"This couplet is really wonderful!"

"Fuck, this waist bow is so unique."

"This action, the enhanced version of Wu Yi, have you seen it, Tang San?"

Tang San cried: "I haven't seen it!"

"Fuck, Xiao Wu's Wu Yi version of the charm skill, who can withstand this charm, Tang San, have you seen it?"

Tang San cried again: "I haven't seen it again!"

"Oh my god, Xiao Wu teleports without clothes, and while teleporting, she also performs various combat actions, kicking and splitting, have you seen it, Tang San?"

Tang San cried again: "I haven't seen it again!"

"Fuck, Xiao Wu uses the invincible golden body in this state, and her whole body is like being attached to a Golden transparent coat. Oh my god! This is increasing the critical attack speed! Have you seen this Tang San? "

Tang San drew small circles on the ground, and cried again and again in autism: "I have never seen it again!"

"Fuck, Xiao Wu sister Wu Yu soft bone lock, come on! Let Xiao Wu sister come more violently, I would rather not open this lock skill again in my life. Tang San....?"

Tang San; "Don't cal me, I'm crying again and again, I have never seen it again!"

"In that case, Tang San, you haven't seen Xiao Wu sister Wu Yu eight-section throw either! This action is simply amazing, horizontal kick, side kick, straight kick, horizontal chop, side chop

"So beautiful, so violent! I recorded all of this."

Tang San has completely shut himself up: "Don't say it, don't say it, my ice and fire Yin-Yang eyes are completely green. ”

After watching the paid version of Moonlight Dance, Gu Changqing left a thought for Xiao Wu and then exited.

[Ding, congratulations on your successful interaction with a friend]

[You have obtained a middle-thousand-world]

After the reward was issued.

Gu Changqing directly put the origin of the middle-thousand-world into the origin core of the Yuanyi Realm.

With the integration of a middle-thousand-world-class world origin, the world origin of the Yuanyi Realm was in turmoil.

It was quickly absorbed and integrated.

After the world origin of the Yuanyi Realm obtained a large amount of world origins from other worlds, it quickly evolved from them. Many laws and avenues of other worlds.

Through the laws and avenues of other worlds, the Yuanyi Realm immediately began to evolve and verify, and then similar local laws and avenues were born.

In this way, the world began to gradually expand and advance, and with the addition of laws and avenues of other worlds, the gods also had many more ways to advance in laws and avenues.

The gods are strong, the laws of the gods are strong, and the laws of the gods are strong, then the will of the gods is strong.

And when the will of the gods becomes stronger, then the power of the Holy Spirit Emperor clone, who is the person who has achieved the concept of the gods, will also become stronger.

At this time, Gu Changqing himself was at a critical juncture of achieving the Dao of the Creator God, With the help of this new force, he who originally needed nearly ten thousand years to attain enlightenment now only needs a few years.

Therefore, during this period.

He must speed up his time to attain enlightenment, otherwise, in the following era of saints, the Divine Court will suffer a lot without a true enlightener.

Although he can now rival the saints with the blessing of the will of the gods.

But after all, he is not a true enlightener, and it is easy to expose his weaknesses without follow-up power.

By then, their Divine Court will be like a tortoise with its shell peeled, at the mercy of others.

The result It was not what Gu Changqing wanted to see.

Thinking of this, Gu Changqing soon indulged in seclusion again.

Southeast of the human ancestral land.

The human race of Taoshan tribe had just repaired the losses after the invasion of the demon race, and they suddenly had a group of uninvited guests.

I saw.

One hundred and eight silver-armored warriors wearing standard artifact suits, each riding a uniform mount, led by a middle-aged man in a yellow robe, came to the sky above Taoshan tribe.

"Lord God, through the scene of the artifact back-light mirror, the little princess did come to Taoshan tribe with Gabriel of the angel race!"

A silver-armored warrior holding the back-light mirror said heavily.

"Hehe, this Gabriel is really brave, he dared to abduct Princess Ling'er to the lower world! "The man in yellow robe said with an unhappy look on his face.

No wonder he was so angry.

