The truth is that Shen Gongbao is also good at confusing right and wrong.

In just a few words, he burst into tears, saying that Yang Jian was a big evil who did all kinds of evil and forced Nezha to shoot the sky-shaking arrow, which caused a big disaster!

Shen Gongbao's face was full of tears, which made anyone who saw it sad and heard it cry.

"Sister Shiji, you really can't go!"

"That Yang Jian is a villain of the Tiandihui. He broke through the 33rd floor of the Heavenly Palace and even looked down on Tianzun!"

"He has said before that whoever dares to go to Chentangguan to cause trouble will be killed. If they come in pairs, they will be killed in pairs. At that time, I am afraid that he will call the old devil Xiongba Tianxia to come to the Zizhi Cliff Biyou Palace on Jinao Island. Even my uncle Tongtian will be unable to resist!"

Hearing Shen Gongbao's sad cry, even if Shiji Niangniang had a good temper, she was gnashed with anger.

"I've heard that there is a reckless Tiandihui in the Three Realms!"

"I didn't expect that they would bully me today. How dare they ignore my Jiejiao!"

"Brother Shen Gongbao, how can you be an accomplice to the evil and allow such a demon to run rampant!"

"There is no great truth in the world that cannot be explained. I think Brother Li Jing of Chentangguan is also a man of etiquette. I will go to him to argue!"

After saying that, Niangniang Shiji put away the body of Caiyun Tonger and rode the Luan Bird straight to Chentangguan!

Shen Gongbao was relieved when he saw Shiji flying away.

"Fortunately, I am smart. Let this stupid woman die!"

"I'd better go to Chaoge quickly and offer good advice to the king to direct the spearhead to Chentangguan!"

Thinking of this, Shen Gongbao immediately flew to Chaoge again on the cloud!

Never expected that, with his eloquence, even if he shot the Sky-shaking Arrow, he could still frame Nezha, it was nothing more than an extra Yang Jian to share the blame!

And Yang Jian didn't expect Shen Gongbao to be such a shameless person!

If the three arrows were not shot, Yang Jian would be uneasy in his heart, always feeling that the conspiracy was not over, and there was still a disaster to come. He had to see Shen Gongbao destroy the means with his own eyes before he could rest assured!

Now it has brought a bigger disaster!

Although the cause and effect of the calamity is not on Nezha, someone with ulterior motives will still bring a catastrophe to the Li family!

On the other side, the Golden Light Cave of Qianyuan Mountain!

After Taiyi Zhenren returned to the mountain to cry, Yuanshi Tianzun learned that it was Yang Jian who took action, and was very angry. He immediately sent Guangchengzi to help. He couldn't find Yang Jian, but saw that the calamity of Chaoge had already appeared!

Guangchengzi then rushed to Chaoge to deal with the business, and found that Lingzhuzi's reincarnation Nezha followed the cause and effect and was successfully born in Li Jing's home.

Originally, according to the plan, Lingzhuzi was to follow the order of Yuanshi Tianzun and reincarnate into Chentangguan. When the Li family father and son went to the battlefield, they could help Deputy Leader Ran Deng and Taiyi Zhenren to avoid death!

Now that the plan is back on track, he is naturally very happy!

Just when he came to the outside of the Jinguang Cave, he couldn't help but shout excitedly.

"Brother Taiyi, good news!"

"Then Lingzhuzi reincarnated successfully and now he has entered the Li family. You can go and accept disciples to complete the cause and effect!"

Hearing this, Taiyi Zhenren didn't care about practicing, and flew out of the cave with a happy face.

"What, are you serious!"

"Great, Senior Brother, don't stay, let's go to Chentangguan quickly!"

Taiyi Zhenren only felt that it was a happy ending after all the hardships. Although Yang Chan was lost, she was just an insignificant character. They originally wanted to use her to contain Yang Jian, but now Yang Jian was not something they could control at all, so they simply gave up!

And Lingzhuzi was lost and found again, which was what Taiyi Zhenren couldn't believe the most!

