Just when the gods were discussing how to treat the human race.

The third ancestor of the human race has already discussed the outcome.

When the Third Patriarch came to the gathering place of the God Clan again, Patriarch Huang Tian first asked: "You three, how did you discuss it?"

"Well, after our discussion, we decided not to join the Divine Court!" Suiren said calmly.

The gods couldn't help but be surprised when they heard this choice.

After all, the gods were so generous that they paid a huge price to communicate with the humans, but they actually chose to be enemies with the gods in the end!

Following this, the gods could not help but become angry again, and their boundless divine power began to spread.


The Suiren clan looked at them calmly and continued: "We don't mind if some humans join any forces, and we don't mind if some humans go to any place in the wilderness, or even other worlds!"

As soon as these words came out, the gods were immediately speechless.

"You humans want to bet in multiple ways? Are you going to be that shameful wallflower?" Samu raised his eyebrows in a playful way.

These words made the Third Patriarch unhappy, and they all stared at Samu Yi coldly.

"Humph, my human race has never joined any force. It has not happened before, it is impossible now, and it will never happen in the future! Let alone that wallflower!" Youchao snorted coldly.

"If that's the case, how do the Witch Clan explain it?" Carlo's power surged and he looked at the Youchao clan indifferently.

The Third Ancestor immediately laughed.

"What we humans believe in is to let nature take its course! If the Gods can make someone from our human race, or a certain tribe, willingly depend on you, our ancestral land of humans will not have any objections."

Zhenyi smiled.

"I understand what you mean."

At this time, Cangtian Ancestor said again: "In that case, how do you choose between my God Clan and that Supreme Master?"

"Today I can tell you clearly that if I, Princess Shenting, cannot be found, then there will be an irreparable gap between our two clans!"

"Your Majesty will not allow any murderer or an accomplice to go unpunished!"

The Third Ancestor looked at each other and saw worry in each other's eyes.

At this time, Ancestor Xingchen, who had been watching quietly from the side, stood up and said.

"Three of you, our court can confirm that I am the murderer who caused the disappearance of Her Royal Highness! Are you sure you want to become this person's accomplice?"

"How to tell?"

"Just retreat and stop preaching! If you have any losses, I, the Divine Court, will make up for it!"

The third ancestor of the human race was silent.

"How?" Xingchen Patriarch asked.

"Hey~!" The Sui Ren clan sighed, "We, the human race, don't want to be that ungrateful person. The old man has done a great favor to us, the human race, by teaching us the Tao and practicing the path of monks. We, the human race, don't want to make any choice among them!"

"Hahaha, you humans are indeed selfish people!" Samu Yi mocked mercilessly.

"In order not to suffer spiritual condemnation in your heart, you are willing to do things that help the tiger!"

The Third Patriarch did not refute this, but remained silent.


Cangtian Patriarch's sudden laughter attracted everyone's attention.

I saw him say: "If it's because of this, you don't have to be like this."

Seeing the doubtful look on the Third Patriarch's face, Cangtian Patriarch smiled lightly and said, "I have been listening to the Golden Elixir Great Way taught by the Supreme Master for some time."

Then he laughed and said, "Golden elixir avenue? Haha, you humans actually treasure a path that can only lead to Daluo Jinxian at the end of its cultivation!"


As soon as these words came out, the three ancestors of the human race suddenly exclaimed in disbelief, and even the gods were stunned.

"Is this true!?" Youchao asked suspiciously!

"Hmph, I have reached the pinnacle of Hunyuan. Why should I deceive you about such an inferior avenue!" Cangtian Ancestor sneered.

"I have just deduced the golden elixir avenue, and found that there is a shackle hidden in it that is difficult to break through. Those who practice this path, no matter how talented they are, will remain in the same place for life without being able to break through! Let alone talk about that. Proved!"

The careful Ancestor Huang Tian also struck at this time and said: "You don't really think that this Supreme Master is helping the human race to embark on the great road, right? Are you sure he is not restricting the development of the human race?"

Hearing these words, the Third Patriarch was confused.

"Ah!! You are so impudent!!!"

At this moment, the deafening and extremely aggrieved angry roar of Taishang Laozi suddenly came from outside.

turn out to be.

When Cangtian Ancestor revealed his golden elixir avenue, he realized that his human luck, which was rising, actually dropped like water at this moment.

He was about to achieve enlightenment with human luck, but suddenly he was about to return to the past.

Inexplicably frightened, he immediately stopped preaching and deduced the secret.

Then he discovered that the source of his sudden decline in human luck came from the gathering place of the gods below.

He immediately let go of his consciousness, and then he heard the last words of Cangtian Patriarch.

Therefore, he was so angry that he immediately interrupted his sermon. The Quasi-Saint peak rose with majestic momentum, roaring and pressing towards the gathering place of the gods.

Cutting off a person's path is like killing someone and destroying one's ancestors.

Taishang Laozi's roar made the third ancestor of the human race, who was still doubtful, immediately believe Cang Tian's words.

His face suddenly became a little pale.

At this time, Suiren thought of this period of time.

No wonder he couldn't break through to Quasi-Sage even with the huge merits after he reached Daluo Jinxian.

Now, the truth is finally revealed!

He thought it was because of his poor aptitude or his poor comprehension.

For a long time, he was still worried about it!

Now, it turns out that this is a scam!

What does he want to do? ! !

This is what the three of them thought at this time.

Now that things have come to this, what they want to know now is what is the purpose of Taishang Laozi's doing this?

Thinking of this, Youchao immediately said angrily with the momentum of Taishang Laozi: "Everyone, I, the human race, don't care about this!"

At this point, Youchao nodded to each other with Suiren and Ziyi.

They immediately flashed into the sky and confronted Taishang Laozi who was flying here for a while, and then shouted to the confused crowd below.

"Listen, all human beings, the Supreme Laozi is trying to harm our human race, and passing down the Golden Elixir Avenue is his conspiracy. Order, all human beings, evacuate immediately!"


"What's going on?"

"Hiss~! Looking at the old ancestor, it seems that he is serious!"

Just as all human beings were discussing this, Shaohao, who had been managing the affairs of the human race, flew up immediately.

"Everyone, obey the orders of the three ancestors, and evacuate!"

Seeing this, all the human beings in the fairyland flew up and scattered in all directions

The Supreme Laozi did not stop this, but watched coldly from the side.

Just because it was unnecessary.

His reputation among the human race and the luck of the human race he possessed had been cut off, and this road had become blocked.

No matter how much he tried to stop it, the loss could not be recovered.

At this moment, the forty-five supreme gods of the Divine Court appeared together, and they all burst out with a strong aura.

Led by the old ancestor Cangtian, dozens of supreme gods surrounded the Supreme Laozi in the middle.

Among them, there are many ancestors of the sky who are at the peak of the Supreme God, dozens of Supreme Gods in the late stage, and more than ten Supreme Gods in the middle stage.

This move not only shocked the witches and liches, but also shocked some great masters who were secretly observing.

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