Chapter 254

And this withered stick, which was superseded by him on this platform, also lost its previous luster at this moment, as if it were a living thing, and seemed a bit weak at this moment.

But the black-robed man had a smile at the corner of his mouth, because he had already taken out his strongest assassin copper at the moment, so the little monk trapped in it would never be able to come out alive.

But with the passage of time, the dark red blood vessels gradually changed, and in the end, the cracked ground no longer showed black and red gas.

Looking at the black cylinder that was gradually becoming a little dim, the black-robed man clapped his hands, pulled up his withered wooden staff that had a fork on the plane, and was ready to leave the platform at any time.

After all, the battle was already a battle for him, so he set his own eyes on the platform where Qilin Rui Beast and Hao Yin were fighting.

But the longer he waited, the more puzzled he became, because according to normal circumstances, the yellow-robed old man had already announced the result of the game.

However, the yellow-robed old man in the sky was indifferent at the moment.

The black-robed man, who felt an egg in his heart, also hurriedly turned and looked at the place occupied by the little monk before, he was completely stunned.

Because he found that the monk was still standing there, and the iconic smile still hung on his face.

The stick was inserted on the platform next to him, emitting a faint Buddha light.

When the black-robed man saw this scene, he was also stunned. He didn’t expect his strongest killer move to be able to kill the little monk in front of him.

At this moment, after seeing the shocked expression of the black robe man, the Komatsu man also raised his head again, picked up the stick next to him and laughed.

“This benefactor, the poor monk has already given the beneficiary. You have said that the original is the will of God. The benefactor is determined to deal with the poor monk, and there is no way for the poor monk.”

After saying these words, he threw the stick in his hand toward the black-robed man in front of him, and the stick was out of the knowledge of the little monk at first.

As fast as a normal person throws stones. But in the next second, it disappeared directly in place.

The black-robed man felt something was wrong and hurriedly raised the withered wooden staff in his hand and stood in front of his chest. As expected, the handicapped in the next second was also directly inserted on the withered wooden staff in his hand.

But it didn’t stop the momentum of the Zen stick from continuing forward, only to see that the tangled tent continued to move forward, only an inch away from the black robe man’s chest and stopped.

At this moment, the little monk also flashed directly, came to the black-robed man, grabbed the stick in one hand, and pulled the stick out of the black-robed man’s withered wooden staff.

“Donor, you surrender.”

After saying this, the little monk chanted the Buddha’s horn again, and turned around to leave.

But the black-robed man was full of anger at the moment, his eyes were bloodshot, which was more than a shame for him.

After a roar, the black-robed man also rushed directly towards the little monk, and the little monk seemed to be unaware of it, and continued to move forward in his own footsteps.

The old man in the sky was also slightly wide-eyed at this moment. He really didn’t expect this kind of alternative cultivator to be so reckless.

The other party had already let him go, but he still hadn’t learned a lesson. Now this behavior is basically to die, it makes no difference.

Sure enough, the yellow-robed old man did not expect that the little monk again picked up the Zen photo in his hand and slammed the ground violently.

As the little monk knocked on the ground, a golden barrier gradually spread from the stick to the surroundings.

The black-robed man originally rushed forward and slammed into this barrier.

At this moment, the little monk turned his head again to look at the black-robed man, and the black-robed man gritted his teeth at this moment, his eyes were bloodshot, and he roared again.

And after his roar, his whole temperament has changed to a certain extent, and the black woman on the black robe also suddenly split apart.

The body of the black-robed man inside was revealed, but the upper body of this man was naked in the air, but his body was full of some red and black stripes.

There are also dark red marks on the face.

Although these red marks were also on the black-robed man’s face, they still couldn’t hide the black-robed man’s handsome cheeks.

On the contrary, the dark red stripe marks make this black-robed man full of a strange beauty.

After seeing the black-robed man’s reaction, the little monk retreated quickly, and with him retreated a long distance, and then placed the stick beside him slightly on the ground.

And after a violent drink, the Gaza of the little monk burst open at this moment, and then the fragmented Gaza gradually formed a golden light and dissipated into the world.

The black robe man also bowed his head and looked towards the ground at the moment, and some black gas was also involuntarily emitted from his body, soaring into the sky.

Only being able to hear the black-robed man’s rapid gasping, the little monk also opened his own eyes at this moment, staring at the alternative cultivator in front of him seriously.

Because he could feel a sense of threat from the black-robed man in front of him.

In the area where he was before, it was not that there were no people like the alternative immortal cultivator in front of him, but those guys were not as strong as the black-robed man in front of Cultivation Base, but they all had a common characteristic.

That is, when you are extremely irritated, you will be demonized, and you will involuntarily fall into madness.

And after dealing with these mods for so many years, this little monk also has a certain understanding of this, because as long as he sees some vacant black gas emerging from these guys, he can also know that these guys are on the verge of On the edge of demonization.

And this is the best time to defeat these Demon Cultivators. If you fail to beat the opponent in a short period of time, then the opponent will most likely increase the Cultivation Base due to demonization.

These people after the rise of Cultivation Base can be regarded as causing some unnecessary troubles for him. After all, he has also dealt with such people, and he also knows how aggressive these people are after Maoization.

Because he has dealt with these Devil Dao for so many years and has very deep experience, once these guys enter the demonization, they basically have no pain and consciousness, and just want to destroy all the vitality that can be seen in front of them.

This little monk also seized this opportunity at this moment, saw him lift up slightly, step forward and at the moment he stepped out, the platform also cracked directly.

And an invisible golden light appeared on the little monk’s body.

Moreover, the golden light spread directly over the little monk, and as the little monk gradually accelerated his own pace, the layers of golden light on the little monk also rose into the sky, forming a very vague shadow.

After seeing the performance of the little monk, the yellow-robed old man also nodded his head involuntarily.

Because he also knows that this is the most famous world in Buddhism.

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