The waves seemed to sense the presence of their natural enemies, and roared like a mad dragon!


Wherever the waves passed, the sea water exploded as if boiling, and the coastal areas and beaches shook violently. Countless fishing boats were crushed in an instant, and the fertile fields were completely swept away!

There were less than three miles left!

The hundred-foot-high waves had already swept to the village closest to the sea. Hundreds of farmhouses were lined up, but there was a dead air!

The sky in the village suddenly darkened!

Hundreds of fishermen who had no time to escape all knelt down in their yards and on the roadside in panic!

Gou Wa stood naked in the yard, already pale with fear. This wave was completely different from the wave that was only a dozen feet high three days ago. It was like the sky falling down!

Even the villagers could clearly see that the giant whales with a body length of hundreds of feet were helpless in the waves, wailing and sweeping over!

Gou Wa's parents staggered out of the house. Seeing this devastating scene, they were so scared that they dropped the rice bowls in their hands and smashed them to pieces with a bang!

Gou Wa's mother hurried forward and hugged the child. She was already trembling with fear and couldn't say a word.

Gou Wa's father hadn't recovered yet. He had long been afraid of the sea. At this moment, he was desperately hugging his wife and children, leaning against the wall. When he raised his head, he could no longer see the edge of the huge waves!

"This is, God's punishment!"

Although the huge wave was still three miles away, it was so high, so great, and so terrifying that it had already made everyone despair. Seeing the mountains, rivers, and fields being razed to the ground bit by bit, despair began to brew!

The gradually thickening water vapor in the air wet everyone's clothes. It was the smell of death!

At this moment, someone suddenly exclaimed and looked at the high cliff where the Chentangguan city was located. A fiery red figure rose slowly, and in an instant a sea of ​​fire surged up, and the momentum gradually became boundless, sweeping towards the waves!

The Gou Wa family was stunned. The power confrontation between water and fire actually appeared in their eyes!

At this moment, the little Gou Wa suddenly showed a glimmer of hope in his eyes.

"It's Nezha!"

In the incredible eyes of his parents, water and fire crossed a line!


The fire fist collided with the huge wave!


With a loud bang, white steam rose in an instant, and the sea water was instantly evaporated at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The flames continued and became more and more fierce. Countless fire lines were woven and spread all over the fields. It was like a big net wrapped around the huge waves that were hundreds of feet high and hundreds of miles long. In an instant, it burned through the turbid blue-black sea water and burned fiercely!

The dark sky was directly torn apart, and the sea of ​​fire steamed in an instant, replacing the boundless huge waves!

The white mist that filled the sky directly enveloped the entire Chentang Pass. The fishermen who were waiting to die just now felt the care of the water vapor one by one, and their eyes were full of disbelief and panic!

"Water vapor, it's water vapor, where are the huge waves?"

"Is it really blocked by Nezha?"

"Great, we are saved!"

"Hahaha, God bless Chentang Pass!"

"No, it's Nezha, it's Nezha who saved our Chentang Pass!"

"Nezha! Nezha!"

Water and fire are incompatible, they are mutually reinforcing and mutually restraining!

However, how can ordinary water compete with the Red Snake Divine Fire?

With the might of Nezha's punch, the sea of ​​fire spread all over the sky, directly evaporating the boundless waves, and even burning the prejudice and despair in the hearts of the fishermen in Chentangguan, completely turning into ashes!

Shouting Nezha's name, the excited voice resounded through every inch of Chentangguan!

At this time, no one dared to call Nezha a monster anymore. He was a god, the god who saved the entire Chentangguan!

Everyone cheered and jumped for joy, and their eyes were all burning with Nezha!

Nezha stood in the air, holding the Purple Flame Snake Fang Fire Spear, stepping on the Wind Fire Wheel, the red divine flames flew behind him like a cloak, and the Chaos Heaven Ribbon was born around his body, winding across the sky. He really had the courage of a god of war!

"Damn loach, it's your turn!"


Having just broken through the huge waves, Nezha didn't tolerate his bad habits and immediately killed him!

