"Master sister, you don't know, Master is powerful, and he actually let us learn a body forging divine skill and a great divine ability at once;"

"After that, if we have divine help, it is not too easy, those robbery thunder look scary, but they can't hurt me, but they have become my forging nutrients, helping me become stronger!" Hee-hee! "

The lively Bixiao painted a colorful voice and showed off to the Nine Swords.

He also gestured to the muscles in his arm.

Good and strong.

Full of security.

"Little sister, pay attention to the image!"

Yunxiao couldn't stand it, and glared at Bixiao with a tiger face and scolded him lightly.

Bixiao suddenly stuck out her tongue and lowered her sleeves in embarrassment.

Half a month later, the thunder calamity on Wangshu's side was finally over.

The next moment, he was teleported back to Sanxian Island by Lin Qing.

"Taoist friends open the river of time here, go back to the timeline! I will be there to protect you. "

Lin Qing said to Wang Shu.

"Then thank you Daoyou!"

Wangshu nodded, and immediately waved his hand to pull out the river of time, and the whole person did not enter it.

"You guys stay here well, go back for the master!"

Lin Qing dropped a word to the Nine Swords, and also followed into the river of time.

Supporting Wangshu began to go back to the timeline, and blocked all Da Luo's vision for her, covering up the cause and effect.

Let Wangshu smoothly retrace part of the timeline, until she reaches the limit of what she can currently bear, before stopping.

The two traveled out of time and returned to Sanxian Island.

"I don't know who broke through Da Luo? There is actually a powerful support, that must be a strong person at the level of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal, right? "

"It should be, I'm afraid it's not an ordinary existence in the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal."

"I sensed a wisp of the Dao rhyme breath of the Void Truth Dao from that person, if I guessed correctly, that powerful senior should be the Lord of the Void Reality."

"That's the one! That's not surprising! That one is mysterious! "

"I'm afraid that people are actively exposed to the breath, otherwise, you and I will not be able to find out."

"Indeed! However, the strength of the people is strong, and there is no need to cover up. "

"Of course, if I also had this treatment when I broke through Da Luo, I wouldn't be afraid to be afraid at that time, and I would be careful."

"That's the benefit of having a backstage!"


Even though Lin Qing and them left the river of time, many of the shocked Da Luo and even the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortals were still talking.

Many people are both curious and in awe of him, the Lord of Reality.

Who doesn't know the power of the Lord of Reality?

At the beginning, he killed more than ten Da Luo in one blow with the way of cause and effect.

"Dao friendship, let's consolidate your cultivation! In addition, these two divine powers can be regarded as the congratulatory gift of the meritorious Taoist friend transformation breakthrough Da Luo and joining my Sanxian Island for the first time! I think it should help you! "

Back at Sanxian Island, Lin Qing raised his hand and rushed at Wangshu, and passed the Great Star Art and the Golden Light to Wangshu.

Wangshu received his hand for a moment to understand the extraordinary nature of these two magical abilities, and immediately nodded slightly to Lin Qing: "Thank you Daoyou!" These two magical powers are indeed useful to me, then I will not postpone them. "

"Next, I also want to retreat to consolidate my cultivation for a period of time, digest the success of this tribulation, and it is rude."

"It should!"

Lin Qing also nodded: "Daoist friends go and consolidate cultivation!" My side will also retreat and continue to cultivate next!" When the Daoist friends go out, you may as well go to the Creation Mansion to take a look, and if you have leisure, you may as well teach the Nine Swords for me. "

"I will!"

Wangshu nodded in agreement, then came to the Wudao tea tree and sat down cross-kneeled, waved a prohibition, and began to retreat.

Seeing this, Lin Qing turned to look at the Nine Swords and said, "Master Wei will continue to retreat next!" Nine Swords, your junior brothers and sisters will be handed over to you to take care of, Gongming and Sanxiao, you will watch and arrange them to practice! Don't let them slack! Their cultivation and experience are far behind. "


Jiujian nodded respectfully, glanced at Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao on the side, and revealed a faint smile.

But it was this faint smile that made Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao chill their backs, and they always felt that there would probably not be a good life in the future.

Lin Qing also looked at Zhao Gongming and Sanxiao and instructed: "Consolidate your cultivation well, and then listen to your master sister's arrangement, and experience and cultivate well!" "

"Let's teach each of you two more magical powers for the master's side!"

Saying that, Lin Qing raised his hand a little, passed the Qinglian Sword Dao and the Great Creation Technique to the four people and instructed: "If you don't understand anything, ask your senior sister and senior brother!" "

After saying that, Lin Qing disappeared in a flash, entered the Illusory Realm world again and began to refine his innate spirit treasures that had not yet been refined.

