The king and the queen quarreled in public!

Everyone was dumbfounded!

But behind the scenes, Bigan and others were very excited, calling the queen virtuous!

The more quarrels, the better!

Today, we are going to make a big deal and expose the true faces of these two evil women in public!

Let's see how they can still seduce the king!

Shen Gongbao looked at all this and couldn't stop laughing in his heart.

"Fight, fight!"

"I didn't expect that we would be able to complete the first step of Master's instructions so soon!"

"When you guys make more trouble, I'll come out and add fuel to the fire!"

"When the time comes, successfully send the two princes away and make great achievements!"

Just then, the nine-headed pheasant spirit waiting on the side came up excitedly.

"Master, is it time?"

Shen Gongbao chuckled and shook his head.

"Don't be anxious, wait a moment!"

"After I cast the spell, you show up again and threaten to die, that's the best time!"

"Remember, you must force Queen Jiang to a dead end!"

"Only in this way can we complete our grand plan!"

As soon as these words came out, the nine-headed pheasant spirit nodded in surprise.

Shen Gongbao still knows more!

It's definitely right to follow him!

However, in this Zhaixing Tower, some people like to fight, and naturally there are also people who like to smooth things over!

This is what the cronies are good at. Their only goal is to make the king happy and be a qualified licking dog!

In this situation, it is natural to stand up and share the king's worries!

Fei Zhong hurried forward.

"King, calm down, Queen, calm down!"

"I think that the king is diligent in government affairs, loves the country and the people, and has never relaxed since he took office for many years!"

"Now that the battle of Chaoge has been won, the two beauties have entered the palace. Even if they enjoy themselves a little, it is not a bad idea!"

You Hun is even more confused and agrees.

"That's right, that's right!"

"Why do you want to spoil the king's fun at this time, Queen?"

"Let's have some fun today, and the king will be diligent tomorrow!"

"Let's let the beauties sing and dance to liven up the fun!"

As he said this, he wanted to arrange for the palace maids to dance and cover up the matter!

After all, in their opinion, the king definitely doesn't want to make such unpleasant things happen, and they want to think what the king wants!

However, Queen Jiang had already made plans, so how could she just give up?

Queen Jiang stood up with a cold face.

"If the king doesn't like to hear it, I won't say it!"

"But with all the banquets every night, have you ever thought about the hardship that the old master has to endure in Beihai?"

"Xiqi is restless, Jizhou is in turmoil, and there are internal and external troubles!"

"I am just fulfilling my duties as a queen, and I hope that the king can set a good example for the two princes!"

"Since you said something unpleasant, I will take my leave!"

After saying that, she immediately waved her phoenix robe and was about to leave with her attendants!

At this moment, King Zhou's face flushed and his hair stood on end with anger.

"Stop right there, my king!"


The bronze wine jar in his hand fell heavily, rising and falling on the ground three times, with a crisp and pleasant sound, but no one dared to breathe heavily!


The king was really angry!

No one dared to touch this juncture. Even people as smooth as Fei Zhong and You Hun were silent and stayed away!

If you accidentally become a scapegoat, you might lose your life!

Su Daji was like a frightened little rabbit, hiding carefully beside her, her beautiful eyes constantly moving back and forth between the Human King and Queen Jiang.

But in her heart, she was always staring at the Human King, looking at him infatuatedly.

"Your Majesty is so mighty!"

Although she knew it was just acting, after spending some time together, the Nine-Tailed Fox was indeed deeply impressed by the Human King's courage!

He is indeed a man who dares to confront even a saint!

At this moment, he cooperated wholeheartedly without any intention of being forced.

King Zhou had already found the feeling of anger, and he was naturally aggressive.

"The Queen is so powerful!"

"You come and go as you please. You belittled me in front of all the ministers. What do you want to do?"

"Even if I love two beauties, what does it matter?"

"Are you afraid of you getting old and ugly?"

"Turn around and apologize to the beauties!"

As soon as these words came out, Queen Jiang's body "trembled"!

Her acting skills were superb at this time!

She completely brought in her own emotions!

She grasped the feeling of being abandoned by the king in every minute

Feeling sad, with tears in her eyes.

"My king, please let me apologize to her!"

"I am the queen!"

When they first saw this scene, many princes and nobles, loyal ministers were already angry!

In the court, the queen also occupies a position!

Apart from anything else, Queen Jiang's relatives and dependent ministers would not agree first!

Let the queen of the Shang Dynasty apologize to a charming woman who just entered the palace?

It's impossible!

Seeing that the time was ripe, Bigan hurriedly led a group of ministers to rush out!

Inevitably, he was a little excited!

Just in time, he found a reason to drag the two witches into the water!

Bigan took the lead, heartbroken!

A face full of indignation!

"Please take back your order!"

"The queen is the body of the Shang Dynasty, how can she be offended!"

"Don't let some monsters deceive you, my king!"

As soon as these words came out, all the ministers who followed him knelt down and shouted together.

"Please take back your order!"

King Zhou saw this scene, and his face was somewhat "unbearable". He acted very well and it was very suitable!

"Uncle Zhong, what do you mean by this?"

"What do you mean by being deceived by monsters?"

"Do you suspect that I will be bewitched by monsters?"

"Where did the monsters come from in this palace!"

He had already understood the mind of the "fish" thoroughly enough!

Since he took the initiative to bite the hook, why not let go of the fishing line and let the fish slip away!

Su Daji also pretended to be terrified at this moment.

"Monster, monster?"

"Your Majesty, are they saying that I am a monster?"

"No, I am not a monster!"

"It must be slander!"

Bigan is already confident of victory, very excited, and even more angry!

At this moment, the monster woman dares to be presumptuous!

"Your Majesty, since you said so, don't blame me for being rude!"

"Since the two monster women from Jizhou entered the palace, your temperament has changed drastically, you are violent and perverse, and you often whip and punish people in the palace!"

"You even ignore the government and are licentious!"

"Now, I can only suspect that these two evil women are monsters!"

"Whether it is true or not, we will know it at a glance!"

"Grand Master!"

With a loud shout, Bigan looked at Shen Gongbao with full trust!

Upon seeing this scene, King Zhou was immediately "horrified and horrified", staggered back, grabbed Su Daji's wrist, and looked at Su Xiujuan who was also terrified.

"Are you evildoers?"

"Impossible, how can a beauty be an evildoer?"

"It must be fake!"

"I don't believe it!"

Bigan straightened his back at this moment, looked at the king's useless look, and snorted.

"Be careful, my king!"

"Today is the time to eliminate the evil woman!"

"If the great master doesn't take action now, when will he do it!"

Shen Gongbao laughed wildly in his heart, and he came closer in three or two steps with the divine wind under his feet.

Finally waited for this opportunity!

"My queen, I'm sorry!"

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