The fire of the Red Snake is the fire of heaven and earth!

The power of the Red Snake Fire is more than one level higher than that of the Samadhi Fire of the Immortal Fire. It can even burn through the earth and burn the East China Sea!

Nezha was furious and was ready to kill the two thieves completely!

The fire fist blasted out, and the endless red and white flames swept over. The Soul-Slaying Bell was almost roasted directly, and it couldn't defend against the Red Snake Fire at all!

The Fantian Seal was burned red, holding the last line of defense tightly!

Taiyi Zhenren frantically engraved the earth and water spells. Without his spiritual treasure, his combat power was naturally greatly reduced!

"Brother Guangchengzi, what should I do!"

Guangchengzi gritted his teeth and endured it. He never thought that Nezha would be so strong.

"How dare you say that? Lingzhuzi should be the cause and effect of your blessing, how could such a big change happen now!"

"I'm afraid that the cause and effect will not be formed today, leave quickly!"

After that, the two of them immediately cast a spell to escape!

Since they can't win, it is the most sensible to avoid the sharp edge, otherwise they will only be burned by the flames and die if they insist on it!

Nezha was trying his best to activate the Red Snake Divine Fire, and suddenly saw two old Taoists trying to run away.

"If you want to leave, clarify the relationship with me first!"

"Yangyan·Red Snake!"

With a loud shout, the temperature of the red and white flames rose again in an instant. Just now, only 30% of the Red Snake Divine Fire was used, but now it has suddenly increased to 80%!

The terrifying temperature instantly scorched the space and distorted it. The two golden immortals of the Chan Sect felt that the water in their bodies was about to be evaporated!


The roaring fire dragon instantly blocked the two's retreat. Nezha was determined to keep them here!

Nezha's whole body was covered by the red fire, and even his hair turned into raging flames, rushing straight into the sky. Although he did not have the power of magic, he was already brave enough to fight against the sky!

"If you two want to live, tell the people of Chentangguan the truth today!"

"Who killed the boy under Shiji's seat? Do I have any relationship with your Chan Sect!"

Guangchengzi heard the words and felt the approaching red fire, and the whole person became anxious.

"Nezha, don't do it too much. Chan Sect is your birthplace!"

"If there is no Chan Sect, where would you be Lingzhuzi!"

"Even if you kill us today, you will only be called a traitor to your teacher and ancestors!"

Even at this critical moment, Guangchengzi still refused to completely cut off the cause and effect!

Once he reveals all the secrets, Lingzhuzi and Chanjiao will no longer have any connection, so how can he stop the disaster in the future?

Hearing this, Nezha gnashed his teeth in anger.

"Well, since you are so tough, I will kill you two here for the crime of hurting the people of Chentangguan!"

"Listen, people of Chentangguan, I am the son of General Li Jing, and I have never hurt anyone's life. I have nothing to do with Chanjiao. Anyone who dares to speak nonsense will be killed without mercy!"

Several times of tolerance cannot win the trust of this group of fools, so I simply don't explain!

As expected, when this was said, the people of Chentangguan were all frightened and silent, and Guangchengzi and Taiyi Zhenren's idea of ​​inciting people was immediately cut off. The cause and effect between Nezha and Chanjiao also faded a little!

How can ordinary people know about the affairs of the immortals? They just listen to whoever has the stronger fist!

Guangchengzi and Taiyi Zhenren gritted their teeth and resisted, only to see the divine fire surging, and they were afraid that they would not be able to hold out for many hours!

At this moment, suddenly a coffin palace lantern broke through the air, and the green ghost fire of the netherworld turned into a long snake, rushing directly into the sea of ​​fire, and instantly swallowed up most of the red snake divine fire!

When he first saw the palace lantern, Guangchengzi shouted excitedly.

"Deputy leader of the Burning Lamp!"

Taiyi Zhenren was so tired that he slumped down on the auspicious cloud, and his heart was even more at ease.

"Great, Deputy leader of the Burning Lamp is here to save us!"

Nezha's divine fire was suppressed, and he suddenly put away his magical powers and flew away, but there was no fear on his face.

"Who is this villain who attacked me from the dark!"

"If you have the guts, come out and fight me face to face!"

The Netherworld Ghost Fire was not high in temperature, and it was barely comparable to the Nine Flames True Fire. Nezha was not afraid of him, but was just surprised that there was a spiritual fire in the Three Realms that could compare with him!