Today, the Dragon King's Third Prince came to seek death, so there is no need to forgive him. These bad guys have come to disturb us again and again, and it is time for them to pay the price!

Moreover, I heard that Ao Bing was not willing to give in. If I let him go today, he would definitely come back to bother me in the future!

With a bit of anger rising in his heart, Nezha was ready to kill!

Ao Bing was not a good person either. Seeing the tragic death of Yaksha, if he was

If the mission is not accomplished, then I am afraid that my trip would be in vain!

I must catch Nezha's handle, wait for Nezha to attack him, leave evidence, and then I will flee back to the Dragon Palace. There will be heavenly rules to punish this guy. By then, great things will be accomplished, and the dragon clan can ascend to heaven and become immortals, and I will be the hero of the dragon clan!

Thinking of this, Ao Bing was not to be outdone, and rushed up with a roar!


The dragon roared and the sea tsunami, the mountains collapsed and the earth cracked!

Nezha was a small figure, wearing a bellyband, and a shot just pierced Ao Bing's forehead, instantly shattering a dragon horn!

Then the Red Snake Divine Fire followed the trend and directly ignited two dragon whiskers!

Ao Bing cried out in pain, retreated in horror, and frantically urged the water control number to continuously draw water from the East China Sea, trying to extinguish the Red Snake Divine Fire that was burning like a maggot attached to the bone!

However, the more fierce the water, the more fierce the fire, and in the blink of an eye, the two dragon whiskers were completely burned off!


At this moment, Nezha suddenly flew over the dragon head and slammed down with a gun. With a loud bang, the Dragon King's Third Prince felt dizzy and fell headfirst into the East China Sea!

The East China Sea Dragon King's Third Prince, who was in the Xuanxian realm, was frustrated several times in one encounter. He was no match for Nezha at all!

The white dragon fell from the sky, followed by a huge fire!

This wonder that only existed in ancient legends appeared in front of the people of Chentangguan, but it made everyone dumbfounded. They stared at the falling white dragon with dull eyes. The god-like creature was completely defeated by Nezha!

"Nezha is mighty!"

"Hahaha, Nezha is so awesome!"

"Protect Chentang Pass!"

"Kill the evil dragon, protect Chentang Pass!"

"Nezha! Nezha!"

Listening to the cheers from inside and outside the city, Mrs. Yin, who was sitting on the city gate tower, was also infinitely relieved. Finally, a big stone fell to the ground!

Nezha not only saved Chentang Pass in crisis, but also won the recognition and respect of all the people. This is what she wants to see most as a mother. No one wants her son to be misunderstood and slandered all the time!

However, on the other side, Nezha looked at the rapidly falling little white dragon, but he was furious and didn't want to give up at all!

"Want to leave?"

"Hmph, I said, no dragon can leave Chentang Pass alive today!"

"Hun Tian Ling, bind!"

With a command, the Hun Tian Ling surrounding the body broke through the air and instantly wrapped Ao Bing tightly around his body, including the dragon claws, dragon head, and dragon tail, all tied into a ball!


The little white dragon turned into a ball and instantly fell to the sea, stirring up waves!

Nezha followed closely behind, stepped on the dragon head, stared at the dragon eyes that looked like pearls, grinned, and raised the fire spear in his hand.

"Dead loach, I'll give you one chance, tell me who asked you to harm Chentangguan!"

"If you don't tell me, then go to the King of Hell and tell him when you die!"

Ao Bing was completely frightened at this time, and it was so painful that he was still not sober after being hit by the gun just now.

"You dare not kill me, you are a mortal, and I am a dragon!"

"If you kill me, you and Chentangguan will be buried with me, your father will die, your mother will die, and everyone will die!"

Ao Bing, who originally wanted to escape after succeeding, never thought that Nezha's strength was so strong that he had no chance to escape at all. In a hurry and in danger, he had lost his mind and was panicked and didn't know what to say!

He thought that threatening Nezha like this would save his life!

However, he didn't know that his words completely tore apart the last bit of kindness in Nezha's heart!

Hearing this, Nezha sneered and clenched his fire spear.

"Is that so? Then I have to kill you and see who dares to come to my Chentangguan again!"


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