The nine swords also give the Shangpin Innate Lingbao Seven-Star Sword, the Shangpin Congenital Lingbao Daluo Sword Fetus (can grow), the middle-grade Congenital Lingbao Imitation of the Four Swords, and the Shangpin Innate Lingbao Refining Immortal Array Imitation;

Ao Yu also gave Longquan Sword (Shangpin Innate Lingbao, can grow), Dragon Soul Bead (Shangpin Congenital Lingbao, can grow), and Dragon Tooth Sword (Zhongpin Congenital Lingbao);

Rolling also gives Yin-Yang Furnace (upper grade innate spirit treasure), hundred grass diagram (lower grade), and heaven-swallowing demon jar (upper grade innate spirit treasure, can grow);

Bai Ling also gave a complete set of top-grade innate lingbao nine-colored spirit sword (can grow), upper-grade innate lingbao innate nine palace sword formation diagram (can grow), and nine-grade pure world white lotus;

Zhao Gongming also gave thirty-six Fengshen beads (upper grade innate Lingbao, which can grow, single for lower grade innate Lingbao, twelve combined into middle grade, thirty-six combined for upper grade), and Qiankun Ruler (upper grade innate Lingbao);

Yunxiao also gave Baiyun Ayaluo (Shangpin Innate Lingbao, which can grow), Phoenix Feather Sword (middle-grade Innate Lingbao), and Ninth Grade Jingshi White Lotus (Shangpin Innate Lingbao);

Qiong Xiao also gave Huangyun Ayaluo (Shangpin Innate Lingbao, which can grow), Phoenix Feather Sword (Zhongpin Congenital Lingbao), and Ninth Grade Jingshi White Lotus (Shangpin Congenital Lingbao);

Bixiao also gave Qingyun Ayaluo (Shangpin Innate Lingbao, which can grow), Golden Jiao Scissors (Shangpin Congenital Lingbao), and Jiupin Jingshi White Lotus (Shangpin Congenital Lingbao);

"All right! Put away your spiritual treasures and preliminarily refine and recognize the Lord as soon as possible! In particular, your respective Superior Innate Spirit Treasures are specially tailored for you according to your major cultivation avenue; "

"In the future, as long as you have a good understanding of the Dao, and at the same time, continue to pour your understanding of the Dao of Cultivation and the power of the Dao Law into this spiritual treasure, they will continue to grow with you, remember!" Remember! "637

Lin Qing solemnly admonished the eight apprentices.

At this time, the eight people of the Nine Swords were stunned to look at the large number of innate spirit treasures in their hands, and they were almost blinded.

Rolling happily looked at the Yin-Yang Furnace, Heaven-Devouring Demon Jar and Hundred Sketches in his hand, he was most satisfied with the Yin-Yang Furnace and Hundred Sketches: "Hehe! Or Master knows me best, knows that I like to eat, this yin and yang furnace can be used to refine pills and make dishes, and a hundred sketches can be used to grow vegetables and spirit bamboo, which is just perfect! "

The Nine Swords on the side listened, and looked at their third junior brother speechlessly.

This guy is such a foodie!

"However, Junior Brother Rolling's craftsmanship is indeed getting better and better!"

Thinking of this, Jiu Jian couldn't help but start drooling.

Of course, she prefers these spirit treasures in her hand.

Master really knows her too well, and the main ones are sword spirit treasures, which are too suitable for her.

After the others looked at their spirit treasures, they were also extremely satisfied.

The lively and bold Bixiao looked at Lin Qing in amazement and asked, "Master, what's wrong with you?" Innate Lingbao big delivery? Aren't you ready to live your life later? All this is given to us, aren't you poor yourself? "


Ao Yu also nodded, and then asked Lin Qing with some doubt: "Master, can the innate spirit treasure still be refined?" Aren't they all born of heaven and earth? "

Ao Yu's question was also what Jiujian and the others wanted to know, and they all looked at Lin Qing curiously.

"You guys! What to think? "

Lin Qing listened speechlessly, reached out and knocked on Bixiao's head.

This girl stuck out her tongue with a headache, not daring to talk indiscriminately again.

Then, Lin Qing went on to explain: "Because the master has the ability to rebel against the innate innate (CICF) to the treasure Qiankunding, plus there are many avenues for the master's comprehension, and he has mastered the treasure refining avenue, and also has a huge amount of innate spirit materials, he can naturally refine the innate spirit treasure!" "

"All right! You all put away the spirit treasure and go back to the sacrifice!" "

"That's right! In order to facilitate your refining of spirit treasures, I will pass on another treasure refining divine power to your master! Receive it with your heart! "

Saying that, Lin Qing pointed at the nine swords and eight people's eyebrows, and taught the essence and cultivation method of the Great Alchemy Technique.

"Thank you, Master!"

After a while, after accepting the Nine Swords, they thanked Lin Qing one after another.

Meeting such a master is really a blessing that they have cultivated for several lifetimes!

Who Master issued a set of innate spirit treasures by himself?

Moreover, there are also Innate Spirit Treasures that can be carefully refined according to their own paths?

After turning over the entire flood waste, I am afraid that I will never find such a good master again.

"No need to be polite!"

