The two brothers were very polite.

"It's okay. Your two brothers are not ignorant of etiquette."

"With their help, you can be safe and worry-free."

"I'll give you the second treasure, which is also a person, the ancestor witch Gonggong who will send you back to Chaoge!"

Li Qiong had a plan.

If Gonggong was kept by his side, the role he could play would be minimal, and it would also limit Gonggong's strength.

But if Gonggong could get the help of the King of Man.

Then it would not be difficult to summon the witches of the world and reunite the witch army.

King Zhou did not know the identity of the ancestor witch, but he also understood that the gift from his master must be no mediocre person!

"Thank you, Master!"

Li Qiong nodded slightly, thought for a moment, and added another point.

"But if you want to use this ancestor witch Gonggong, you have to be polite to him. His status in the past was not lower than that of the human king, and even higher!"

"The witch clan is a clan that values ​​love and righteousness. If you can give a favor, you must repay it a hundredfold!"

King Zhou was thoughtful and nodded in agreement.

Just remember in your heart that you must learn about the past of the witch clan after returning and get to know this ancestor witch whose status is equivalent to that of the human king!

Li Qiong continued to speak.

"This third treasure is the bloodline confinement. When you return to Chaoge and summon me as your master for the first time, I will naturally help you to unlock the bloodline confinement that prevents you from practicing!"

This treasure really made King Zhou a little overjoyed!

After all, this is the distress that has troubled him for many years. The pain of not being able to practice has tortured him day and night!

If it can be eliminated now, it will be like rebirth!

"Disciple thanks Master for his great kindness!"

Li Qiong smiled calmly, he was always generous.

Especially to the Tiandihui people!

"I passed on the Three Treasures to you so that you can achieve the kingly way and benefit the human race."

"If I find out that you are too licentious and tyrannical, I will not only take them back, but also expel you from the sect and punish you severely!"

"This is the first commandment for you!"

"The second commandment is that you must not be greedy for beauty, and don't write poems all the time, especially for the Nuwa Temple. If you can avoid it, don't go. You must not get involved with the daughter of Jizhou Hou Su Hu!"

"The third commandment is that you must appoint people based on their merits. People who are good at flattery must not be entrusted with important tasks."

King Zhou naturally dared not disobey Li Qiong's warning and nodded repeatedly.

"Disciple will remember Master's teachings!"

Li Qiong thought that since everything that should be explained had been explained, there shouldn't be any big problems left.

It is most important to let Gonggong send King Zhou's soul back immediately.

With a thought, he broke out of the dream with King Zhou's dream consciousness and returned to the Taoist temple again.

Li Qiong's soul returned to his body, and when he opened his eyes, he saw the six divine lights around Hou Tu, which was even more outrageous!

Under the reflection of the six divine lights, the sky within a radius of 100 miles became hazy and colorful, with various illusions in it.

A closer look turned out to be Hou Tu's reincarnation in the dream, with thousands of different dreams!

Even though Li Qiong had seen it before, he was still amazed now.

Although they were both practicing the Three Dreams of the Human World, Hou Tu had directly crossed the two realms of entering and exiting dreams, and directly began to transform dreams!

In Li Qiong's understanding, even the characters in the novel he read in his previous life had not yet cultivated to the legendary realm of transforming dreams!

However, Hou Tu had only listened to a concept passed down by Li Qiong, and she had already cultivated to the highest realm!

Above the quasi-saint realm, one can be called a saint!

If it is called by Taoism, it is the realm of Hunyuan Wuda Daluo Jinxian!

Going up further, it is the realm of Tiandao, the realm of Dadao, the realm of Hongmeng, and the realm of Taichu!

I don’t know what realm this right protector of Tiandihui can break through to after he completely realizes the Three Dreams of the Human World!

This method of entering dreams and transforming dreams is originally practiced by Yin Shen!

It is indeed complementary to Hou Tu’s earthly reincarnation. No wonder she has made such rapid progress and gained so much!

King Zhou’s soul has gradually stabilized at this time and opened his eyes again.

“Master, I bid farewell!”

“See you in my dreams tomorrow!”

Li Qiong had already notified Gonggong to wait on the side. Seeing that King Zhou was ready, he also nodded gently.

“Go, remember the way of being a king!”


As soon as the words fell, the Purple Star Emperor's light descended again and instantly enveloped King Zhou's soul!

Gong Gong raised his hand and shot out another water spirit that enveloped King Zhou's soul ball and swallowed it directly into his stomach.

Perfectly protected.

"Master, I'm leaving!"

Gonggong bowed to Li Qiong from a distance, and the true body of the ancestor witch was directly restrained, transformed into a yellow-faced man and flew into the air, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

On the other side, in Chaoge City!

The sky darkened, and the soul of the king had been away for two days, and there was no news!

Although there was no danger in the morning court today, it was also very unpleasant.

Without King Zhou's appearance to suppress, the proposal to weaken the power of the princes and nobles and the military power of the princes of all directions was once again quarreled.

If it weren't for Bigan and Huang Feihu's efforts to suppress it, I'm afraid that the ministers would really rush into the bedroom to make a remonstrance.

In the bedroom, Jiang Ziya sat cross-legged, and the compass in front of him was quietly suspended above the bell and tripod.

The lingering fragrance was like a cloud covering it, and it lasted for a long time, still trying to connect with the soul of the king.

Li Jing and Yang Jian, who were standing by, could only wait in boredom.

Now, except for Jiang Ziya, no one could help.

But Fei Zhong took good care of everyone, including food, shelter and transportation, all in the palace, and no news leaked out.

Jiang Ziya finished a day of magic and slowly opened his eyes.

Seeing this, Bigan was the first to greet him.

"Master Ziya, how is it?"

"Have you found the king's soul?"

Jiang Ziya sighed helplessly and shook his head.

"If the king's soul is not far away, it must be trapped by something. This method can't find the breath of the soul in the world."

"But I have begun to expand the scope. With the flesh as a guide, as long as the king's soul is still there, it will definitely be sensed."

Hearing Jiang Ziya say this, everyone was really not optimistic.

There are only three days in total. If it can't be found, doesn't it mean that the king's soul is really in trouble?

Will they wait or not?

Huang Feihu frowned and sighed.

"If the king doesn't come back tomorrow, those old guys in the court will probably come to the harem!"

"Today, I saw that the Marquis of Jizhou didn't say a word, but his supporters spoke passionately!"

Bigan felt a little uneasy in his heart, as if the whole Chaoge was shrouded in something.

"Did the Marquis of Jizhou find out something?"

"But his personal soldiers haven't entered the city, and Jizhou is thousands of miles away. Even if he found something, he shouldn't be able to do anything for a while, right?"

The other few people didn't understand the affairs of the court, so they didn't express any opinions.

It was just that Nezha, who was sitting on the side, pouted his little mouth, and seemed a little unhappy.

Seeing this, Yang Jian chuckled and knocked on the little guy's head.

"What's wrong, Nezha? You look depressed."

"Do you feel bored staying in the palace?"

Nezha shook his head and looked at Yang Jian helplessly.

"Brother, why do I feel that the moisture in Chaoge City is heavier than that in Chentangguan!"

"You know, I don't like water the most because of my innate fire power. The moisture is so heavy that I really want to evaporate it all with fire!"

When Yang Jian said this, he didn't realize the problem.

Li Jing on the side suddenly opened his eyes with surprise.


"It shouldn't be. Chaoge is thousands of miles away from the sea, and there are no rivers. Where does such heavy moisture come from?"

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