The two princes were in danger after the death of Queen Jiang. Now they are locked in the palace. If that witch has bad intentions, their lives will be in danger!" "Escape may really be the only way!" Shen Gongbao was very satisfied to see that the two really fell into the trap. However, on the surface, he still pretended to be worried about the country and the people, stroked his beard, and sighed softly. "The two princes of the human king are the hope of the Shang Dynasty and the fate of the human race!"

"If they are persecuted by the witch, I am afraid that something will happen tomorrow morning!"

"So I will risk my life to ask Lord Wucheng Wang and Lord Bigan for help to send the two princes of the human king out of the city, or I can save my life!"

The matter of Zhaixing Tower has been almost brewing.

Now that the human king has killed the queen, what else can we do?

Shen Gongbao has secretly sent a message to his fellow disciples of the Chan Sect to come and rob the fate of the human race, that is, to take away the princes of the human king!

After listening to Shen Gongbao's words, Bigan nodded repeatedly and agreed with it.

After all, in their opinion, the human king who was now bewitched by the witch could do anything, and the fate of the human race must not be allowed to be completely defeated in his hands!

Bigan suddenly thought of something.

He couldn't help but worry in his heart, frowning slightly.

"Grand Master, although these two princes can save their lives by leaving Chaoge, what should we do in the future?"

"The great cause of the Shang Dynasty must be passed on in a dignified manner!"

Shen Gongbao had long expected that Bigan would have such problems, and he had already made plans.

He immediately chuckled with confidence.

"As long as we can leave Chaoge City, Bigan does not have to worry!"

"The two princes are still young. In this chaotic world, they should go to the mountains to practice, and maybe they can save their lives."

"I have only asked the Kunlun Immortals to come to help. When the time comes, they can practice the power of the Heavenly Dao in the mountains and return to Chaoge to save the destiny of the human race!"

As he was speaking, Shen Gongbao immediately stood up and bowed to Bigan and Huang Feihu, who looked confused.

"Please help me, both adults!"

The three of them hit it off and made a plan on the spot!

Before dawn, take the two princes out of Chaoge City!

This matter is not something that can be solved simply by having a high level of cultivation.

The prince of the human king also has the luck of the human race. Once the human king is alarmed, with the purple emperor star covering him, Shen Gongbao's cultivation will naturally not be able to withstand it.

Fortunately, Huang Feihu is responsible for the city defense.

It is very simple to secretly let Shen Gongbao and the prince go.

The royal city at this moment.

The feast of the immortals on the star-picking tower, the glory is over, the immortals leave, and the whole palace falls into silence.

But in the harem, in the harem of King Jiang.

Yin Jiao and Yin Hong, the prince, burst into tears and were powerless.

Suddenly, the mother was killed and the father was tyrannical.

They didn't even have time to react to what happened, and they had already fallen into this situation.

Yin Hong cried and hugged his brother.

"Brother, will the father kill us too?"

Yin Jiao also trembled slightly when he heard this.

"That's good, we can reunite with our mother!"

"It's a pity that I couldn't avenge my mother, I'm unworthy of being a son!"

Thinking of the tragic death of their mother, the two brothers clenched their fists and blamed themselves deeply.

Just at this moment!

Suddenly a figure flew into the palace and landed not far in front of the two princes.

At first glance at the person, the two brothers widened their eyes in horror!

"It's you!"

Shen Gongbao walked up with a sanctimonious smile.

"I am Shen Gongbao, I meet the two princes!"

Yin Jiao was older, so he immediately protected Yin Hong behind him.

Wiped a tear and looked at Shen Gongbao nervously.

"I remember you, my mother said that you testified for that witch, saying that she was a fairy who came down to earth!"

"Is it possible that you are here to kill us brothers in this palace?"

As soon as these words came out, Yin Hong became even more scared and grabbed his brother's clothes tightly.

His eyes were filled with fear.

Shen Gongbao had expected this scene, but he took out a jade seal from his arms slowly.

"Please look, my two princes. I am a close confidant of Bigan!"

"The incident at Zhaixing Tower was a misunderstanding!"

"But the current situation is critical. This is Bigan's personal letter. Please read it.

Follow me out of the palace and go to the mountain to practice!"

Said Shen Gongbao, he took out the silk that he had prepared long ago, and presented it with the jade divination.

Yin Jiao took Bigan's letter and token with doubt.

Originally, Shen Gongbao knew that if he relied on him, the two princes might not follow him obediently.

And once there was a commotion, it would be a big deal.

That's why he had to find Bigan and Huang Feihu to help, so that he could ensure that everything was foolproof.

Sure enough.

Yin Jiao confirmed that it was indeed Bigan's handwriting and token, and he immediately became excited.

"It's really Bigan's token!"

After confirming Shen Gongbao's identity, the two brothers immediately felt relieved.

After carefully reading the content written on the silk, they were even more delighted.

It turned out that they were asked to follow Kunlun Immortal Master to practice in the mountains and learn the magic of the Heavenly Dao!


Yin Jiao did not hesitate at all, and immediately pulled his brother to kneel down to Shen Gongbao.

"Thank you, Taoist priest, for coming to rescue us! "

"If my two brothers are lucky enough to be admitted to Kunlun Immortal Sect, we will definitely come back for revenge in the future!"

"Please help us, Taoist priest!"

Although Yin Hong didn't know exactly what happened.

But he heard clearly about the matter of cultivating immortals and revenge, and he kowtowed with hatred in his eyes.

"I want to avenge my mother!"

Shen Gongbao looked at the two princes who kept kneeling with satisfaction, and smiled in his heart.

He shot out a black light with his hand, and easily helped the two princes who were kneeling on the ground up.

He even lifted them directly onto a cloud and slowly rose into the air!

"Since the two princes have agreed, I will do my best!"

"Let's go! "


As soon as the words fell, the three figures flew away!

Inside the palace, Huang Feihu finally breathed a sigh of relief when he sensed the three people leaving.

But the other guards turned a deaf ear to it, as if they had not discovered anything.

All this was arranged by Huang Feihu.

However, no one expected that King Zhou, who should have been drunk, was sitting in his clothes with his eyes shining. Only the two Daji sisters did not dare to approach and stood aside obediently.

King Zhou looked at the horizon, full of fighting spirit.

"Finally took the bait!"

"I have been waiting so hard! "

As soon as the voice fell, two figures walked out of the back hall.

Queen Jiang was among them!

But Su Daji and her sisters were not surprised, after all, this was something they had known for a long time.

Everything in the Zhaixing Tower had been discussed.

"My king, the two princes..."

Before Queen Jiang finished speaking, another person who came out with her chuckled and waved his hand.

"Queen, don't worry. I have already arranged everything."

"They can't get out."

"My brothers from the Jiejiao sect have already guarded the way."

King Zhou stood up and stretched his muscles.

"Old Master, thank you for coming back from the North Sea."

"After the matter is done, I will definitely welcome you!"

"Let's go and meet the saint's disciples!"

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