"It seems that Daoist friends have gained a lot this time!"

Wangshu couldn't help but speak.

"There are more and more innate spiritual roots! That's a good thing! Be lively! "

A hazy face also appeared on the trunk of the Wudao tea tree, and said with a smile.

The innate spiritual roots here were all influenced by her enlightened Dao rhyme, and they grew better and faster.

Her relationship with these similar people is naturally very good.


Lin Qing also smiled and nodded: "This time I found the other two immortal islands in the Three Immortal Islands, Penglai and Abbot, and the resources in them are still very rich, otherwise it is really impossible to have such a harvest." "

"If a few Daoists have time, they may as well teach and teach these innate spiritual roots more, and see how many can give birth to true spiritual wisdom, so that we can also have more fellow practitioners."

Lin Qing also discovered that not every innate spiritual root can easily give birth to spiritual wisdom.

The spiritual roots are different, and the circumstances and conditions are also different.

Lin Qing could only give them the best living environment, shield them from the influence of the Heavenly Dao, and let them give birth to spiritual wisdom as much as possible.

"No problem! Leave it to us! "

Wangshu and Wudao Tea Tree both nodded in agreement.

Wangshu then said: "I have a hunch, in ten thousand years, I will almost be able to break through Da Luo and officially take shape!" Thanks to Lin Qing Daoyou's help, otherwise, I wouldn't be where I am today!" "

"Between you and me, there is no need to say that!"

Lin Qing smiled and waved his hand, congratulating: "Congratulations to Daoist friends in advance!" I look forward to the day when you take shape. "

Wang Shu smiled lightly.

Wudao Tea Tree also spoke at this time: "I also have a hunch!" It is estimated that in another 50,000 years, it should be able to break through Da Luo and successfully transform into a form. "


Lin Qing and Wangshu sent their blessings one after another.

"Speaking of which, both are the ultimate innate spirit roots and feet, these two are Da Luo incarnations, why did I take the form of Tai Yi in the first place?"

Lin Qing was also a little strange about this.

Fortunately, it didn't hurt his potential.

On the contrary, because he had passed through all the realms of the Immortal Dao step by step, he felt that his foundation was more stable and perfect.

"Perhaps, it has a lot to do with my awakening of my previous life consciousness Suhui!"

Lin Qing guessed to herself.

As long as it doesn't affect potential and talent, it doesn't matter.

It's impossible to go back and reincarnate it, isn't it?

"Enlightened Taoist! I have four new apprentices, they have not yet taken shape, I plan to build a small world next to you to give birth to them, and when the time comes, I will introduce some Daoist realizations and rhymes to say hello to you in advance! "

"If you have time, please help me teach these four little guys, okay?"

Lin Qing remembered something, and said to Wudao Tea Tree.

"No problem! Leave it to me! "

Wudao Chashu generously agreed: "I'm also curious, what kind of talented and lucky little guy can be accepted as a disciple by you." "

"Then thank you!"

Lin Qing smiled and nodded: "I believe you will like it too!" "

Saying that, Lin Qing raised his hand to point in the void on the side, breaking the space and directly forming a spatial singularity.

"The way of reality, now!"

"The way of the world, now!"

"The way of creation, now!"

The three avenues behind Lin Qing emerged, but they actually skyrocketed.

"World Creation!"

A great light entered the singularity.


When he boarded, the singularity began to expand rapidly, and after Lin Qing continuously entered the power of the three avenues, a small world with a diameter of more than 100 million kilometers took shape.

At the same time, under the action of the power of creation, with the assistance of the power of the five elements, everything began to derive in the entire small world.

Earth, sea, sky, wind and rain, thunder and lightning.

But after a while, a complete small world is fully formed.

Then, Lin Qing entered the Dao Array Dao Pattern in it, arranged a congenital creation wind and cloud array, and introduced the Dao Rhyme of Enlightenment emitted by the Wudao Tea Tree.

For a time, the environment in the small world changed again, full of wind and cloud, mixed with the power of creation, the rhyme of enlightenment... Wait.

It directly became a holy place for cultivation.

Nowadays, opening up such a small world is already hand-to-hand for Lin Qing, and he is extremely skillful.

With a wave of his hand, he can create ten hundreds.

If it weren't for the fact that this was a breeding ground for Zhao Gongming's four people, he wouldn't have taken it so seriously.

"How? How much do you understand? How much was learned? "

Placing the entrance and exit of the small world under the Wudao tea tree, Lin Qing turned his head to look at the four people of the Nine Swords who had quietly arrived since he created this small world, and tested the Dao with a smile.

As a master sister, Jiu Jian was the first to speak: "I understand some of the ways of virtual reality and the way of creation, in addition, it also has a lot of inspiration for my All Things. "


Lin Qing nodded and looked at Ao Yu.

