Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up the divine world of the heavens

Chapter 12 Li Shimin: How dare you, my rebellious son, to usurp the throne!

"What is one emperor, nine directions and thirty-six envoys?" Ye Wenhua asked quickly.

The faces of Cangtian Ancestor and others on the side also became solemn.

This is not just playing house like before. Since Gu Changqing has brought out the will of the gods to talk about something, it must be a very important matter.

This may be a matter of self-interest and there is no room for carelessness.

"The Divine Court uses the Yuan Realm as the divine realm, and your world is composed of the heavens and the myriad realms plus the prehistoric world as the material realm.

There is one emperor in the Divine Court, that is, I am the Divine Emperor, with nine divine systems as assistants, thirty-six divine envoys protecting the court, and countless gods under my seat. "

As soon as Gu Changqing finished speaking, Carlo and others' eyes suddenly lit up.

Even the sky and the others are like this.

They really didn't expect that Gu Changqing would delegate power to them.

The Nine Directions God System simply has nine divine kings.

After thinking about it, Carlo also asked expectantly: "Who can be the God King of Nine Directions?"

When Gu Changqing heard this, he couldn't help but smile.

"Don't say that I am unfair. As long as one of you can promote your own small world to a small world, you can be named the master of the gods."

After speaking, Gu Changqing looked at Cangtian Ancestor and those who had not opened up the world.

"What about you? I don't expect to make a choice right away, but I hope you can take over the position of the thirty-sixth envoy."

In response, Cangtian Ancestor couldn't help but laugh bitterly, but under Gu Changqing's divine power and the gazes of the gods, they still agreed to Gu Changqing's proposal.

Although the Thirty-Six Envoys have a sinecure role, when necessary, they still have to protect the divine way as their own responsibility.

Therefore, under the witness of the will of the gods, and with the consent of Cangtian Patriarch and others.

Their Shinto luck began to rise steadily, reaching a very high level.

Even, their understanding of the law and the avenue has grown greatly.

This scene made everyone present envious.

But when I thought that I had the help of the small world, my understanding was not necessarily lower than theirs, and I felt much better.

"Okay, let's break up the meeting then!"

After saying that, the spirit of the Holy Spirit Emperor's clone left the throne.

Not around the top of the mountain.

The Tree of Life Gu Changqing used his spiritual consciousness and sensed the disputes between the immortals, demons and gods within hundreds of millions of miles around Mount Buzhou.

Under Gu Changqing's order, although most of the innate saints chose to hibernate.

But there are still many innate saints who were forced by the demonic monks and became the incels.

There are also many innate saints who have been encountered by those with great supernatural powers in the immortal way. Under their preaching, a considerable number of people have chosen to abandon the divine way and join the immortal way.

It is true that although compared with the immortal way, the divine way has certain constraints and is not as free as the immortal way.

However, the cultivation resources needed by immortal monks are indispensable. On the road to compete for resources, they will inevitably fight with others.

Therefore, the safety of its immortal way is far less than that of the divine way.

After all, Shinto monks are not easy to die. Even if they die, they will be resurrected one day as long as their own laws and principles are not eliminated.

Unlike immortality, death means the body dies and the Tao disappears, or even disappears into ashes.

at the same time.

The world of the Tang Dynasty.


"Welcome Your Majesty, Your Majesty, Your Majesty is here."

Hearing this, Changsun Wugou couldn't care less about being surprised. His face turned red with shame and he quickly looked for clothes. She was naked now.

Li Shimin came in just in time to put on the red bellyband.

Seeing the eldest grandson Wugou looking like this, he couldn't help but feel a little surprised: "Mr. Guanyin, what's going on?"

Changsun Wugou said quickly: "I just finished working in the fields and am getting ready to change clothes."

Li Shimin nodded when he heard this and said: "So that's it. Thank you for your hard work, Guanyin."

"Now that you are a queen, you still have to work every day. You don't have to."

Changsun Wugou shook his head and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, it is precisely because I am a queen that I have to work every day. Only in this way can we understand the sufferings of the people in the world."

When Li Shimin heard this, he was moved and said: "Queen, you are really my good wife!"

At this time, Empress Changsun waved her hand and asked the maids to retreat, and then said: "Your Majesty, I have something to say to Your Majesty alone."

After seeing everyone exiting the room, Queen Changsun whispered: "Your Majesty, I encountered something very magical and unbelievable today."

"I was added to an organization called the Ten Thousand Realms Friends Group."

"How should I put it? Your Majesty can understand that I seem to have obtained a fairy magic weapon that allows people from different worlds to communicate."