Three years ago, Lingzhuzi swallowed up his seven treasures and left, and then learned the fire control elemental formula and burned him back and escaped into the void!

This grievance really made Taiyi Zhenren depressed and vomited blood. Now that he heard that he fell into the Li family of Chentangguan, he couldn't sit still anymore!

Guangchengzi saw Taiyi Zhenren so excited, and he couldn't stop smiling.

"Don't worry, Junior Brother. I have planned to make him anger King Zhou and bring disaster upon himself!"

"You are here to save the lives of the father and son of the Li family. I will repay them with a favor and help them to save their lives in the future!"

Facing Taiyi Zhenren, Guangchengzi's attitude was much better than that towards Shen Gongbao!

This is the true equal status between true disciples. How can Shen Gongbao, a hairy man, have it?

Taiyi Zhenren only felt that the time had come.

Operation, all the mistakes he made before will be made up, ecstatic.

"Good, very good!"

"Thank you, Senior Brother Guangchengzi, for planning for me. This time, I will definitely make the father and son of the Li family fall into the trap!"

After that, the two immortals rode on the crane and held the cloud, and rushed to Chentang Pass without stopping!

But they didn't know that at this moment, Shiji Niangniang was furious and rushed to Chentang Pass, while the culprit Shen Gongbao had already rushed to Chaoge and had nothing to do with this matter!

Chentang Pass, Li Jing's home.

Yang Jian brought Nezha back, and Madam Yin was already worried to death. She thought Nezha had gone out to cause trouble again, and she was so scared that she almost used all the servants to go out to look for him.

Seeing Nezha, Madam Yin hurried forward with concern.

"Zha'er, you are finally back!"

"Master Muyi, Zha'er didn't cause any trouble, right?"

Hearing this, Yang Jian chuckled.

"Don't worry, Madam Yin. Someone did want to plot against Nezha and make him get into trouble. Fortunately, I arrived in time."

"Now those troubles have absolutely nothing to do with Nezha. Don't worry."

Nezha also hugged his mother's neck with a smile.

"Mother, I'm very good!"

"It was Ergou and the others who said that Chaoge could be seen in the Moon Viewing Tower. I wanted to see when my father would come back, so I went up."

"There was a black panther behind that was chased away by Senior Brother Mu Yi."

Hearing this, Madam Yin's heart was finally put down, and her face eased a lot.

"It's good that nothing happened. The Moon Viewing Tower is just a place to store sundries. There are no valuables."

"What black panther or white panther? Just don't cause trouble!"

Seeing that Madam Yin didn't pay attention to the Moon Viewing Tower, Yang Jian immediately understood that a treasure like the Xuanyuan Bow would definitely not appear there for no reason. It must have been brought there by Shen Gongbao.

This time, he was lucky to catch Shen Gongbao in person. If he hadn't been alert, Shen Gongbao might have succeeded!

After settling down for only half a day, Nezha played with the servants in the yard, and Yang Jian practiced in the Mountains and Rivers, and everything was fine.

Suddenly, the sky was shining with golden light, and a brocade handkerchief covered the sky and the sun, directly covering the entire Chentang Pass!

Niangniang Shiji appeared with a sword, with an angry face.

"Junior Brother Li Jing, your son killed the boy in my cave, please come out and give me an explanation!"

"Otherwise, I will catch you and your son today with this Eight Diagrams Dragon Whisker Handkerchief, and go to Yuxu Palace to ask for an explanation!"

When the people of Chentang Pass heard this rumbling sound, it seemed like the might of heaven, which frightened them into a panic. Ordinary mortals had never seen such a scene before, and they immediately knelt on the ground and begged for mercy!

Seeing the people suffering, Nezha was instantly unhappy. He wanted to protect the people of Chentangguan like his father!

Nezha was the first to be hit, and his small brows immediately frowned.

"Where are you from, aunt? I don't even know you. When did I kill your boy!"

"My father is not at home, but I won't allow you to bully the people of Chentangguan like this. If you don't take your rag away, I will burn it all for you!"

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