Ao Yu muttered, "I only comprehended some of the laws of creation and the use of the Dao of Space from the inside. "


Lin Qing looked at the rolling again.

Rolling Humble touched the back of his head and said: "I have comprehended part of the truth of Yin and Yang Creation, the incarnation of all things, and when I digest it, it should promote my Yin and Yang Creation Dao a lot; "

Speaking of this, Rolling praised again: "Master's way of creation has become divine!" I can actually understand that yin and yang are changeable. "


Lin Qing smiled lightly: "Creation of yin and yang, yin and yang creation, any law of the avenue, does not exist alone, there is also a situation of mutual transformation between each other, you can understand this, it is already very wrong!" Keep up! (Read violent novels, go on Feilu Fiction Network!) )

Then, Lin Qing looked at Xiao Bailing again.

Xiao Bai Ling also looked at Lin Qing with a cute face.

“...... staring...."

After a while, Xiao Bai Ling praised: "Master is so great!" I didn't understand at all! "

Lin Qing: "...."


Ao Yu and they couldn't help but laugh out loud.

The fourth junior sister is too cute.


Lin Qing smiled and reached out and touched Xiao Bailing's head and said, "You have to cultivate hard, this is only in the late Xuan Immortal stage, this cultivation is normal if you can't understand it, but as a disciple of a master, you can't slack off because of this!" "

"Come on! I called you here this time because I have accepted four disciples for Shiyou, so that you can get to know each other!" "

Saying that, Lin Qing waved his hand and released Zhao Gongming and the four people of Sanxiao.

Pointing to the Nine Swords, they introduced Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao one by one: "Come!" Get to know, this is your master sister Jiujian, second senior sister Ao Yu, third senior brother Xiong Batian, and fourth senior sister Bai Ling; "

Zhao Gongming hurriedly took Sanxiao to transform his arm and saluted the four people: "Zhao Gongming (Yunxiao, Qiongxiao, Bixiao)!" Meet the four senior sisters and brothers! "

"Junior brother and sister are polite! No need to be polite! "

The four people of the Nine Swords also smiled and waved their hands to help the four people.

Lin Qing then introduced them to the Nine Swords: "This is your fifth junior brother Zhao Gongming, sixth junior sister Yunxiao, seventh junior sister Qiongxiao, and eighth junior sister Bixiao; "

"They have not yet taken shape, and in the future, before they take shape, they will all be conceived in the small world that the master has just opened, you can go in and communicate more when you have time, and teach them some rules and common sense in the house by the way, understand?"


The four of the Nine Swords answered in unison.

Lin Qing looked at Zhao Gongming and the four with satisfaction, and raised his hand to raise his eyebrows at them: "For the master to pass on your Qinglian Creation Technique, you can comprehend it, and take shape as soon as possible!" After that, the teacher will pass on your magical powers again! "

"Now, cultivating the transformation of form is the first task, understand?"

Now cultivating magical powers is meaningless to the four little guys, and it also delays their cultivation.

"Yes! Thank you, Master! "

Zhao Gongming and the four received the information in their minds and quickly thanked them.

Then, he fell into enlightenment, and only felt that the Qinglian Creation Technique was extremely mysterious.

This is not a specific exercise, but a Tao.

In the process of comprehension, they naturally comprehended the Qinglian Creation Technique that was most suitable for them and belonged to them.

Lin Qing saw it, smiled and waved them into the small world of Fengyun.

"Master, junior brothers and sisters, how long will it take for them to take shape?"

Jiujian asked with some curiosity.


Rolling Roll, Ao Yu, and Xiao Bailing also nodded, also looking at Lin Qing with a curious face.

"Judging by their hard work, if nothing else, they are expected to succeed in 10,000 years!"

Lin Qing replied with a smile.

Zhao Gongming's four heels and feet are all good, and it is expected that when they take shape, they will at least be golden immortals.

"That's going to be a long time!"

Xiao Bai Ling exclaimed.

"It's fine!"

The nine swords they didn't think were very long.

The main thing is that Xiao Bailing is not too old to feel like this.

Lin Qing stretched out his hand and pinched the fox of the little white spirit and quipped: "Don't look at it, it will take 10,000 years, but if the talent of your four junior brothers and sisters is very strong, it is estimated that it will be a golden immortal when it comes out of the transformation, if you don't work hard, you are worried that you will be easily surpassed." "

"At that time, if you, as a senior sister, are not as good as your junior brother and sister, then you will be humiliated!"

This little girl is young and not so mature in mind, so she is a little playful and has to put some pressure on her.


Sure enough, Xiao Bai Ling listened, directly opened his mouth and was stunned, and then shook his head violently: "This is absolutely not okay!" Do not say! Master, I'm going to cultivate! "

Saying that, this little guy ran to the Wudao tea tree, found a place to sit, and really began to meditate and cultivate.


Seeing this, Jiujian and the others looked at each other, and they couldn't help but smile.

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