
Taiqing Palace.

When the Three Pure Ones saw the information displayed on the"Primordial Primordial Saints Battle Power List", they all stood up from their cushions.

"This, how is this possible?"

"I am actually the third from the bottom?!"

Yuanshi Tianzun widened his eyes, his expression was full of disbelief, and at the same time mixed with a little shame!


With the fairness of the list created by the senior hall master, how could there be any mistakes?


There is no problem with the ranking on this list, it is because his strength is too poor, so he ranks third from the bottom, even worse than his third brother Tongtian!

This is also the main reason why Yuanshi Tianzun feels ashamed and angry!

All along.

Yuanshi Tianzun thought that his strength was the strongest except for his eldest brother, but reality slapped him hard!

"How is this possible? With the strength of the second brother, how could he only rank eighth?"

Tongtian Jiaozhu was also filled with disbelief. He originally thought that even if the three pure ones could not compete for the top three, they should be able to be in the top five, right?

But judging from the current ranking, the second brother is only ranked eighth, so wouldn't the three brothers not even be able to enter the top five?

This is really too depressing!

You know.

The three pure ones are the incarnations of the great god Pangu. They are not only the authentic Pangu, but also the sons of destiny in the prehistoric world!

After Taiqing Laozi came to his senses, he looked at Yuanshi Tianzun.

"Second brother, it seems that we have underestimated the strength of Shen Ni, Yang Mei, and Luo Hou. However, there are still five Yuanhui before the Palace Master calculates the reward for being on the list."

"The three of us can take advantage of this time to study Pangu God's Dao-provoking technique"Hongmeng Nine Turns", and then comprehend"Kaitian Nine Styles", and at the same time refine the previous list rewards."

"After five Yuanhui, the fighting power of our three brothers will definitely increase greatly!"

At this moment.

After hearing the words of his elder brother, Yuanshi nodded slightly, and his eyes began to reveal infinite fighting spirit............

‘Seventh place: Tongtian’

‘Cultivation: Hunyuan Fourth Heaven’

‘Combat power value: 2.16 billion!’

‘Affiliated faction: Xuanmen, Jiejiao’...........

‘6. Taiqing Laozi’

‘Cultivation: Fifth level of Hunyuan’

‘Combat power value: 2.86 billion!’

‘Affiliated faction: Xuanmen, Renjiao’...........

‘Fifth place: God's Reversal’

‘Cultivation: Hunyuan First Level’

‘Combat power value: 3.58 billion!’

‘Affiliation: Hongmeng Temple’............


As the list continued to be announced, when everyone saw that the fierce beast emperor Shen Ni, who had just achieved the Dao of Hunyuan, was so powerful and overwhelmed Pangu's authentic Three Pure Ones, they couldn't help but secretly take a breath!

"It is really incredible. The King of Beasts, Shen Ni, who had just achieved the Dao of Hunyuan, unexpectedly surpassed the Three Pure Ones who had achieved the Dao of Sainthood for more than 100,000 years in a blink of an eye. If it were not for the fairness of the list created by the Palace Master, who would dare to believe it?"

"Yeah, that's incredible!"

"However, when the Taoist Ancestor was preaching in Zixiao Palace, he once said that the one who achieved the Dao of Hunyuan by comprehending the laws of the Dao had the strongest strength. This must be the reason why Shen Ni was able to overpower the Three Pure Ones!"

"So that's how it is. Is this the power of understanding the laws of the Great Dao and proving the Dao with strength?!"

At this moment, countless practitioners were excited and yearning after seeing Shen Ni's combat power value!

Heavenly Palace.

Lingxiao Palace.

When Di Jun and Fuxi saw the list of the"Primordial Primordial Saint Combat Power List", they were shocked.


The next moment,

Di Jun turned his head and looked at the Heavenly Emperor Palace where his second brother Donghuang Taiyi was in seclusion, his eyes gleaming with great anticipation.

"The second brother is on the path of understanding the principles of the Great Dao and proving the Dao with strength. If he succeeds in proving the Dao of Hunyuan, won’t he be able to surpass the Three Pure Ones immediately?"