Five years later,

[You have refined the 5 innate treasure prohibitions of the innate treasure Qiankunding, and you have realized the way of Qiankun creation, you have an epiphany, your Qiankun law has been greatly improved, the way of creation has been slightly improved, and your way of refining treasure has been slightly improved. ] 】

10,000 years later,

[You have completely refined all 49 innate treasure forbidden paths of Qiankunding, deeply comprehended the way of Qiankun creation, gained a lot, your Qiankun Law has been completed, and you have been promoted to the way of Qiankun (5%). Your path of creation has been slightly improved, to 87%, and your cultivation has become a great advance. 】

At the same time, in the past 10,000 years, (read violent novels, on the Feilu Novel Network!) )

Kunlun Sanqing and Western Zhun Ti were born successively.

Of course, Sanqing had already taken shape in the morning, but he had been practicing at home until he encountered a bottleneck, and he was born until he encountered a bottleneck, and began to walk the flood and waste, increasing his experience and understanding.

Introduction and quasi-mention are really in shape.

"Haha! Senior brother, we have finally succeeded in transforming into a form and breaking through Da Luo! In the future, we can go to this flood; "

"It's a pity that Luo Xiao is already dead, and there is no way to take revenge for the time being!"

Jun Tixi smiled and said very proudly and excitedly.

He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

"Junior Brother, steady focus! Keep it low-key! Our strength is not enough to run amok, we are not considered the top in Da Luo, not to mention that there should be old monsters of the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortal level hidden above Da Luo! Low profile! Low profile! "

He couldn't help but persuade.

Junior Brother, this is floating!

This mentality is unacceptable.

From the Luo Qiu incident, he realized a truth, the strength is not enough, then it is best to hold on, so that there is a future.

Zhun Ti listened, the corners of his eyes twitched slightly, and he said with a look of displeasure: "Senior brother, you are not interesting, if the transformation breaks through, I will not be happy and presumptuous, and I must not suffocate to death in the future?" "

"As you wish! Pay attention to low profile! "


It seems that the junior brother is holding back.

The main thing is that he was killed by Luo Xiao in the early years, and there was a faintness in his heart, and now this can be regarded as reverse expansion.

Over time, a large number of innate divines began to take shape or walk out of the dojo, began to walk the flood, and increased their experience and cultivation.

Many people began to emerge in the flood wilderness, and their reputations began to resound among the flood wilderness.

Especially now that there is the illusory world, these outstanding people are even more prominent and famous.

"Haha! Refreshing! This Illusory Arena is really too appetizing to me! Today I completed another 10-game winning streak, so it's not fun! Ha ha! "

East Kunlun, after Tong Tian withdrew from the Illusory Realm World, he couldn't help but laugh up to the sky.

Seeing the primordial brow, he couldn't help but scold: "Third brother, what kind of system?" Can't you be steady? "

"Also, that Illusory Realm and even the territory of the Illusory Lord have long told you, don't enter there too much, it's not good for you, why don't you listen to advice?"

Primitive, however, has always been jealous of the illusory realm.

Because he feels that entering there, acting, fighting, cultivating, his own rhyme, perception, and magical powers, many of them will be directly exposed to the eyes of the Lord of Reality, and I am afraid that he will learn it.

Obviously, the other party created this illusory realm world, open to the entire flood wilderness creatures, and did not have a good heart, just to use this flood wilderness countless creatures to achieve himself.

He hated this kind of person the most.

Of course, he would never admit that he was envious and jealous.

He could imagine how much the Lord of Illusory Realm could gain every day with countless creatures in this Illusory Realm every day.

When Tong Tian heard the primitive words, his face suddenly turned dark, and he said in his heart with a dull look: "It's really obscure, the good mood of the day is gone!" "

Tong Tian is a straight son, but he is not accustomed to primitiveness, and he is ready to refute it.

At this time, Tai Shang opened his eyes and looked at Primordial and said, "Second brother doesn't have to be so harsh!" There is no need to be so wary of the Lord of Reality! We have to admit that there is something unique about that illusory realm, and it is not a good thing to close our eyes and listen. "

"Since you see the problem and see the strengths of others, then find a way to learn and absorb its essence!"

Obviously, he had also entered the Illusory Realm world just now.

However, unlike Tongtian, Taishang mainly tastes the rules of rhyme in the illusory realm, and at the same time, he often discusses the Dao with some friends of Da Luomon and the like.

In short, it is to obtain benefits in the illusory world as much as possible, and the wool is obtained.

Lin Qing's doppelganger actually paid attention to Taishang's behavior, but he only smiled faintly: "You may think that you have earned, but I will never lose my strength!" "

There are many Da Luo and even the Mixed Yuan Golden Immortals who have similar thoughts and behaviors to Tai.

When they were fleece, they were actually constantly sending benefits to Lin Qing.

They actually know this, but what can be done?

Only by mastering advanced "technology and capabilities" can we have the right to speak.

Lin Qing, who took the lead in opening up the Illusory Realm, obviously had this qualification.

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