The record in the round mirror shows that Li Qiong stopped Nuwa from showing everything! This scene deeply hurt Yang Jian! Could it be that the master who taught him everything also knew about his mother's past? Then was it not a coincidence that he appeared in Yuquan Mountain? Recalling the first time he met the master, the master had recognized his identity before he opened his mouth, and even knew his mother! Even though he knew that the master had great magical powers and could do anything! But Yang Jian has begun to doubt whether the master has known the conspiracy of the Chan Sect for a long time? Otherwise, why did he tell him not to trust the Heavenly Court and not to participate in the dynasty dispute before going down the mountain? Does this mean that the master also knew that his mother was trapped under Taoshan Mountain?

Is the master helping him, or is he part of the conspiracy of the Chan Sect?

For a moment, Yang Jian felt that his head was about to explode!

The conspiracy entangled with them was so huge that it was so huge that there was no hope at all!

Yang Chan understood the meaning of Yang Jian's question. She was also scared and her face turned pale, but her eyes were firm.

"Master must know everything!"

"But I don't know why the master tried to cover up this matter. It seems that he doesn't want us to know the truth of the matter!"

"So, I must find you as soon as possible. We have to figure this out!"

In terms of feelings, Yang Chan is naturally close to Yang Jian alone!

Even in the Jinguan Cave of Qianyuan Mountain, Taiyi Zhenren had taken care of her for more than three years, but there was no master-disciple relationship between them.

Especially after knowing that it was just a conspiracy, Yang Chan couldn't look directly at the people of the Chan Sect!

Being accepted as a registered disciple by Li Qiong was just because he knew that Li Qiong was Yang Jian's master!

So there was no master-disciple relationship between Yang Chan and Li Qiong, nor was there any master-disciple relationship.

When she knew that Li Qiong had known about the conspiracy her parents had encountered, her feelings towards Li Qiong changed drastically!

She didn't hate Li Qiong, but felt deep coldness and bottomless fear!

If everything was known and arranged long ago, would Li Qiong have other purposes for accepting her second brother Yang Jian as a disciple?

Otherwise, why did she stop Nuwa from telling the truth of the year?

Yang Jian felt that his mind was confused. He would not go, and he did not dare to doubt that his master was involved in the matter, but he also doubted himself!

If all that was true, then his birth was a conspiracy gathering!

So, what's the point of fighting for everything now?

Could it be that every step he took now was still in the conspiracy set by others?

If so, is that person really his most respected master?

Yang Jian shook his head vigorously, his mood was a bit complicated, and he didn't think too much.

"Third sister, we must not be suspicious about this matter!"

"Master will not harm us, he knows, and Nuwa also knows!"

"The saint is omniscient and omnipotent in the three realms. It is not surprising that Master knows this matter. After all, even the saint is not Master's opponent!"

"And not let us know, I'm afraid there is another hidden story!"

Hearing what the second brother said, Yang Chan also nodded, but he still had doubts in his heart.

"Second brother, what should we do now?"

"Continue to look for Shen Gongbao?"

The words were not said in full, but Yang Chan's meaning was very clear.

Their own family affairs have not been dealt with clearly. Even if they find Shen Gongbao here, what's the point?

Yang Jian's heart is still in a mess.

But his goal is very clear!

"Since I have promised Madam Yin and Nezha to handle this matter, I must handle it properly!"

"First find Shen Gongbao and understand this misunderstanding, then we will return to Guanjiangkou immediately. Mother should know more than us!"

For Yang Jian, Li Qiong is not only the master who taught him how to be powerful, but also the benefactor who protected them and their son in times of crisis and decisively rescued them!

So no matter what, Yang Jian firmly believes that his master will never harm him!

Yang Chan wanted to say something else, but seeing the firm look on his second brother's face, he could only give up for the time being and nodded gently.

As time passed, after three hours, the five ghosts finally flew out of Chaoge City!

And in the Eastern Heaven and Earth

, the sun has gradually emerged, and the morning light awakens the entire Chaoge City!

Jiang Ziya felt the fluctuation of magic and opened his eyes directly.

The five ghosts flew back to the left and right of the incense burner, dancing and waving their hands, as if they were very excited and wanted to say something.

Jiang Ziya took his time and took out a yellow silk and spread it flat on the stone. The five ghosts jumped on it without hesitation and quickly outlined a map with the south gate of Chaoge City as the starting point!

"Found it!"

Hearing Jiang Ziya's cheers, Yang Jian and his sister hurried over.

However, when they saw the crooked map, they frowned again. They couldn't understand it at all!

Yang Jian was anxious and asked immediately.

"Master, with this thing, we can find Shen Gongbao, right?"

"Can you understand it?"

Jiang Ziya nodded excitedly. He finally came in handy!

All the previous spells failed. If we can't find Shen Gongbao's trace, it will be embarrassing!

"This is the Qimen Dunjia revealing technique. It shows the trace of my junior brother from the south gate!"


After looking at the map for a while, Jiang Ziya had actually guessed the location!

But that place really surprised him.

Without any nonsense, Jiang Ziya took the map and led Yang Jian and his sister to follow the trail!

Along the way, Yang Jian and Yang Chan were a little depressed. They kept thinking about their parents' affairs in their hearts, and each had their own plans.

After a long time, they flew nearly a hundred miles before the three of them came to the foot of a dark and barren mountain.

This place is rarely visited by people, but there are human ancestral temples. Several temple priests and a dozen veterans live in a circle, which looks quite dilapidated!

Yang Jian had just arrived here when he felt an inexplicable aura shrouding him, and he frowned immediately.

"It's demonic energy, where is this place?"

"Is Shen Gongbao here?"

The Meishan Seven Monsters who had been following Yang Jian were all demon cultivators.

So Yang Jian was not unfamiliar with demonic energy, and he could tell at a glance that there was a demon cave here. It was strange that Shen Gongbao was suddenly related to demons?

Jiang Ziya's face was not very good either. Following the map all the way down, it was indeed consistent with his guess.

"This is Xuanyuan Tomb!"

"It is the place where the kings of all generations worship their ancestors, but it has been abandoned for some years. I often hear that there are demons here, but I don't know whether it is true or not."

"Today, I saw that the demonic energy was indeed soaring, and there must be something strange!"

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