He had been wandering around to inspect the situation of the various tribes in the Divine Court, and it happened that it was the turn of the Star God Realm of the Star Ancestor.

Who would have thought.

Before he started his inspection, he met Michael and his men saying that Princess Ling'er had come to the area where the Star City, the gate of the Star God Realm, was located.

Well, such a troublesome matter, as a Divine Envoy directly under the Divine Court, he must report to the Divine Court when encountering such a situation, and then bring Princess Ling'er back to the Divine Realm.

He did intend to do so.

However, he was stopped by the Star Ancestor in the end.

After all, His Majesty the Divine Emperor is at a critical juncture of proving the way to the God of Creation, and he cannot be distracted by this.

So , Xingchen Patriarch proposed.

Let him Huangtian Patriarch lead more than 100 Daluo Star Gods in the Star God Realm to find Princess Ling'er.

Because Xingchen Patriarch had to go to the prehistoric starry sky to collect the origins of the stars, he did not go with Huangtian Patriarch.

However, Zhulong of the Mountain and Sea Realm did say that he would come according to their coordinates after he was done with the affairs of the Mountain and Sea Realm.

For this reason, Zhulong specially called a group of Tianlin beasts of Taiyi God as their traveling mounts.

Tianlin beasts are speed-type beasts cultivated by Zhulong with his own blood essence. Although they have only simple intelligence, their combat power is comparable to that of Taiyi God.

Therefore, now Huangtian Patriarch leads 108 Daluo God Knights to protect Princess Ling'er.

After calming down his anger, Huang Tian Patriarch released his spiritual sense and sensed the spiritual imprint left by Gabriel in the Huiguang Mirror.

Soon, he sensed the spiritual imprint left by Gabriel on a mountain peak in Taoshan.

Through the spiritual imprint information left by him, Huang Tian Patriarch soon learned.

They were heading all the way to the ancestral land of the human race.

Seeing this, Huang Tian Patriarch, who had obtained the destination, immediately planned to go there alone in advance.

After all, as the Supreme God, his speed must be much faster than that of their Daluo God and Tianlin Beast.

So, he turned to the leader of this group of Daluo Star Gods, Po Jun, and said: "Just in case, I will go to the ancestral land of the human race first, and you can catch up later!"

"I will obey the Lord of God!"

Po Jun Star God immediately saluted and replied.

Seeing this, Huang Tian Patriarch no longer hesitated, turned into a piece of Huang Tian's body, quickly tracked down the information of the ancestral land of the human race, and then broke through the space and descended directly.

The ancestral land of the human race.

The Supreme Laozi was still talking about the Golden Elixir Dao calmly as if no one was around.

The huge crowd below was listening to him fascinatedly. The area was so quiet that only Laozi's gentle and powerful voice could be heard.

When he talked about the wonderful things, the crowd was sometimes happy.

When he talked about the mysterious and incomprehensible things, they scratched their ears and cheeks.

However, no one among them noticed that in a corner behind the crowd, several beautiful women had been sitting there with strange behavior for several hours without moving.

At this moment.

Laozi, who was still preaching, suddenly paused, and looked up at the southeast direction with a slight change in his expression.

Then, he looked at the place where Gu Linger and others were below.

He thought about it thoughtfully.

Then, while everyone was still immersed in the voice of the Tao, a Tai Chi Yin-Yang diagram appeared in his palm and slowly rotated in a circle.

After a while,

A faint Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram appeared out of thin air under the seat where Gu Linger and Gabriel were.

As the Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram rotated, the figures of Gu Linger and the others slowly disappeared along with the Tai Chi Yin Yang diagram.

After doing all this, Laozi began his preaching journey again.

Then, in just a few breaths, the sky of the human race's ancestral land changed from sky blue to a golden color in an instant.

Then, a majestic and domineering will descended here.

Such movement quickly awakened most of the human race's high-level people from their immersion in the sound of Tao.

They all raised their heads and frowned at the changes in the sky.

Then they saw that the golden sky began to shrink gradually until it turned into a middle-aged man in a yellow robe.

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