Thinking of this,

Di Jun felt a sense of honor in his heart.............

Buzhou Mountain.

The Wu Clan Hall.

When the twelve witch ancestors saw the ranking of the Three Pure Ones and Shen Ni, they were all shocked.

Emperor Jiang looked towards Kunlun, then snorted with disdain.

"These Three Pure Ones are truly an insult to the Father God's reputation. As incarnations of the Father God's primordial spirit, they possess immense merits, yet they actually became disciples of Hongjun, the soul that died under the Father God's axe. This is truly a disgrace to our 'Pangu Authenticity'!"

"Even if they achieve enlightenment and become saints, their fighting power is still inferior to that of the fierce beast emperor Shen Ni who just achieved enlightenment?"

Thinking of the Three Pure Ones, Di Jiang was angry at their lack of fighting spirit and hated their depravity.


The next moment.

Di Jiang looked towards the demon clan's heaven, his tiger eyes slightly condensed.

Although his witch clan and the demon clan have always been in opposition, the demon clan's Donghuang Taiyi is strong enough. Even when he went to Zixiao Palace to listen to the teachings, he was not moved by Hongjun and insisted on taking the path of understanding the laws of the great way and proving the way with force.

From this point of view, Donghuang Taiyi, the later"Pangu Authentic", is much stronger than the"Pangu Authentic" of the Three Pure Ones!

""Brother, although it is extremely difficult for us to achieve the state of Hunyuan, once we succeed, even the Three Pure Ones may not be our opponents!"

Zhu Rong said, his face full of excitement.

In the past, when competing with the Three Pure Ones for the title of 'Pan Gu Authentic', the Twelve Ancestral Witches basically had the upper hand by relying on their numbers.

But now.

The Three Pure Ones are on the path of achieving the state of Hunyuan by"Slaying the Three Corpses". Even if they succeed in achieving the state of Hunyuan, their strength is far from that of those who have achieved the state of Hunyuan by comprehending the laws of the Great Dao!

Once they achieve the state of Hunyuan, won't they be able to chase after the Three Pure Ones and beat them up in the future?

"Third brother, after the senior hall master announces this 'Honghuang Hunyuan Saint Combat Power List', we must concentrate on retreat and strive to achieve Hunyuan enlightenment as soon as possible!"

"Yes, big brother!"

After hearing what Di Jiang said, Zhu Rong nodded immediately.

He also understood that it was extremely difficult to comprehend the laws of the Great Dao and prove the Dao. Only by working hard and practicing hard could one have a chance to succeed!

But fortunately, he had received the reward for being on the list calculated by the senior hall master. The twelve ancestor witches present all had their own inheritance of the origin of the laws of the Great Dao. As long as they could comprehend and digest it smoothly, it would be much easier for them to prove the Dao of Hunyuan in the future!.............


Zixiao Palace.

When Hongjun saw that Shen Ni's ranking was actually above the Three Pure Ones, he was slightly surprised, and then quickly returned to normal.

At first, in Hongjun's calculations, Shen Ni had just achieved the Dao of Hunyuan, but his combat power was at most higher than the two saints in the West.

After all, the Three Pure Ones were the Pangu authentic transformed by Pangu's primordial spirit, and were the sons of the prehistoric destiny.

After achieving the Dao of Sainthood, he completely refined his own merits of opening the sky and quickly broke through to the fifth level of Hunyuan. How could this kind of combat power be compared with Shen Ni, who had just achieved the Dao of Hunyuan?


Hongjun still made a mistake.

Or he still underestimated Shen Ni's strength!

Thinking of Shen Ni's terrifying combat power, and the Taichu senior who was standing behind him, Hongjun felt a little panicked.

Even if the Taichu senior would not help Shen Ni to avenge himself, with Shen Ni's growth rate, he would definitely become his chief enemy in the future!

By then, plus Yang Mei and Luo Hou, he could be said to be surrounded by enemies!


After taking a deep breath, Hongjun's eyes gradually became firm. He decided in his heart that only by completing his goal as soon as possible can he be fearless of all threats!

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