Deep in chaos.

At this time, Yangmei was dealing with his injuries.

He frowned.

The wounds that Li Changsheng had left on him.

It’s really hard to recover.

Consuming all the Chaos artifacts he could find.

But still no improvement.

This made Yangmei very irritated.

But there is another thing that raises my eyebrows in annoyance.

That's because of the prehistoric upgrade and expansion.

Prehistoric expansion.

It really swallowed up too much chaos.

Places that were once familiar and familiar have now become part of the ancient world.

So much so that many Chaos artifacts were directly incorporated into the Great Desolate World.

But how can you dare to get close to Honghuang when you raise your eyebrows?

If Li Changsheng discovers it.

I'm just afraid of killing them randomly.

Thinking of this, he raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but spit on Hongjun.

If it weren't for this product being so rubbish.

How did he end up in this situation?

But that's why.

Yang Mei was even more afraid of Li Changsheng.

Li Changsheng unexpectedly displayed the mighty power of the Great Dao that crushed everything.

It's really too scary.

And just then.

A shadow slowly enveloped the space.

Within the chaotic space.

All prohibited.

He raised his eyebrows and his expression changed with surprise.

This kind of strength is simply irresistible!

Could it be that Li Changsheng is here?!

He raised his eyebrows and felt frightened.

But soon an even more shocking aura appeared!


He raised his eyebrows and couldn't help but lost his voice!

Extremely shocking.

what happened?

How could Pangu's aura appear?!

Back then Pangu killed three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

As the Space Demon God, Yangmei felt extremely terrifying.


Pangu's aura completely enveloped this space.

A hazy shadow formed!

Pangu's preaching sounded.

"Raise your eyebrows."

Yang Mei was completely shocked.

Pangu was really alive!

This was even more terrifying than the shock brought by Li Changsheng.

Why was Pangu resurrected?!

Is there any calculation in this?

While raising his eyebrows in shock, he couldn't help but feel a little nervous.

But he quickly raised his eyebrows and lowered his voice.

"Pangu, I am not afraid of you now."

"what you up to?"

It’s not stupid to raise your eyebrows.

Of course, I guessed that Pangu's strength had not returned to its peak.

Otherwise, I wouldn’t have contacted him like this.

And more importantly, Pangu is just a shadow.

He wanted to leave, but couldn't keep him.

Yang Mei was also curious about the reason why Pangu came to find him.

Pangu has no nonsense.

Soon Pangu's aura condensed into a chaotic beacon.

"Go here, there is a magical medicine that can help you restore your true nature."

Pangu himself was in his final stage.

Can't use much power.

We can only use the Chaos Beacon to indicate it as before.

He raised his eyebrows and took the sign, very surprised.

Is Pangu trying to help himself?

Raising his eyebrows was quite a surprise.

Although he and Pangu were once enemies.

But now Pangu would definitely not specifically plot against himself in this way.

Because of his existence, there is no need for it.

Pangu’s shadow disappeared.

No explanation meant.

It seems that he appears just to deliver medicine to Yangmei.

He raised his eyebrows without hesitation.

Directly found the location of the Chaos Beacon.

Very surprised.

This turns out to be the unknowable aspect of chaos.

Chaos presents many opportunities and risks.

There are also many unknown places.

Yangmei has been traveling in Chaos for countless years, but it is difficult to find such an unknown place.

Apparently Pangu had planned it for a long time.

I'm afraid that this was not the case when the world was created!

Otherwise, how could it be specially laid out in an unknown place?

However, these have little to do with raising eyebrows for the time being.

He wanted to see if Pangu's magic medicine could really help him!

Soon he raised his eyebrows and entered an unknown place.

Sure enough, I saw a chaotic divine object exuding vitality! I was immediately overjoyed.


Raising his eyebrows, he refined the Chaos Divine Artifact and found that he had not only returned to his true nature.

My cultivation level has also broken through!

We are closer to the realm of heaven above Wuji!

That's when.

Pangu's preaching sounded.

"I need you to do something for me.

"If it is achieved."

"The future can be proven."

Raising his eyebrows, his heart suddenly moved.

Because he knew that Pangu had no need to lie to him.

Moreover, he and Pangu can no longer be said to be enemies.

"What's the matter?"

He asked with raised eyebrows.

“Go find the road.

Pangu said.

Another sign of chaos emerged.

There is a very faint aura of the origin of the avenue on it.

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.


"How can I find the Great Dao Escape Wuyuanhui?" However, Pangu said irrefutably.

"Chaos still has traces of the Great Road."

"The Chaos Beacon will react whenever you get close.

Yangmei's biggest advantage is his familiarity with chaos.

When Pangu made the original layout.

Focus more on the unknowable aspects of chaos.

to the whole chaotic situation.

Of course it is not as familiar as Yangmei who has traveled countless Yuanhui.

"If you find the great road, it will be your chance."

Pangu said calmly.

He raised his eyebrows and his heart moved.

Pangu was definitely not here to amuse him!

Most importantly, this is opportunity!

So Yangmei quickly nodded in agreement.

Then Pangu's breath completely disappeared.

Yangmei frowned slightly.

"What exactly is Pangu's resurrection for?"

"Is it related to the Dao?"

Yangmei thought for a while and shook his head.

He couldn't figure it out.

But it didn't matter.

The important thing was that his chance had indeed come!

Yangmei looked at the Dao mark in his hand that exuded a very faint aura of the origin of the Dao.

He was quite excited.

If he could find the trace of the Dao!

It would definitely be a great fortune!

Yangmei acted quickly.

The first place he went to was the place where he found the Dao Orb!

The unknown place.

Pangu noticed Yangmei's actions.

He nodded slightly.

Pangu felt that he could not rely on Hongjun.

Therefore, he did not wait and directly included Yangmei as a chess piece. I have to say.

Yangmei is still more reliable than Hongjun.

And his strength is much higher than Hongjun.

There is a chance to prove the realm of heaven.

Pangu looked at the flesh in front of him that contained the aura of the infinite world. The aura emitted by this flesh.

It is the realm of heaven.

The sixth heaven.

"Honghuang, I am back!"

"This time I will control Honghuang!"

"Become the Lord of the World!"

"Prove the Great Dao again!"

Pangu's shadow's eyes flashed with brilliance.

However, Pangu didn't know.

This Li Changsheng is already the Lord of the World.

It's just that he didn't become the Lord of the World.

How can the Lord of the World be more important than his daughter?

If Pangu knew.

I'm afraid he would be full of question marks.

At this time.

Zixiao Palace.

Powerful holy power surges!

The power of Pangu Temple.

Successfully destroyed the Saint Killing Pill!

The Four Saints, restore their strength!

Zixiao Palace.

Pangu Temple.

The Four Saints recovered.

At this time, they were very excited.

"Hahaha, this seat can use the holy power!"

Zhunti said excitedly.

"The Saint Killing Pill is finally lifted!"

Jie Yin was also excited.

Yuanshi Laozi was no exception.

Restore the holy power.

They became saints high above again.

At this time.

The aura in Pangu Hall gathered.

Pangu's shadow took shape.

"I will be back soon."

Pangu glanced at the four saints.

Xuanmen almost had an internal conflict, and Hongjun's prestige had actually fallen.

So Pangu spoke.

It was to stabilize the mentality of the four saints.

The four saints were naturally Pangu's pawns.

Hearing Pangu's words.

The four saints of Yuanshi were all excited.

Pangu the great god is coming back?!

Doesn't that mean the opportunity to seek revenge on Li Changsheng is coming! (End of this chapter)

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