Chapter 319

Maybe Qilin Rui Beast also relies on its own physical strength, so it doesn’t care about so many things.

Zhang Qing went ashore quickly when he thought of this place, and was about to walk towards the orchard planted by Zhiming Daddy, but was stopped by the old man!

“Little brother, where are you going?”

After listening to what the old man in front of him said to him, Zhang Qing was also slightly taken aback, and then spoke.

“Senior can you still remember the Qilin beast beside me? This little guy is still in your orchard.”

“This guy was arrested by someone else because he broke some goods shortly after he was born, so Qilin ancestor also doesn’t know where this guy is!”

“That’s why the Qilin beast next to me doesn’t have to think about what it does, just wants to satisfy his taste.”

“If he has been allowed to make trouble in your orchard, it is very likely that all the spiritual fruits in your orchard will disappear in a short period of time.”

After the old man heard what the junior in front of him said, he was slightly taken aback, and then he also opened his mouth to laugh.

“Little brother, those spirit fruits are really not very useful in my eyes, but these things must still be good for you.

Coupled with those spirit fruits, I was tired of eating it thousands of years ago. Even though this thing has been conceived for thousands of years, its effect is still to make me look down on it. ”

After listening to what the old man said, Zhang Qing was also extremely shocked. After all, if such a thing were left outside, it would definitely cause a big battle.

But in the eyes of the old man, such a tree had no effect at all, as if it were rubbish in the eyes of the old man.

“Also, I have already seen the details of your Qilin Rui Beast, and I have seen people from his grandfather’s generation.”

“I still have a better understanding of what these Qilin Ruimon likes are, but for an alternative existence like this Qilin Ruimon next to you, I feel very surprised.”

“In fact, before I came here, this little guy was already eating in my orchard, and he was lying on the ground and sleeping.”

“At this moment, he is just sleeping in the dormitory.”

When the old man finished saying this, he snapped his fingers, and when the old man finished snapping his fingers, the white jade bottle also appeared in front of the two again.

When Zhang Qing saw this scene, he waved his hand helplessly. After all, he could still know the effect of the wine, and he could only drink a glass at most.

Not to mention that he had already drunk two cups before. If he was drinking the third cup, he didn’t know what would happen.

“Oh, brother, don’t worry, the wine I have this time is some spirits, but it has been stored for a thousand years.”

Zhang Qing nodded slightly after hearing what the old man in front of him said, if it was the type of wine before.

I really don’t dare to drink it, but if it is an ordinary spirit, even if it is left for a thousand years, the taste will only become more intense.

Thinking of this, he stepped into the spring water. With the help of the cool spring water, a wine glass appeared directly in front of Own.

At this moment, the two also raised their wine glasses one after another, and the wine in the white jade bottles was also poured, and the air was filled with wine.

“Little brother, I have never seen someone as capable of drinking as the little brother.”

The old man and Zhang Qing in front of him were also drunk. At this moment, the two also put their own arms on each other’s shoulders.

At the same time, leaning on the rock wall of this spring, their cheeks are also full of crimson color, and the two of them will talk loudly from time to time.

But at this moment, the two of them can also see that each other is truly happy, and drinking is a very normal thing for people like them.

And with their current Cultivation Base, this little bit of alcohol can’t have any effect on them at all. If they want to make them drunk, they must first mobilize the energy in their own body and convert the energy in their own body into A conservative, plain state.

Only at this time do you feel dizzy while drinking.

In the case of their Cultivation Base people, with such a Cultivation Base, it is basically non-toxic, not to mention the drinks.

At this moment, the two of them are like a pair of year-end acquaintances, and they start to drink non-stop, and in the end, the wine is also drunk by both of them.

At this moment, the old man saw that the wine he put in the white jade bottle had already been drunk, and then he stood up angrily.

“Little brother, wait for me here for a while, brother will pick up the wine right away.”

After saying this, he also stumbled a little, and began to walk towards the warehouse of his inventory.

As he walked, the person shook his body slightly, feeling a little staggering.

Zhang Qing did not follow the old man into the old man’s warehouse, but at the moment he was still sitting on the edge of the spring, watching the direction the old man was leaving.

Before long, the old man also staggered to his own inventory, and firmly grasped the door of the warehouse and pulled it aside.

The moment the old man opened the warehouse, the two were also taken aback, because they could smell a very huge smell of wine, and then the two looked at each other again.

The old man also stretched out his hand, looked at Zhang Qing behind him with a blurred look, and then spoke.

“Wait, little brother, you will wait a little longer.”

The old man also entered the warehouse after saying this, and went to find the wine he had buried before.

He also has a certain understanding of wines. After all, if these wines are simply stored in the warehouse, there will still be some problems. It is better to dig a few holes in the warehouse and bury all the wines in the report.

And write a note on the place where the wine is buried to remind yourself.

Not long after, this old man also came to the younger generation in front of him with the fine wine he treasured.

In the end, he opened his long-cherished wine immediately, and the aroma of the wine immediately drifted into the air in the courtyard at the moment of opening.

After the two smelled a scent of wine, they also took a sharp breath, and then showed a slightly satisfied expression.

However, Zhang Qing at this moment also discovered that the old man in front of him was holding a silver object in his hand.

Maybe it was because I drank too much, so I didn’t see what it was in the first time.

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