Chapter 120 No one will dare to attack our disciples of Jiejiao!

The power of the law in Shi Chen’s hand is nothing else but the Immortal Law.

It is not the laws of time, space, formations, etc. that Shi Chen thought of before.

It is a simple and rough Immortal Law.

This Immortal Law is not strong, and it is not so offensive among the many laws of the avenue.

The auxiliary function is also average.

But if you say it is weak, it is not weak, it is definitely the most difficult type.

The Immortal Law is a branch of the Eternal Avenue. It even has certain characteristics of the Time Avenue.

The Immortal Law can make Shi Chen’s body and soul more solid, and no external force can cause damage to it.

Even if it is injured, it will recover in a very short time.

This ability may be a meat shield for others. It is more like an extra-large sandbag.

But for Shi Chen, it is completely different.

Because of the Xianjian.

His own strength has always limited his ability to exert himself.

Now that his body has become stronger and tougher, it means that he can exert the power of Xianjian more powerfully.

Although at present, he can only swing one sword with his own strength.

But after swinging the sword, he will no longer lose strength on the spot and almost faint like before.

This time, merging with the Hongmeng Purple Qi and drawing the power of heaven and earth into himself is still a great help to Shi Chen.

If it were not for the fusion with the Hongmeng Purple Qi, his understanding of the Tao would not progress so quickly.

It can be said that this is both an opportunity and a danger.

At least for a long time, Shi Chen will not try to merge with the Hongmeng Purple Qi again.

Although this fusion of the Hongmeng Purple Qi can make him closer to the Tao and his understanding of the Tao soars.

However, no matter how incomplete and weak the Hongmeng Purple Qi in his body is, it is still the Hongmeng Purple Qi.

It is placed here, and it will cause irreversible damage if you are not careful.

Just like this time, even if the Hongmeng Purple Qi actively merges and lends him strength.

But if Shi Chen hadn’t broken through the Golden Immortal by chance and relied on the little spiritual light when he comprehended the immortal law to repair himself.

Otherwise, his injury would not be so easy to heal.

It can only be said that the treasures on Shi Chen’s body are powerful, but the cost of using them is a bit too high.

Shi Chen is now like a child swinging a giant axe, and he will hurt others and himself if he is not careful.

Although he can also wait for the Xianjian to automatically protect the master.

As long as he is in mortal danger, the Xianjian will automatically take action and kill all the enemies who come to attack.

This is also the life-saving trump card left by Tongtian Patriarch for him.

But in that case, the Xianjian will only protect himself.

For others, no matter how many people die, they will not care.

And after that, the Xianjian will forcibly take Shi Chen away and return to Tongtian Patriarch.

At that time, Tongtian Patriarch will probably not let Shi Chen leave Jinao Island casually.

In addition, Shi Chen doesn’t want to hide under the protection of others all the time.

Anyway, there is the Xianjian as a guarantee, so at most he can be a little more wasteful.

Facts have proved that it is good to be a little bit extravagant.

Although he took some risks, his strength progressed very fast.

For other people, it is normal to spend several epochs from True Immortal to Immortal King. People like Zhu Zu and He Wushuang who can break through to Immortal King in one epoch are geniuses that are rare in a million miles. People like

Shi Hao who can break through in a million years are geniuses among geniuses.

But Shi Chen completed this breakthrough in less than a hundred years.

In addition to his own talent after becoming an immortal, it is the huge risk he took this time.

Of course, this Immortal Sutra is also a crucial link.

Who would have thought that this Immortal Sutra actually contains the immortal true meaning of the breakthrough of the Golden Immortal.

Shi Chen also felt sorry for the Tianjiao Ant.

If the Tianjiao Ant could also comprehend the true meaning of the Immortal Sutra and break through to the realm of Immortal King, he would not have died tragically, right?

Shi Chen also felt sorry for the former Tianjiao Ant.

The biggest difference between the former Tianjiao Ant and Shi Chen is that

Shi Chen is not superstitious about the second half of the Immortal Sutra.

Without the second half of the Immortal Sutra, Shi Chen has already walked out of his own path. In fact, for him, the Immortal Sutra he deduced is more suitable for him than the second half of the original Immortal Sutra. The second half of the original Immortal Sutra is not important to Shi Chen at all.

As the saying goes, those who learn from me live, and those who imitate me die. What

Shi Chen needs is the middle way of thinking of the Immortal Sutra. As for the exercises, there are countless body-refining exercises in the prehistoric world that are better than the Immortal Sutra.

Just talking about his Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong, it is enough to crush the body-refining methods in the perfect world.

However, Shi Chen also found that the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong in his body was running in an unprecedented way.

Some of it was like the Immortal Sutra, and some of it was like the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong, which was very strange.

This made Shi Chen feel that he had practiced poorly.

