Yuxu Palace.

When Donghuang Taiyi received his own reward, Di Jun looked at him with great concern, wanting to know whether the"Pangu Divine Eyes Sutra" was related to the"Da Ri Sutra" he inherited.

After all

, judging from the rewards given by the senior hall master, they were all very suitable for the recipients.

For example, the"Pangu Mind Deduction Method" obtained by Hou Tu, the"Shen Xiao Sutra" obtained by the Three Xiaos, and the"Phoenix Nirvana" of the Phoenix Clan, all of them were like this.


A moment later,

Donghuang Taiyi roughly digested the"Pangu Divine Eyes Sutra", and then his two suns burst out with two monstrous rays of light, instantly shocking the masters and powerful people who were listening to the teachings in the entire Yuxu Palace.

"Second brother, how is it?"

Di Jun saw that his second brother finally opened his eyes, so he couldn't help asking

"Brother, the"Great Sun Sutra" that we inherited came from the"Pangu Divine Eyes Sutra", and according to the information displayed by the exercises, we, as the destined emperors born from the Sun Star, are actually the descendants of the great god Pangu from a certain perspective!"


After hearing Donghuang Taiyi's words, everyone present couldn't help but take a deep breath, and then looked at the two Heavenly Emperors in shock.

If Donghuang Taiyi didn't exaggerate, then wouldn't they be qualified to call themselves the Pangu Sect?

After all, the Sun Star was transformed from the left eye of the great god Pangu. As the innate gods bred by the Sun Star, the two brothers now have the Hunyuan-level skills"Pangu Shenmu Zhenjing", so of course they are qualified!

You know, the two Pangu Sects recognized by the prehistoric world today are the Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestors. Wu.

They have fought countless times for the title of Pangu Authentic over the past billions of years, and have never really decided the winner.

The real reason is for the good fortune and luck represented by"Pangu Authentic"!

The prehistoric world was opened up by the great god Pangu. If you can get the title of"Pangu Authentic", the prehistoric luck and blessings you can enjoy must be an astronomical figure!


How could the Three Pure Ones be able to prove their way to sainthood so smoothly?

Isn't it because they have the title of"Pangu Authentic" and possess a huge amount of heavenly merits?

"Since Di Jun and Dong Huang Tai Yi are both qualified to be called the 'authentic Pangu', am I also qualified?"

At this moment,

Minghe couldn't help but have a flash of inspiration after hearing Dong Huang Tai Yi's words.

As the only innate god born from the blood sea formed by the dirty blood of Pangu's umbilical cord, he is also a Pangu inheritor from a certain perspective, but he is not as orthodox as the Three Pure Ones.

Similarly, there are countless top powers in the prehistoric world, all of whom are Pangu inheritors, because after Pangu opened the sky, he died and evolved all spirits and all things. Which innate god dares to say that he has not been inherited by the great god Pangu?

At the same time, after Di Jun roughly digested the"Pangu Shenmu Zhenjing" passed down by his second brother, he finally felt a little regretful in his heart.


In order to break through the quasi-saint, he chose to practice the"Chopping Three Corpses" method passed down by the Taoist Hongjun.

Now if he wants to practice the Hunyuan-level technique"Pangu Shenmu Zhenjing" that fits his talent, he can only wait until the three corpses are united!

"Second brother, your choice was right!"

Thinking of the fact that the two brothers had a dispute over the three ways to attain the Dao, it seems that Donghuang Taiyi was right now.

Even if he had not obtained the"Pangu Divine Eyes Sutra", he would have become the strongest person under the saints by understanding the laws of the Dao and proving the Dao with strength.

At this moment, when Donghuang Taiyi heard his elder brother's words, his expression was slightly stunned, and then he said seriously:

"Brother, although you are currently practicing the"Three Corpses Slashing" method, you can also learn from the"Pangu Divine Eyes Sutra". After all, this is just like our inherited martial arts method."

"When your three corpses merge into one in the future and you rebuild the"Pangu Divine Eyes Sutra", you will be able to achieve twice the result with half the effort!"


Di Jun nodded and turned to meet his second brother's eyes.

"Second brother, I am looking forward to the day when you can truly attain the Dao of Hun Yuan!"

"Don't worry, big brother, I won't let you down!"

At this moment,

Donghuang Taiyi's heart was filled with lofty ambitions!..........

The outer world.

The Demon Clan Hall.

When the Demon Ancestor Luohou saw Yuanshi and Tongtian respectively receiving Pangu's Dao-proving technique"Hongmeng Jiuzhuan" as rewards, the scene of being killed by Pangu with one axe in the chaotic world emerged in his mind.

It must be said.

Even though Pangu has fallen now, he is still an insurmountable mountain in Luohou's heart!

"I didn't expect that you, Hongjun, would accept the Three Pure Ones, who were transformed from Pangu's spirit, as your disciples. Isn't this a kind of revenge on Pangu in a sense?"

"As expected of the Taoist who harmed his teammates and schemed deeply!"

Thinking of this,

Luo Hou had to admire Hongjun's viciousness and cunning!

