The fire of the Nine Flames needs time to be fully activated, and Nezha must hold it back!

Behind him is the responsibility given to him by his father and his mother's life. He cannot retreat a step and must fight to the death!

This voice can reach the heaven and earth, and it falls clearly into everyone's ears!

Madam Yin was directing the guards to open the door and let all the fishermen in. When she heard this voice, her face turned pale and she looked back at Nezha in the air in horror.

"Zha'er, run, run!"

"Mother can die, but you still have the ability to escape, don't die!"

"Four Sea Dragon Kings, you are breaking the law of heaven!"

At this time, Madam Yin was not the wife of a general soldier, and she had no great love and righteousness!

She was just a mother!

After three years of pregnancy, she gave birth to this child, who was her dearest child. Nothing could compare to Nezha's safety!

She couldn't let Nezha die for Chentangguan, nor did she want to see it!

Mrs. Yin was furious at the evil of the Four Seas Dragon King, but she had no power to fight back. She could only let Nezha run away quickly, give up everything, and not care about anything. This was a mother's heart, and she could only do it for her son!

However, the fishermen and people who had just rushed into Chentangguan, after hearing the words of the Dragon King, were all boiling with excitement, exclaiming repeatedly, and loudly begging Nezha to die!

"Nezha, please commit suicide!"

"If you die, we will all be saved!"

"I beg you, my mother was swept away by the sea, you go to die, after you die you will be the hero of our Chentangguan!"

"Nezha, die!"

"We want to live, if you don't die, we can't live!"

All kinds of crying and wailing echoed throughout the land, and the whole Chentangguan was full of begging voices. People in the city were begging Nezha to die. Only if he died, everyone could survive!

Madam Yin was pale and fell directly on the city gate tower.

Looking at all the people kneeling on the ground in the city, their desperate and crying faces, she couldn't blame them, but as a mother, she wanted to kill these people!

They are all forcing Nezha to die!

Nezha gritted his teeth. For him, those insults and voices persuading him to die were not important at all!

In the world, as long as his mother cared about him, he would have no fear!

Seeing that Nezha was still holding on, Ao Guang was immediately furious.

"Nezha, evil villain, you are the biggest scourge of the Three Realms if you are alive!"

"What's the point of you being alive, why don't you just die!"

"Those mortals died for you!"


As soon as the voice fell, the huge water ball formed by the power of the four seas split into two and smashed towards Chentangguan!

At the same time, the surging waves also surged in power!

For the four seas dragon clan, this little bit of water from the four seas is just a drop in the ocean, but for Chentangguan, it is a dead end!

There are no profound magical powers, no powerful saints!

Water is enough to destroy everything!

When he saw Ao Guang releasing the water from the four seas without any scruples, the long-headed giant beast general on the cloud twitched his mouth instantly, and he also felt a little horror.

"That's the water of the four seas, second only to the weak water of the sky river!"

"Damn idiot, what on earth does Ao Guang want to do, what is he doing?"

Seeing the boundless water ball smashing towards Chentang Pass like a sky curtain, if it really falls, it will definitely completely swallow up the land within a thousand miles, and all life will be wiped out!

Even if the Golden Immortal of Daluo is here, it is impossible to save Chentang Pass!

The general of the long-headed giant beast was ordered to force Nezha to commit suicide, not to completely destroy Chentang Pass, but the situation has developed to this point, he seems to have lost control!

Madam Yin raised her head and looked at the falling water sky curtain in despair.

Nezha, with the divine fire all over his body, looked as small as an ant under the huge amount of water from the four seas, and could be extinguished at any time. He is no match at all!

"Nezha, run, run!"

Mrs. Yin had already determined that she was doomed, but she was unwilling to let Nezha die with her!

At this time, Nezha was frantically taking out the flame fruit from the leopard skin bag, exerting the strongest speed, and eating tens of thousands of stocks in an instant. The essence of the Great Dao of Fire gradually filled up, greatly shortening the time for him to sacrifice the Nine Flames True Fire!

"Come out!"

Nezha was yelling and roaring while chewing the flame fruit!

No one knew what he was doing, but the flames on his body were getting whiter and whiter, and the speed of evaporating water vapor was getting faster and faster!

Ao Guang was already crazy, he didn't care about who

What else does Nezha have!

"Go to hell, why don't you die!"


At this moment, Nezha's arms instantly burned with silver Nine Flames, and the space was directly burned through, twisting rapidly, and a terrifying temperature spread rapidly!


Nezha's hair also instantly changed from jumping red and white flames to silver in an instant, and his eyes flowed with flames like mercury, piercing through the space of the three realms!

"Old loaches, I'm ready!"

A faint sentence, but it was like a thunder explosion. Everyone stared at the terrifying flame that turned from white to silver in an instant, like a liquid silver sun, hanging high in the air!

Strangely, the water in the four seas did not decrease, but Nezha's silver fireball seemed to have grown tens of thousands of times, dazzling!

The light between heaven and earth seemed to be attracted to Nezha in an instant, and everyone was stunned!

"Fire Fist·Nine Deities Suppressing Killing!"

A low roar seemed to resound from the bottom of everyone's heart.

Then, the silver liquid flame burst out with a bang, and the space was directly burned through into a dark hole. It was just a moment of silence, and it suddenly surged up!

Except for the back of Nezha, all the water was evaporating rapidly, thousands of miles in an instant!

Not only the water of the four seas, liquid water, even the water vapor in the air was all evaporated by the terrifying high temperature!

The huge waves that just covered the surroundings of Chentang Pass like a cage sky disappeared in an incredible moment, and the coast of the East China Sea was a thousand miles of red land, and millions of aquatic creatures were all burned to ashes in an instant!

The water of the four seas, which was said to be comparable to the weak water of the Tianhe River, was burned through before it fell. Only a drop of essence like a tear slowly fell on Nezha's brow, instantly igniting a golden liquid flame!

As soon as the golden flame appeared, Nezha's pupils were also stained with a faint golden color!

"The power of life and death, Master, I understand it!"

Countless people shouted at him to die, and his mother begged him to escape and live!

At the moment of life and death, it's just a thought!

Never expected that under such circumstances, Nezha could understand the mystery of the power of life and death and open a door to the Tao!

Even if he had just realized this, Nezha could achieve great success in the future!

Nezha took a step forward, and the Fire Spear turned into a giant dragon of fire, roaring and heading straight for the East China Sea!


Thousands of miles away, the water in the East China Sea evaporated and dried up at a speed visible to the naked eye, the earth cracked, and hundreds of millions of sea creatures had no time to escape. Fish, shrimp, turtles, crabs, all kept their postures before death and were directly burned to ashes!

The Four Seas Dragon Kings had no time to retreat, and spit out Dragon Breath True Water to protect their bodies, but they were still burned red by the Nine Flames True Fire!

"Ah! Run away, big brother!"

"What is this? It's too scary!"

"How can there be such a powerful flame in the Three Realms? Who is Nezha?"

The three dragon kings couldn't bear it anymore and flew up to the sky. They ran straight to the Heavenly Palace in front of the Tianhe Navy. If they stayed for a while longer, they might be completely burned to ashes!

The general of the long-headed giant beast was completely dumbfounded!

Before he left, the three sea dragon kings ran faster than each other!

The 30,000 Tianhe Navy soldiers were stunned and didn't move. They stared at the three sea dragon kings who were fleeing in panic. When they looked at the lower world, a ball of silver Jiumei True Fire actually rushed up to the sky and burned 60% of the heavenly soldiers. In an instant, it violently swept towards the remaining survivors!

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