Because even if he had integrated the immortal true meaning of the Immortal Sutra into the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong before, it did not change the running route of the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong.

However, in this changed route, Shi Chen felt that the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong seemed to be a little stronger?

This seems to be a good change.

Shi Chen simply stopped thinking about it.

At worst, he could go to Tongtian Sect Master to ask.

If Tongtian Sect Master can’t see any problem, it’s useless to think about it.

Shi Chen always chooses to make full use of his family background.

At this time, a fairy light fell and turned into the appearance of Yunxiao.

“”I have met… Master.”

Shi Chen was puzzled when he saw Yun Xiao’s cold face.

Did someone make Yun Xiao angry?

It was the first time he saw Yun Xiao like this.

“”Master, who made you angry?”

Shi Chen asked carefully.

“Who else could it be? Of course it’s me, your good disciple who doesn’t know how high the sky is and how deep the earth is.”

Yun Xiao said with some resentment.

Shi Chen was stunned for a moment.

What’s going on?

Why can’t he remember when he had offended Yun Xiao?

“The most taboo thing in cultivation is to be greedy and reckless.”

Yun Xiao said with a stern face.

“Do you know that you have fallen into the evil path by doing this?”

“You were lucky this time and got through it, but what about next time?”

“If you do this again, I won’t mind destroying your cultivation in advance.”

“Rather than dying in obscurity, it is better to be an ordinary person and live a peaceful life.”

Yunxiao’s rebuke was very severe.

It took Shi Chen a long time to understand what Yunxiao meant.

This made Shi Chen laugh and cry.

He finally understood that Yunxiao had misunderstood.

His injury was not caused by himself.

But he couldn’t tell Yunxiao that it was caused by a war with others in another world, right?

He could only listen to Yunxiao’s rebuke and nodded.

To be honest, Shi Chen felt good about being cared for.

In the perfect world, he always played the role of a shelter, fighting against the strong men from foreign lands for the nine heavens and ten earths.

He was the one who had to chew on any hard bones.

He always protected others. People.

Only in the prehistoric world can he experience the feeling of being protected.

Sometimes, he also wants to do nothing and just accept the protection peacefully.

Why must he work so hard and fight so hard?

What does the Nine Heavens and Ten Earths have to do with him?

He can just bring the people he wants to protect and come directly to the prehistoric world, right?

However, he knows that he can’t do that.

Apart from anything else, Yunxiao is so good to him, he can’t let them go on the original path.

Of course, Shi Chen only wants to save Yunxiao, Bixiao, Qiongxiao, and Zhao Gongming.

As for the other disciples of Jiejiao, sorry, in Shi Chen’s opinion, they deserve to die.

Those The disciples of Jiejiao eat people at every turn. There are also guys like Ma Yuan who love to eat people’s hearts and have even practiced a magical power to capture people’s hearts.

Not to mention Yu Hua, it is unknown how many lives were sacrificed by the Blood-Transforming Divine Sword.

Lu Yue directly brought down the plague during the Conferred God Battle, completely disregarding the lives of ordinary people, which led to Shennong’s intervention.

There were also floods and fires in Xiqi, and it is unknown how many mortals died.

Perhaps in the eyes of these Jiejiao immortals, these ant-like mortals do not need to be cared about at all, and if they die, they die.

But the butt determines the position.

Shi Chen is a human, so he is naturally very dissatisfied with this behavior.

Therefore, he does not intend to change On the one hand, it was too difficult. On the other hand, he also hoped that all the Jiejiao immortals would be on the list. No, Shi Chen hoped that their souls would be scattered. What list did they deserve to be on?!

However, even so, it was still very difficult for Shi Chen at this time, which meant that he had to face the saints directly.

This was why Shi Chen worked hard to practice.

If there was any problem in the Perfect World, he could at most ask for help from the Primordial World. There was always a way out.

But if something really happened in the Primordial World, he couldn’t expect the people in the Perfect World to help him, right?

Finally, Yun Xiao had almost finished scolding, and the expression on his face eased a lot. He said

“However, the fact that you were able to break through to the Golden Immortal realm so quickly also shows that you have extraordinary talent. You must not be too aggressive in the future.”

“Do you have any questions about your practice? I can answer one or two of them for you.”

“Yes, there is.”

Shi Chen said hesitantly

“However, I think it would be better to ask Master Tongtian for a few questions.”


Yunxiao raised his eyebrows and said in dissatisfaction.

“What? Do you think your master can’t guide you now?”

Yun Xiao has long been dissatisfied with Shi Chen’s behavior of going to Tongtian to solve problems whenever he has something to do.

This makes her, as a master, look incompetent.

Now that she has the opportunity to prove herself, she will naturally not let it go.


Seeing Yunxiao’s insistence, Shi Chen could only tell her own problem.

