly faded.

The Heavenly Dao Tortoise shrank in the Heavenly Dao Origin Space, and after watching the Dao leave with resentment, he looked at the Illusory Realm World and found that he could not control everything in the Illusory Realm World.

Of course, he was unwilling, but he sensed a certain breath in the illusory realm world, and finally did not continue to invade the illusory realm world, and chose to ignore it.

At the moment when the avenue receded, a prompt sounded in Lin Qing's mind:

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