Chapter 246: Too Dangerous

This guy seems to have to polish it well in the future, this guy fell asleep without a trace of defense.

Zhang Qing looked at the Qilin Rui Beast who couldn’t afford to sleep for a while. This guy has basically never experienced anything too dangerous since he was a child.

If I can’t ask this guy to train, I believe this guy shouldn’t live for long.

After reaching out and patted the Qilin Rui Beast, the Qilin Rui Beast just started to wake up. It still looked around with an angry expression, but the moment it saw Zhang Qing, it suddenly changed. Be docile.

You guy really fell asleep, regardless of the surrounding things, if someone wanted to attack you, you guy would have died a long time ago.

After Qilin Rui Beast heard what his master said, he also stretched out his small paws and scratched his fluffy head, showing an embarrassed expression.

Forget it, I won’t tell you this for now. I guess the third trial will begin soon. When I entered here before, I had a certain understanding of this third trial.

The first one or two games are for these testers some reference, in the third game, that is the real harshness.

When Zhang Qing finished saying these words, Qilin Rui Beast, transformed into a small beast, also jumped directly on Zhang Qing’s shoulder, then yawned again, and then shook his own body.

This old man has already introduced all the forces just now, and at this moment is also about to announce that he will take these guys into the third trial site.

“You little guy is going to hold on to me. Don’t let your nephew just throw me up when you enter the third field.”

Zhang Qing stretched out his hand and tapped the head of the Qilin Rui Beast that had turned into a small beast on his shoulder.

Qilin Rui Beast also showed a cute expression and nodded his fluffy head.

boom! After a loud noise, the platform under their feet slowly floated into the sky. Of course everyone could see that this platform was not as large as the one in the first trial.

Perhaps it was also considering the aspect of survival of the fittest, so these guys who founded broken love already know that there are not many people left after the second broken love.

After everyone felt dizzy and dizzy, they finally came to the third venue. The third venue was full of Spiritual Qi wrecks.

After recovering, everyone glanced around with their own gazes, and then they were also in a daze.

Because they have heard a lot about this third trial before, but according to their understanding, this third trial is mainly an arena match. The space is also a very platform, with a large space. Ring.

However, the third venue that is now presented to everyone is full of spiritual weapon remains. This fact makes everyone confused.

And the yellow-robed old man standing in the air knew everyone’s doubts at this moment. At this moment, the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, and then he glanced at the surrounding field.

“Everyone, this is the Fallen Land. Of course you don’t know much about the Fallen Land. I will explain it to you at this time.”

At this moment, the yellow-robed old man also gradually increased his own volume, so that everyone could hear clearly.

This site is also the place where the people who participated in the third trial of the fall in the past are buried. The fragments of these artifacts you see around are the result of the weapons that these people used to be torn apart after the defeat.

“So now you have not changed. Don’t think about finding anything useful from these wrecks. These wrecks have already lost their due role after such a long period of space refining.”

The yellow-robed old man first let these guys dispel the idea of ​​reaping some benefits here, and finally said to these contestants.

This time I also want to test whether you can play the strength that you already have in a place with a wild and ancient big formation.

The reason why the yellow-robed old man chose such a location was also because there was an unsuitable one among the many contestants.

The yellow-robed old man also consciously or unconsciously put his own gaze on Zhang Qing below.

If the players who participated in the second competition did not have someone as strong as him, it is estimated that the first choice of the third game would be on the open space plus the arena floating in the sky as usual.

At the moment when he heard the ancient great formation, Zhang Qing’s own spirit awakened all over him. He found that the yellow-robed old man always unintentionally placed own gaze on him.

So he can also see from this that the reason why this old man chose such a venue is also his own reason.

After scratching his head helplessly, Zhang Qing is also estimated to be able to guess what will happen next.

This big formation is able to crush all your Cultivation Base, making you like ordinary people, as for other aspects of your things, generally will not be lowered.

After everyone heard what the yellow-robed old man said, wonderful changes appeared on their faces.

Some people have become more miserable, while some people with stronger physique are exceptionally surprised at this moment.

And from time to time, he put his own gaze on Zhang Qing’s body, but Zhang Qing didn’t pay any attention to it, and still looked confident.

After the old man simply announced these things, he again sent blessings to these dismantling players.

Zhang Qing ignored the old man’s last blessing, and took out his ears with his little finger and looked at the people around him.

Of course, these people have already discovered Zhang Qing and set his sights on them.

Because they had just realized that the old man hadn’t said to them that they could not engage in team battles, so this war was absolutely without rules.

To do, people put their eyes on Zhang Qing at the moment, and Zhang Qing is still so calm and calm. But what they don’t know is that it is at this moment. There was an old man in yellow robe in Gao Yun.

When the yellow robe old man appeared in the cloud, he quickly hand-seals with his hands, and then quietly left.

Zhang Qing felt that the surrounding energy aura suddenly disappeared, and then stretched out his own hand, slowly hand seals, but as he slowly shot the shot, the things he once owned did not appear in his hands.

After seeing that there was no change in its own hands, it was also able to understand that this great formation had already started.

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