The problem of the sudden change in the route of the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong. Shi Chen demonstrated in front of Yunxiao, the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong with the changed route, as well as the original Immortal Sutra and the Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong.

Yunxiao fell silent.

Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong?

Sorry, I haven’t practiced it, I just heard the teacher mention it.

Because the teacher once said that this method is easy to learn but difficult to master, she didn’t do much research.

What’s more, in this era, the physical combat type of Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong easily reminds people of the Wu clan.

The Wu clan almost represents the ceiling of the physical body. Unless you are gifted, no one will go to the physical body.

Because, even if you reach the extreme, you are still not as good as the Wu clan.

In this case, why waste this energy to go to the physical body.

Not to mention, this Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong will cost a lot of resources.

The physical training is very hard to practice, and the effect is slow, which has no market in Jiejiao.

Everyone prefers the kind of skills that can be quickly mastered and have great power.

In Jiejiao, only Duobao Taoist has practiced this Nine Revolutions Yuan Gong, but he gave up after practicing to the sixth turn.

It is said that it is because too many resources are consumed, even Duobao Taoist is also painful, so he gave up.

Therefore, Yunxiao did not study this skill too much, and simply taught Shi Chen to get started.

There was a problem with the operation route of this skill, and Yunxiao was really in the dark.

Looking at Shi Chen who was standing aside with his hands spread out, as if to say,”I don’t want to say it, but you insist on saying it”, Yun Xiao was even more furious.

She was very suspicious that her apprentice was deliberately looking at her and making fun of her!

“”Okay, okay, go find Master Tongtian.”

Yunxia said unhappily.

Shi Chen said with a smile.

“Teacher, can you give me a ride? The war between wizards and liches is going on right now, and it’s not safe even in the East China Sea.”

Yun Xiao thought Shi Chen’s words made sense, but on the surface he still said

“”Okay, your uncle is about to come out of retreat, you should also go to see him, it’s on the way.”

Shi Chen thought carefully, from Sanxian Island to Luofu Cave in Mount Emei, and to Jin’ao Island, they are two completely different routes.

How can it be on the way?

Shi Chen had every reason to think that his teacher just wanted to show off that his disciple had broken through to the Golden Immortal.

He also just realized that his teacher was still a proud and arrogant person.

Although he didn’t say it, he was still very worried about his safety.

“Let’s go.”

Yunxiao waved his sleeves, and took Shi Chen with him as two beams of fairy light, and flew to the Jin’ao Island.

With Yunxiao leading him, the speed was much faster than when Shi Chen went to Jin’ao Island alone.

The war between wizards and liches began, and the whole world was filled with a murderous aura, or it would be more appropriate to call it calamity. When calamity enters the body, it will make people more impulsive and do many irrational things.

It is also commonly known as being on top.

Even in the East China Sea, there are fights everywhere.

There are wizards and monsters fighting.

There are also those who want to fish in troubled waters during the wizard-lich chaos.

Under the banner of the monster or wizard clan, some weak tribes are attacked. Looting.

Such things are not uncommon.

Even the dragon clan that owns the four seas is powerless to care about such things.

They can only shrink their power in the Dragon Palace to ensure its safety.

The current dragon clan of the four seas is not the soft persimmon that can be bullied in the future.

Although they suffered heavy losses in the Longhan catastrophe, a lean camel is bigger than a horse. The current dragon clan can be regarded as a powerful clan in the prehistoric world.

Even so, the East China Sea dragon clan can only protect its own safety, which is enough to show the chaos of the situation.

Along the way, the entire East China Sea was dyed blood red.

Yun Xiao saw this and said

“Because the teacher’s temple is in the East Sea, they will be more restrained. If it were somewhere else, I’m afraid it would be even more chaotic.”

“But don’t worry, no one in the East China Sea will dare to attack us disciples of Jiejiao.”

“That’s not necessarily the case.”

Shi Chen looked at the place not far away and said slowly.


Yunxiao looked back and soon saw a group of black evil winds sweeping in from a distance, carrying blood all over the sky. It was obvious that they had just slaughtered many tribes.

Yunxiao and Shi Chen happened to be in the path of the evil wind.

Yunxiao frowned slightly. She could tell at a glance that the other party did not seem to have any intention of avoiding them.

Was it coming for them?

This made Yunxiao a little angry.

She had just said that no one would dare to attack the disciples of Jiejiao in the East China Sea. And here came one immediately.

Isn’t this a slap in her face?

However, before Yunxiao could make a move, Shi Chen moved.

“This kind of stuff, please don’t bother Master, so as not to dirty Master’s hands.”

Shi Chen took a step forward and walked in front of Yunxiao.

At the same time, a bronze fairy sword appeared in his hand.


The green sword light crossed the sky and split the sea into two halves!

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