This agreement can be said to be a compromise on the part of Bell.

If you want him not to take revenge on the gods, it is absolutely not okay, and if you do something wrong, you will have to pay a price, especially if you do the wrong thing to the gods, then there is only a dead end.

Hestia knew that this was the bottom line after Bell's compromise.

Although it was still the benchmark of killing a few gods, at least it was no longer the big piece she felt before~ .

"Well, if those idiots do, then I agree with your revenge. "

But Hestia won't be on the opposite side of Bell.

Since a god had made a move on her, there was no reason for her to stand and let those fools attack, and revenge was just a matter of course.

Bale, who got an affirmative answer, also relaxed, but he needed to think about a question and fight back passively.

Yes, Hestia's personality doomed her not to take the initiative to attack others, so Hestia made the choice of passive counterattack.

Although passive counterattack is not in line with Bale's code of action, he really doesn't have time to play games with those gods right now.

It's not a big problem with the accumulation of his own ability points and the improvement of his level, but there is a considerable problem with the improvement of Ace's side.

Ace is the key to his key step, and her level and ability value must definitely reach the apex of Lv.7, otherwise Bell's subsequent growth will not be able to unfold.

Therefore, in the next year, I am afraid that I will always have to run around the dungeon with Ace.

That is, because Bell knew that he would take Ace to explore the dungeon constantly in the next year, so that Ace would accelerate her growth, and he didn't have time to toss the troubles caused by those gods, so he chose to compromise, otherwise, hum!

Bell was not in the Xi of showing mercy to the gods of Hestia, and he usually chose to be killed with a stick.

Unless the strength is limited, you can't kill it all at once.

In the past, Bell had one scruple, and that was Freya.

But after Freya became her own person, Bell had no gods to scruple about, and basically chose to be beaten to death with a stick!

"Now, then, the gods should start praying, hoping that they are not the ones who do it. "

"Otherwise, death is just the beginning of the game. "

After saying this, the smile on Bell's face became a little warmer.

"That's the end of the serious conversation. "

"The next thing to think about is the data update. "

But when the topic came to this, Bell was a little stuck.

“...... Well, let's wait and see if the data is updated. "

"If Loki hadn't just updated the stats while he wasn't there, I think she'd annoy me when she came back later. "

Bell knows Loki's character too well.

If it had been in the past, maybe Bell wouldn't have worried about anything, but now Bell really has to worry about something.

Especially when Loki and Freya showed their hearts to him together, and in front of Hestia.

At that time, Bell had said that he would treat Freya and Loki as family.

Therefore, if the data is updated while Loki is not there at this time, then it is estimated that it will be a toss for a while when Loki returns.

What makes Bell more headache is that Loki doesn't toss other people, she just targets him.

The four goddesses couldn't help but laugh when they saw Bell with such a headache.

"Hey, I'm not as bad as you say!"

Just as the four goddesses were laughing, Loki's voice came from above the second floor.

When I looked up, I saw that Loki had a stinky face, and he almost wrote the words "I'm not happy".

As it turned out, Loki was actually very happy.

This dark faction's strategy may be an exhibition match, but her own child can be regarded as really fighting for her face.

In the face of those immortal soldiers, he didn't flinch at all, even Raul, a child who usually performs mediocre, also showed a unique momentum in this strategy, and even killed two Lv.5 immortal soldiers, which can definitely be regarded as a super level performance.

The same goes for other children.

Lv.4's Alicia also took out a Lv.5 fairy with the help of some Lv.3 and Lv.2.

It can be said that this time, except for Finn, Grace, and Riveria, who participated as overseers and did not fight, everyone else has more or less gained a lot of combat experience, and some of the children may have even gained the great cause of continuing to rise.

It can be said that Loki's family really took advantage of the dark faction's strategy this time, and even made Loki a big face in front of the gods.

Although Loki himself knew that the revelations from Bell's side had attracted the attention of most of the gods, after the subsequent end of Bell's side, his own children had obviously become the object of the gods' attention.

Of course, Loki also hopes that his children can attract the attention of the gods a little more.

0 beg for flowers to read violent novels, and go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Because only if their own children attract more attention from the gods, they can reduce the attention of the gods to Bell.

Maybe it's not a lot of reduction, but Loki believes it will definitely be useful if it continues.

With this happy mood, Loki did not go directly to the Hestia clan after the end of the meeting, but waited for the return of his own child.

Even if she wanted to go directly to the house to see how Bell was doing, as the main god of the Loki family, it would be really unseemly if she was not there when her children returned from victory.

Things about upgrades and data updates certainly can't be done now.

Loki wasn't in a hurry, so, after welcoming his children back, Loki instructed Finn and Riveria to prepare for the evening celebration.

Considering that the subsequent series of things do not need to be dealt with by yourself.

Finn and the others must have needed to get in order before the evening, so Loki took advantage of this time to return to his room, and returned to the Hestia clan through the spatial tunnel of the room.

It would have been a happy thing, but as soon as she walked out of the room, she heard Bell talking about her on the first floor.

This made Loki, who was full of desire to share, pull down his whole face.

"Am I that annoying??"

With heavy steps, Loki walked down the stairs step by step, staring straight at Bell with hanging eyes.

"It's not an exaggeration to be annoying. "

"It's just that I remember the last time you pestered me for a day because I leaned on Hephaestus's lap for a while, and you insisted on pulling me on my lap to rest, and finally made your leg numb and couldn't stand, right?"

Hearing Bell talk about his troubles, Loki's angry face was delayed for a moment, and he turned to other places with a slight emptiness.

"That's not sticky, it's just normal intimacy!"

It's not jealous yet. Bell couldn't help but complain in his heart.

However, considering that Loki is proud, coupled with some more or less tsundere traits in her personality, she should not be able to say such things.

Because tsundere tends to give some hard explanations, especially when it comes to her actions and words that are completely inconsistent.

However, Loki's tsundere is a little different, she is an active tsundere.

He doesn't say anything, but he acts quickly.

PS: Ask for collection...... Ask for flowers...... Ask for a dead price.

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