The young man was so angry that he was beaten.

Yang Jian glared, not expecting that this guy was more sturdy than him!

But as a senior brother, he would not be taught a lesson by his junior brother, so he was ready to give him a warning!

"An ordinary punch!"


The terrifying fist wind burst out, and the flaming dragon had no time to retreat, and was killed in an instant, leaving only a few sparks flying in the sky!

At this time, Nezha had already smashed down with the fire spear in his hand!


Nezha also thought of the time when his spiritual treasure was used by the old man Taiyi Zhenren, how could he be as free as he is now, and he was determined not to go back.

However, Yang Jian did not dodge, but faced forward, holding the falling Fire Spear with one hand!


With a crisp sound, the floor of the Li family exploded, but Yang Jian did not move at all!

Yang Jian grinned.

"Boy, don't be so irritable!"

"Call me Brother!"

Seeing this, Nezha was horrified. Although he was just born, his body was a spiritual bead that had experienced many vicissitudes of life. With his innate cultivation, ordinary people could not resist it at all!

"Let me go!"

Nezha stepped on Yang Jian's fist with his bare feet in the flames, trying desperately to pull out the Fire Spear!

But no matter how hard he tried, the Fire Spear made a series of wailing sounds, and was still tightly grasped in Yang Jian's hand, unable to be pulled out at all. Even the Samadhi True Fire that was powerful enough to kill gods and immortals could not hurt Yang Jian at all!

Nezha was really panicked!

Yang Jian sneered, and did not use half of his strength. He knew that Lingzhuzi had just been born, and now his cultivation was only one tenth of what it was, and he needed time to recover.

"Let go?"

"Okay, as you wish."

After saying that, Yang Jian threw his hand directly, and instantly threw Nezha and the Fire Spear to the ground!


With a loud bang, dust flew, and the large bluestones in the yard were smashed into pieces. Nezha fell directly into the ground, leaving two fleshy legs struggling outside.

Seeing this, Mrs. Yin naturally exclaimed and felt very distressed.

However, before she could step forward, Yang Jian reached out to stop her, smiled and shook his head, whispering.

"Madam Yin, Nezha is more powerful than you think, don't worry too much."

"If you have no objection, I will start living in the mansion from today to discipline Nezha!"

Madam Yin's heart was bleeding when she heard Yang Jian's voice!

No matter what, no matter how naughty he is, he is still her own flesh and blood. How can she not feel sorry for him? But she also understands that a loving mother often spoils her son. If she intervenes at this time, Nezha will really be lawless!

Madam Yin bit her lips and nodded gently.

"Be gentle."

Yang Jian smiled indifferently, walked up with the fire spear and poked Nezha's butt.

"Boy, call me Brother Mu Yi from today!"

"For three years, I will stay in Chentangguan to restrain you. You must greet me every morning and evening, otherwise I will spank you 300 times a day. Do you understand?"

As he was speaking, Yang Jian raised his fire spear and poked Nezha's buttocks, leaving a few red dots in an instant.

Nezha struggled to twist his body, and finally pulled his head out of the ground. He held his buttocks and looked at Yang Jian with tears in his eyes!

Except in Li Qiong's Taoist temple, when has he ever suffered such grievances?

Now he also understands that Brother Mu Yi in front of him is really powerful and he can't fight him.

And from what Brother Mu Yi said, he didn't want to take him back as a spiritual treasure, so the resentment in his heart was reduced a little.

Nezha still wanted to resist, but he saw his mother secretly waving to him, with a look of pity in her eyes, and his heart softened instantly.

"My father said that a real man can bend and stretch. I won't bother with you."

After saying that, Nezha immediately stood up, rubbed his buttocks, and saluted to Yang Jian reluctantly.

"Hello, Senior Brother Mu Yi."

Yang Jian nodded with satisfaction, raised his hand and threw out a scroll, and instantly formed a splash-ink landscape painting on the wall of the inner house. The spiritual energy was ethereal, and the water was rippling, just like a new world!

"This is the map of mountains, rivers, and states, which is a world of its own!"

"In the future, it will be the Taoist temple I leave in the mansion. Nezha, come in with me!"

This treasure was detained from Nuwa Niangniang before, and now it comes in handy!

After saying that, Yang Jian directly picked up Nezha's Chongtian bun, flew into the map of mountains, rivers, and states, and instantly turned into two people in the painting and merged into it!

Madam Yin took two steps forward.

"Nezha, good

Good transformation..."

However, Nezha and Yang Jian, who had already entered the Shanhe Shejitu, could not hear Mrs. Yin's earnest words.

Nezha was dragged in, and he turned into a rolling gourd with a stumble, and fell on a piece of grass, but Yang Jian disappeared.

"Brother Mu Yi, what is this place?"

"Where are you! "

Nezha is still a child after all. He suddenly came to an unfamiliar environment, and he felt a little guilty. He immediately began to search for Yang Jian's traces.

However, except for the endless mountains, he found nothing!

At this moment, Nezha also found that all the spiritual treasures on his body were gone!

This time Nezha was completely panicked!

Nezha only had innate cultivation. He relied entirely on the innate spiritual energy to activate the spiritual treasure, not the magic power of cultivation!

In other words, he can exert the strongest power of the spiritual treasure itself, but he is at most a key.

Lingzhuzi was trapped in the flesh. Except for the fire, which was his own attribute, everything else was borrowed!

Using the innate spiritual energy as the trigger, borrowing the power of the spiritual treasure, he can kill immortals and destroy Buddhas!

And those spiritual treasures can connect the heaven and the earth, so Nezha can open a bridge with his own advantages and borrow the spiritual power from the outside world to become powerful!

Simple Simply speaking, because Nezha himself is not a cultivator, he must rely on powerful spiritual treasures to fly through the clouds and travel the mountains and rivers.

Also because he is not a cultivator, the magic of the immortals cannot trap him!

Even the Zhoutian Xingdou formation can not lose to saints, and can trap the three realms, but Nezha is just a bead soul, and he can enter and exit the formation as if he is in an empty space, and he can't be stopped at all!

What soul-bewitching technique, immortal binding rope, and soul-trapping technique are all useless to him.

But you can take away his spiritual treasure, so that he has no way to borrow strength. At this time, dig a big pit of more than ten feet for him, and he can't climb out.

Therefore, when Nezha sensed that the spiritual treasure was not around, he was completely at a loss!

At this time, Yang Jian slowly fell from the air, looking down at the aggrieved Nezha, and couldn't stop laughing in his heart.

"Don't worry, the time in this mountain and river map is different from the outside world. "

"You stay in here for a whole day, and it's only an hour outside. You only need to practice with me in this mountain and river map for one hour every day. I won't care about you for the rest of the time."

"Since you are a congenital, I don't plan to teach you any magical powers of refining qi, but to cultivate your mind and control your anger!"

Nezha seemed to understand, but at this time he could only listen obediently.

Anyway, it's only an hour, I can bear it!

But he forgot that Yang Jian said it was an hour outside, but it was still a whole day inside!

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