With the inheritance of the Three Pure Ones, they didn't need to worship Hongjun, they could all become saints, and even have the opportunity to snatch the title of"Taoist Ancestor" from Hongjun. The reason why Hongjun was hailed as the Taoist Ancestor was that he got the treasure of the Jade Book of Creation.

And what about the Three Pure Ones?

As the incarnations of Pangu's primordial spirit, they have a lot of Pangu's legacy, and the"Nine Turns Yuan Gong" they inherited is from"Hongmeng Nine Turns". As long as they practice hard, they will sooner or later be able to achieve the Hunyuan.

By then, it would be easy to establish a sect in the name of Pangu's authentic sect, and then use Pangu's luck and legacy to become the Taoist Ancestor of the prehistoric world?

But now it's useless to say more, after all, the Three Pure Ones have already worshipped Hongjun and become Hongjun's personal disciples!.........

Chaos World.

In a certain Chaos Stone.

When Yang Mei saw the reward that the Three Pure Ones had received, a hint of amusement could not help but flashed in his eyes.

"Hongjun, in order to avenge Pangu, you attempted to steal the primordial world and took the Three Pure Ones transformed from Pangu's spirit as your disciples."

"Now, the Three Pure Ones have obtained Pangu's true method of proving the truth,"Hongmeng Jiuzhuan". After their three corpses merge into one, they will definitely discover your conspiracy."

"By then, how could the Three Pure Ones, as Pangu's original spirit, tolerate you?"

Thinking of this,

Yang Mei's teasing expression became more and more intense.

"Since the twelve ancestor witches transformed from Pangu's twelve drops of blood have the trump card of the 'Twelve Heavenly Gods and Demons Array' to summon Pangu's true body, then the Three Pure Ones transformed from Pangu's original spirit should be as powerful as them, right?"

"When the Three Purities retaliate in the future, it will depend on how you, as a teacher, will end it!".........


Zixiao Palace.

When Hongjun saw the rewards from Donghuang Taiyi, Yuanshi, and Tongtian, his eyes suddenly shrank, and his originally calm face instantly revealed an extremely solemn look.

Although the Hunyuan-level technique"Pangu Shenmu Zhenjing" obtained by Donghuang Taiyi is a Hunyuan-level technique, it should only be useful for the innate gods nurtured by the Sun Star and the Moon Star.

And the Dao-level technique"Hongmeng Jiuzhuan" obtained by Yuanshi and Tongtian made Hongjun extremely daunted!


The Three Pure Ones are the incarnation of Pangu's primordial spirit, and they are the well-deserved Pangu authentic!

In order to completely control the Three Pure Ones, Hongjun secretly made many plans.

Now that it has finally succeeded, and the Three Pure Ones have all been certified as Heavenly Saints, Pangu's method of proving the Tao will appear!

What if the three of them gain some power to control the prehistoric world by practicing"Hongmeng Jiuzhuan", what should they do?

You know.

The prehistoric world was created by Pangu, which in a sense can be regarded as the fruit of Pangu's attainment of the Great Dao.

As the incarnation of Pangu's primordial spirit, the Three Pure Ones are the well-deserved Pangu authentics. If they awaken Pangu's other inheritances through practicing"Hongmeng Jiuzhuan" and gain control over part of the prehistoric world, wouldn't their own layout be more variable?

Thinking of this,

Hongjun felt that Taichu was deliberately targeting him!

Otherwise, why would he give such a reward to the Three Pure Ones?


Thinking of Taichu, Hongjun's body trembled, and then revealed a trace of incredible expression.

"How did Taichu get Pangu's Dao-proving technique"Hongmeng Jiuzhuan"?"

Pangu, as the most powerful Chaos Demon God in the Chaos World, directly opened up the Primordial World in the Chaos World in order to prove the true Dao, and killed three thousand Chaos Demon Gods.

It is conceivable how powerful his Dao-proving technique is!

Even the closest"Pangu Authenticity" such as the Three Pure Ones and the Twelve Ancestral Witches did not get Pangu's true inheritance, so how did Taichu get it?

At this moment.

Hongjun's heart became more and more nervous.

"Could it be that Taichu is really the reincarnation of Pangu?!"


Hongjun shook his head vigorously based on his previous inference.

"But how could he obtain Pangu's method of attaining the Dao? Could it be that he has already attained the true Dao?"

Thinking of this,

Hongjun shook his head again.

Because, according to the information displayed in the"Honghuang Follower Qualification Ranking", Taichu's follower was only a half-step Chaos Demon God, how could he have attained the Dao?

But how to explain all this?


The next moment,

Hongjun immediately sacrificed the precious Jade Book of Creation, and then secretly mobilized the power of Heaven to deduce, trying to deduce the Three Pure Ones and the"Hongmeng Nine Turns" that had just been awarded.

Since it was impossible to deduce any information about Taichu, there should be no problem in deducing the Three Pure Ones and the"Hongmeng Nine Turns", right?


Hongjun discovered that the original destiny of the Three Pure Ones had changed a little, and the reason for this change was because of this"Hongmeng Nine Turns".》!

"Damn it!"

Thinking that the fate of the Three Pure Ones would change, they would inevitably escape his control, which Hongjun would never allow!.........

PS: The fourth update, will continue to explode in the evening!

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