"Every time you communicate, there will be rewards from the Immortal Family."

Hearing this, Li Shimin opened his mouth in surprise: "What? Such a thing could happen?"

The eldest grandson Wugou nodded and said: "Today, I also received a beauty elixir and two thousand-year-old wild ginseng!"

"My concubine saw this wild ginseng. Eating it can increase your lifespan!"

Hearing this, Li Shimin stood up in shock: "What? It can increase life span, is this true?!"

Queen Changsun nodded and said: "Of course it's true! This is what the magical system told me."

After saying this, Empress Changsun waved her jade hand and saw two two-foot-long fresh ginseng plants appearing on the table.

"Your Majesty, this is the special thousand-year-old ginseng I got. To distinguish it, the system calls it the thousand-year spiritual ginseng."

This came out of thin air, which startled Li Shimin: "Guanyin Maid, do you know how to use immortal magic?"

Changsun Wugou laughed and said, "No, didn't I just say that this is the system space."

When Li Shimin heard this, he couldn't help but exclaimed: "It's really amazing!"

Empress Changsun picked up a ginseng and put it in Li Shimin's hand: "Your Majesty, I have washed this ginseng."

"Your Majesty, please enjoy it with me."

"May your Majesty and I live forever and be a fairy couple."

When Li Shimin heard this, he was moved and said: "Okay!"

"It is my wish to live forever with Guanyin and enjoy wealth and honor in this world."

Later, the two of them took spiritual ginseng together.

Suddenly I felt energized and all the hidden illnesses in my body seemed to have disappeared!

Empress Changsun seemed to have thought of something and said: "By the way, Your Majesty, I have also obtained a shocking secret this time, which is related to the life and death of the Tang Dynasty."

Li Shimin asked: "What's the matter?"

Queen Changsun said: "The immortal said that the Tang Dynasty almost perished at the hands of our son."

Li Shimin was shocked and jumped up from his seat: "What? Is there such a thing?!"

His whole body roared: "Asshole!"

"how so?"

"Is our son Chengqian so stupid?"

"Could it be said that when my Li family is handed over to him as the crown prince, I will be like Qin Shihuang? Will I be like Emperor Sui Yang?"

"If the third generation of my Li family died, wouldn't I become Emperor Yang of Sui?"

"No, absolutely not!"

"This traitorous son! In this case, I will depose his crown prince tomorrow."

Empress Changsun immediately pulled Li Shimin and said quickly: "Your Majesty, please don't panic. Just listen to what I have to say."

Li Shimin then sat down and said, "What else does the Queen have to say? Do you want to intercede on behalf of the traitor?"

Empress Changsun replied: "Your Majesty, the other party only said that our Li family was almost destroyed."

“But after hearing the meaning of the words, they did not perish.”

"At the same time, Your Majesty misunderstood. The other party said that the Li family almost perished in the hands of your son and me, but they did not say it was because of Cheng Qian."

Li Shimin breathed a sigh of relief when he heard this: "So that's it."

Li Chengqian, who was practicing bow and arrow in the East Palace at this time, did not know that at that moment, his position as prince was almost deposed.

If he knew, I wonder if he would be so shocked that he would break into a cold sweat and scold Gu Changqing across time and space?

At this time, Li Shimin frowned again and said, "Since it's not because of the prince."

"Then I understand. It's my other sons who covet the throne. They are dissatisfied with the prince and want to usurp the throne, right?"

"Okay, great! It looks like I have to find a way to stop them from thinking about it."

Empress Changsun took his hand and patted it again, and said, "Your Majesty, don't be anxious. The situation is not what you think, Your Majesty."

"The other party said that it is you and my third son who will inherit the throne."

"Our third son's name is Li Zhi."

"This is what the other party said."

"Your third son, Li Zhi, needs to be dealt with. Don't let him become emperor in the future."

"That's a prodigal son. The Tang Dynasty was almost destroyed in his hands."

This made Li Shimin couldn't help but be surprised: "What? Didn't my prince Cheng Qian? Why didn't he inherit the throne?"

At this time, Li Shimin and Empress Changsun only had two sons and one daughter, and Li Zhi was not born yet, so Li Shimin felt even more surprised.

Is the other party really a member of the fairy family?

Even the future is clearly known.

"He is actually the third son. Why isn't our eldest son Chengqian inheriting the throne? Could it be that our eldest son will die young?"

"Even so, according to the order of inheritance, there is still the second child, how can it be the third child's turn?"

"How is this going?"

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