Lin Qing waved his hand dashingly and said, "Cultivating hard and striving to break through Da Luo as soon as possible is the best reward for being a teacher!" I look forward to the day when you all break through Da Luo. "

"Of course, but when you break through Da Luo, it is also the moment when the division allows you to leave the Three Immortals Island and walk the flood wilderness to start your experience, work hard! Ha ha! "

This is much more attractive to the Nine Swords than the others.

"Master! What you said is true? That's great! I will definitely work hard to cultivate and strive to break through the Daluo Golden Immortal as soon as possible!" Hum! "

Bixiao waved her fist to cheer herself up.

Everyone else was similar to him, secretly mentally cheering himself up and setting goals.

Obviously, they have been staying on Sanxian Island all these years, and they have long been idle, and they have long wanted to go to the legendary Hong Wilderness to take a walk.

On weekdays, they can only learn about some flood things from the friends they made in the illusory world.

Because they couldn't leak the information of Sanxian Island, they couldn't even ask too much.

The depression and suffering are clear only to them.

But they didn't blame their master.

Master is also for their good.

I am worried that their cultivation is too weak and it will be dangerous to go out.

"Then I'll wait! Hehe! "

Lin Qing smiled slightly.

When Jiujian and the others dispersed, he first found the Wudao Tea Tree.

"Why are Daoists free to come and see me?"

Godo plucked a hair from his head, and that hair directly turned into a leaf of Gokudao tea tree, put it in a teapot, and heated it for a while with Nanming and Vulcan power.

Then Wu Dao poured a cup of tea for Lin Qing and himself, and looked at Lin Qing with a light smile.

That's right! The Wudao tea tree has been successfully transformed decades ago.

Transformed into the image of a big sister next door.

On weekdays, I basically wear a light green long dress, (read violent novels, just go to Feilu Novel Network!) )

The body is full of enlightened rhyme and natural and peaceful atmosphere, which gives people a quiet and peaceful feeling at first glance.

Very meaningful.

"How did I hear the grudge in your tone?"

Lin Qing glanced at Wudao funny, picked up the teacup and took a small sip, took out a phoenix feather robe, phoenix feather sword, and a pair of unicorn boots with his empty hand and handed it to Wudao: "In the past hundred thousand years, I have basically been busy refining these innate spirit treasures, and I just gave one set to the disciples, and these three pieces are given to you!" "

"Although it is not as good as the ones customized for the disciples, it can be regarded as my heart."

He had always treated both Wudao and Wangshu as peers, but he had no idea of accepting them as disciples.

However, both Wangshu and Wudao joined his Creation Mansion, and they were also their own people.

"This..... It's too precious, I can't take it! "

While realizing it, he shook his head and did not go to the three middle-grade innate spirit treasures.

This is an innate spirit treasure!

It is an extremely precious treasure when put into the flood and wilderness.

Lin Qing actually threw her a set directly, and Wudao couldn't help but glance at this man speechlessly.

Your local tyrant spirit is already overflowing.

"Take it! It's a gift for you to join the Creation House! Not only you, but also Wangshu, they also have it, and the future Fuso Taoist friends have taken shape, and there are also, no need to be polite with me! Anyway, I have the Qiankunding in my hands, and I can refine it. "

Lin Qing persuaded with a smile.

"So it is!"

When Wu Dao heard Qiankunding, he suddenly realized: "I said why did you suddenly take out so many innate spirit treasures!" And it's still a complete set, did it turn out to be refined using Qiankunding? "

Then, Wu Dao asked, "What is Qiankunding?" It can actually refine innate spirit treasures. "

Lin Qing listened, and stumbled directly, almost falling off the stone bench.

He looked at Wu Dao speechlessly, "You don't even know what you're doing with a sudden face?" I thought you were clear? "


Seeing Lin Qing's embarrassment, Wu Dao hid his mouth and smiled, and the trick was successful!

She immediately said, "Just kidding you!" Don't be so serious! "

"Since you said so, I accepted that thing, and if there is something in the future, please do not need to be polite with me!"

Since Lin Qing didn't treat her as an outsider, she was naturally willing to do her best to help Lin Qing.

Lin Qing saw it and said with a satisfied smile: "Qiankunding is one of the innate treasures, and has the ability to rebel against the innate, and is definitely worthy of the name of the supreme treasure." "

"So it is!"

Gokudo nodded.

Next, she chatted with Lin Qing for a while, and then Lin Qing left again.

When they came to Wangshu's house, they also gave Wangshu and the three of them a phoenix feather coat, a phoenix feather sword, and unicorn boots.

Somewhere on the surface of the East China Sea,

Suddenly, Lin Qing's figure appeared here.

"Whew! The wind in the East China Sea is still so comfortable! It's been a long time since I walked away from here! "

Lin Qing blew the sea breeze of the East China Sea and said with a cheerful face.

I think when he was out of Yingzhou Island for the first time, he felt similarly.

Of course, when he met a mad dragon in a bad way, he still remembered the name of the mad dragon, which was as crazy as his nature, named Ao Tian.

As a result, he easily cooked.

Speaking of which, it was his first killing.

"Killer, let's go, it's time to find a way to recover for you!"

Lin Qing blew the sea breeze for a while, then said something to the slaying gun in the sea, and then turned into a rainbow light and flew towards the Flood Barren Continent.


The slayer moved slightly, looking very happy.

It turns out that the owner still remembers it?

Sure enough, it was much better than Luo Qi, the former owner of the crumbs.

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