The king of people is in the palace of the king of people.

Chaoge City, the bedroom of the king of people!

King Zhou looked at Su Daji who was kneeling down obediently, with a calm demeanor and a little excitement.


"So those guys have been thinking about it for so long and are ready to attack my queen?"

"This move is really unexpected!"

Hearing King Zhou's voice, the nine-tailed fox shuddered subconsciously.

It's really surviving in the cracks!

On one side is Nuwa, and on the other side is the king of people, Tiandihui, neither of them can be offended.

Now I can only speak to people and speak to ghosts!

"Yes, my king!"

"Just now Shen Gongbao ordered the nine-headed pheasant spirit to come in and deliver the news!"

"How should we respond?"

"Please give me some advice, my king!"

King Zhou also started to think about it.

This is the first time he has fought with a saint, so he must do it beautifully!

It's just right, he can find an opportunity to test the power of the Human King Fist.

In the dream world, he has simulated hundreds of times, and it's time to actually operate it.

Just waiting for the saint to reach out!

He sneered and made a plan.

"Since they want me to be stupid, I will show them!"

"You and the sister will live in my bedroom these days!"

"Every night, there will be music and feasts!"

"First, build up enough momentum, so that they will all think that I have been deceived by you!"

"This is the only way to attract them to attack again!"

After saying this, Su Daji reluctantly breathed a sigh of relief.

As long as she is still useful, she is safe and doesn't have to worry about being killed.

"Yes, Your Majesty!"

King Zhou watched Daji leave, but he was secretly calculating in his heart.

This matter is important, so he should discuss it with his master!

Compared with the first two disciples of the Tiandihui, Li Qiong was very patient in teaching King Zhou, and he would respond to the call from time to time and go to Chaoge.

Of course, the biggest purpose of doing this was not for King Zhou, but Li Qiong wanted to use the Taoist temple to descend and play around.

At night!

King Zhou performed the dream-entering method and successfully entered the dream space.

The master and disciple met in the dream and talked about the calculations of the saints.

Li Qiong stroked his chin, and after listening to King Zhou's retelling, he sneered.

"Interesting, interesting!"

"In order to affect the catastrophe, he actually led the human king to evil!"

"What do you think, little submissive?"

Hearing this, King Zhou respectfully stepped forward.

"My disciple is stupid. I just let those two demons enter my bedroom first to show them to those who are plotting against me!"

"As for how to make them take further action..."

"Please give me some advice, Master!"

Hearing King Zhou say this, Li Qiong shook his head repeatedly.

"I can only guide you in your practice. You still need to understand such trivial matters by yourself!"

"Since you want to play tricks with the Six Saints of Heaven, you can't always rely on my methods!"

"In this way, when will your way of kingship be completed?"

As soon as these words came out, King Zhou felt guilty.

Indeed, he himself felt that he was too dependent on the guidance of his master.

Suddenly, an idea came to him!

"I have it, Master!"

"Since they want to see me kill Queen Jiang and dismiss the two princes!"

"Why not play along and put on a show!"

"When the time comes, when they make a move to plot against the princes, cut off their hands and feet!"

"Formally declare war on the saint!"

A gleam of light flashed in Li Qiong's eyes.

As expected of King Zhou!

Really ruthless!

"Okay, since this is your way of kingship, you must go for it without hesitation!"

"Play this show more realistically and try to catch a big fish!"

"Don't worry, no matter what time it is, Master will always support you!"

"As long as you are dedicated to the rise of the human race!"

Hearing this, King Zhou was very moved!

"Disciple, thank you, Master!"

"The human race is expected to prosper!"

"If you defeat the saint in the future, I will definitely release the Fire Cloud Cave and invite the Three Emperors back to their positions!"

The master and disciple briefly exchanged details.

The direction was roughly determined!

When King Zhou woke up from the dream world, the sky was already slightly bright.

Without any hesitation, he rushed to Queen Jiang's palace!

Without attracting anyone's attention, he had already discussed everything with Queen Jiang in his bed!

Now, the pond is ready and bait is ready!

The king of men is in the morning court, and all the ministers come to see him!

After dealing with daily government affairs, King Zhou looked at the people below pretending to be

Shen Gongbao snorted in his heart.

It's time to bait the fish!

"Grand Master, the king just wants to find you for an errand!"

"There is a new beauty in the palace who likes stars!"

"I'll send you to quickly order skilled craftsmen to build a Star Picking Tower for the king and the beauty to play with!"

"Is it difficult?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the court was in an uproar!

Shen Gongbao was delighted!

It seems that the tricks of the vixen and the pipa fairy are working!

He was about to agree immediately.

The more King Zhou favored Su Daji, the more likely it would cause dissatisfaction in Queen Jiang!

At that time, the two fairies could easily confuse King Zhou to kill the queen and force the two princes away with a little tricks!

However, before he could speak, Bigan frowned and walked forward.

"Your Majesty!"

"Building a large-scale project for the sake of the harem is really wasteful and licentious!"

"Please take back your order!"

Seeing that Zhongfu Bigan was speaking out, a group of upright ministers also stood up.

"Please take back your order!"

King Zhou had expected such a scene and pretended to be slightly angry.

"I just want to build a building, how can I say that I am building a large-scale project and wasteful and licentious?"

"What's more, the Grand Master is the Kunlun Immortal Master, and he must have some miraculous methods!"

"Maybe one person can cast a spell and build a fairy building for me in just a few days. It's magnificent and luxurious, what's wrong with that?"

These words sounded like a fairy tale to ordinary mortals!

Something that is impossible to achieve!

Bigan looked at Shen Gongbao with a suspicious face.

"Master State Master, can you really do what the king said?"

After being asked this question, Shen Gongbao was stuck in the middle for a while, and was in a dilemma.

A star-picking tower?

Even if Shen Gongbao was given 300 strong men, he would not be able to build a tower now!

But how could such a good opportunity to help King Zhou to commit atrocities be given up?

Since King Zhou was willing to build a tower for the two goblins, it was natural that he would kill Queen Jiang for the two goblins later!

To put it in a big way, this was the beginning of the chaos in the government!

I couldn't retreat, let alone refuse!

This must be done.

Grit my teeth, maybe there is still a way.

At worst, I can go back to the master's door to ask for advice!

It's not impossible to borrow a fairy building!

"Reporting to the king, this is feasible!"

"Give me three days to cast a spell, and the Zhaixing Tower will surely rise from the ground!"

As soon as this was said, the court was in an uproar again!

No one thought there would really be such a magic!

Bi Gan was also skeptical.

However, seeing Shen Gongbao's confidence, he and Shen Gongbao had a good relationship on weekdays, so he naturally didn't continue to ask.

King Zhou was very happy when he saw this.

The fish took the bait so quickly, and he didn't have to make more calculations.

"Okay, since the great master has spoken, I will give you three days!"

"When the time comes, I will see your Zhaixing Tower!"

After that, he immediately returned to the harem with a big laugh, leaving a group of ministers looking at each other in bewilderment.

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