Yang Jian had been flanking the battle.

Suddenly seeing the familiar coffin palace lantern, he naturally knew who was coming. He immediately snorted and flew forward to stand beside Nezha.

"Master Randeng, long time no see."

"Are you here to fight again this time?"


As soon as the voice fell, the Taoist Master Ran Deng, who was protected by 108 prayer beads, appeared, and the coffin palace lantern flew back to his palm obediently, confronting the divine fire on Nezha from a distance.

Guangchengzi and Taiyi Zhenren hurriedly rode the cloud to Ran Deng's seat.

"Greetings to the deputy leader!"

Randeng glanced at the two embarrassed people, and saw Yang Jian was also here, and immediately frowned.

"What's going on?"

"Isn't Lingzhuzi my Chanjiao Fuyuan, how could it be like this?"

As soon as these words came out, Guangchengzi and Taiyi Zhenren looked at each other, blushing for a while, but no one could tell the reason.

Nezha didn't care so much at this time.

"Old man, who are you?"

"The lamp in your hand seems to have something, but the temperature is not good, and it has some tricks! "

The ghost fire of the netherworld is one of the innate fires. Its power is not in high temperature against enemies, but in being able to communicate with the dead. It has infinite changes. From the fire path, it can naturally restrain the Samadhi True Fire and the Red Snake Divine Fire.

Ran Deng Taoist snorted coldly.

"Are you Li Jing's son?"

"Do you know that your father Li Jing is also a disciple of this poor Taoist, and even he has to bow down to me when he sees me!"

"Naughty boy, why don't you pay homage to the master?"

With the support of the deputy leader, Guang Chengzi's eyes lit up immediately, and he had an idea and hurried forward.

"Deputy leader, calm down. Nezha is young and was bewitched by the thieves this time, so he became an enemy of our Chan Sect!"

"His father is a disciple of Chan Sect, and everyone in the three realms knows it. Even the people of Chentangguan serve the Chan Sect Immortal Master. How could Nezha not know it?"

"It was all because of the demon Yang Jian, who misled Nezha in disguise, that he almost caused a disaster! ”

Taiyi Zhenren was even more indignant.

“That’s right, Yang Jian first broke into my cave, kidnapped Yang Chan, and then destroyed my treasure and drove away Lingzhuzi!”

“Everything is Yang Jian’s conspiracy!”

All the spearheads were instantly pointed at Yang Jian, and they were so indignant that the people of Chentangguan were really terrified and couldn’t tell the truth from the false!

Randeng Taoist frowned.

“You, are you sure?”

He naturally saw Yang Jian here, but he couldn’t beat Yang Jian!

Even if Yang Jian deliberately opposed the Chanjiao, what could he do to him? Even Yuanshi Tianzun suffered a loss, who would dare to rashly oppose the Tiandihui?

These two guys blatantly provoked Yang Jian, that was courting death!

On the other hand, Nezha was not stupid, and immediately realized the identity of Senior Brother Mu Yi.

“Senior Brother Mu Yi, are you Yang Jian? ”

“Senior Brother, Mu Yi, Yang Jian…”

After repeating it for a few times, he became clearer in his mind that this was the first treasure that the master gave him, the eldest brother Yang Jian!

When Yang Jian saw Nezha’s surprised expression, he simply stopped pretending and laughed out loud.

“Good junior brother, isn’t Mu Yi Yang?”

“I came here to take care of you on the orders of the master, but I didn’t expect to run into the conspiracy of the thieves of the Chan Sect. This time, junior brother, you can do it with confidence, and I will support you!”

As soon as the voice fell, Xiaotian Dog also barked excitedly.

“Woof woof woof!”

Nezha became even more excited, and finally saw his family!

He had been slandered and his reputation was destroyed by the old Taoist of the Chan Sect. He could only grit his teeth and persist, swearing to fight to the death, for fear of implicate his parents and the people of Chentangguan. He always felt empty behind him!

Now that he has a master, what is he afraid of!

“Senior Brother Yang Jian! "

"Hahaha, I am Nezha, the second disciple of Tiandihui. I have a master, who cares if you destroy Chanjiao!"

As soon as these words came out, the three of them, including the Taoist Master Ran Deng, were stunned.

"What, you are the second disciple of Tiandihui?"

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