Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up the divine world of the heavens

Chapter 5 Father God, Father God, why can't I call you Mother God?

Millions of years passed by in a hurry.

Yuan Yijie.

Gu Changqing discovered that Yuanyi Lingchi had actually harvested a drop of golden divine source.

The effect of this thing surprised Gu Changqing.

After he irrigated the tree of life in Yuanyi Realm with the first divine source he harvested and the water of life he produced.

As a result, the conscious body fluid of the life leaf awakened, and spiritual wisdom was completely born.

Gu Changqing couldn't help but feel very happy about this.

Over the years, Gu Changqing has had some pleasant exchanges with the newly born descendants from time to time.

"Father God, why don't you let me call you Mother Goddess?"

"Because God the Father is male."

"Father, God, are there any differences between males and females?"

"The biggest difference between males and females is that females can give birth to offspring, but males cannot!"

"Father God, why are there only males and females in heaven and earth?"

"Because apart from special races, there can only be males and females in the world!"

"Father God, why can't Xiao Sheng transform now? Xiao Sheng really wants to run and fly like a small animal~!"

"Because your current cultivation level is too low. Let's wait until you reach the Golden Immortal level!"

"Father God, Xiao Sheng has become a true immortal~!"

"Well, Xiao Sheng is awesome!"

On this day, Xiao Sheng suddenly asked: "Father God, why can other trees bloom, but why can't Xiao Sheng?"

Regarding Xiao Sheng's question, Gu Changqing was stunned for a moment, then smiled casually.

"Maybe it's because Xiaosheng is the tree of life and is still young, so she can't bloom flowers and fruits!" Gu Changqing consoled her.

until one day.

Xiao Sheng's consciousness suddenly found Gu Changqing and spoke to him in a very surprised tone.

"Father God, Yuan'er has blossomed, Yuan'er has blossomed..."

"Stop, where are the flowers blooming?"

"I have blossomed!" Xiao Sheng said seriously again.

The stunned Gu Changqing felt Xiao Sheng's very serious consciousness, and immediately gave up understanding, and his spiritual consciousness descended to the Yuanyi Realm.

"This...can't be right, it's blooming now?"

Looking at Xiao Sheng's 1,086-foot-long body, there are actually thousands of cyan flowers hanging on the green canopy!

He was very surprised.

"Then why can Xiaosheng bloom, but I have never bloomed in so many years?" Gu Changqing thought in confusion.

"Are there even male and female trees?"

Gu Changqing secretly guessed.

"Father, how are you? Isn't Xiao Sheng beautiful today?"

Xiao Sheng reached out her consciousness and said to him as excitedly as a child.

"Well, very beautiful!" Then, Gu Changqing asked with concern: "Xiao Sheng, tell Father God, how did you make yourself bloom?"

"It's very simple. If Xiao Sheng wants to bloom, I will bloom~!"

Xiao Sheng's clear voice was full of joy.


Hearing this, Gu Changqing felt very speechless.

As early as after becoming the Tree of Life, he had thought about whether he would bear fruit.

Although he didn't know whether the tree of life could bloom, he knew that 99% of the trees in the world would bloom and bear fruit.

He also thought about and expected things to come to fruition.

But even after tens of millions of dollars passed, it just didn’t bloom or bear fruit.

Just when he thought he belonged to the category of trees that neither bloom nor bear fruit, someone now told him that the tree of life can bloom and bear fruit!

This made him deeply doubt whether the tree of life also distinguishes males and females.

Gu Changqing thought about it carefully and felt something was wrong.

If the tree of life really differentiates between men and women, then how did Xiao Sheng bloom?

Do you receive flowers and bear fruit by yourself?

It doesn’t make sense!

Why don't you ask Yangmei Ancestor someday?

Anyway, that old Taoist is also an innate spiritual root space willow, maybe he should know something.

Willow trees should bloom, right?

He looked away and stopped thinking about those messy things.

Consciousness returns to itself.

Gu Changqing took out the Shinto treasures of the temples and the tablet of destiny.

Before, he only used his spiritual consciousness to understand the legal context of these two sacred treasures and analyzed the laws of the Shinto.

Now when I actually take a look at it, I didn’t expect...

The Yuan Yi Realm... no, it should be said that there is also the prehistoric world, and even all the affiliated worlds in the prehistoric universe. At this moment, they are wrapped in a layer of golden light.

For nine seconds, the golden light gradually faded from all the world.

Gu Changqing, who sensed all this, stared blankly at the strange scene in front of him.

After the golden light faded, he realized that he wanted to take back the temples and the tablet of destiny.

However, as soon as he took it back, he felt a magical force pulling on his consciousness.

"Father God, Xiao Sheng feels a magical power summoning Xiao Sheng!"

At this time, Xiao Sheng on the side also said curiously.

After knowing that Xiao Sheng also sensed that pulling force.

Gu Changqing thought for a while, and after confirming that the power had no malicious intent, he said: "I'll go over and take a look first. Xiao Sheng, please stay here and wait. Don't act rashly, okay?"

"Yeah, Xiao Sheng understands!"

As a result, Gu Changqing separated a stream of consciousness and followed the pulling force.

In fact, it's not just Gu Changqing.

Basically, all the creatures in the prehistoric universe were shocked by the golden light that appeared for a short period of time.

Afterwards, all the innate saints in the prehistoric universe also basically sensed the mysterious pulling force.

Some were curious, and some were shocked.

But after sensing that the force had no malicious intent, they all chose to follow the force and split a trace of consciousness and descended.

In the west of the prehistoric continent.

The demon ancestor Luohou, who was sitting cross-legged on the twelfth-grade black lotus of destruction, suddenly opened his eyes.

The sharp eyes were full of arrogance and devilishness.

"The breath of this power... is really disgusting!"

As he said, Luohou snorted coldly.

The weak pulling force was immediately disconnected from it.

Just when he chose to completely disconnect the power, Luohou suddenly looked stunned.

Then he suddenly smiled playfully, "Interesting, the innate sacred breath on my body disappeared inexplicably?!"

"However, this makes the breath of the ancestor of the devil on my body more pure! Haha~!"

Yujing Mountain

"Hmm? Why did the fortune of the Shinto begin to grow again?"

Hongjun was puzzled.

You know, although the original fortune of the Shinto was also very huge, it had already shown signs of weakness.

On the contrary, the immortal way he founded before the 10 million yuan meeting and the demon way recently founded by Luohou showed full strength, and there was a trend of gradually overtaking.

But who would have thought that now the weak and powerless fortune of the Shinto seemed to be reborn, not to mention the great increase in fortune, but actually began to show a kind of power that was ready to move and overwhelm the immortal and demon ways.

Seeing this, Hongjun began to calculate the origin of the traction.

He did not deduce the origin, but as he deduced, he found that.

If he followed the traction force, his immortal way fortune might collapse instantly!

This result immediately frightened him and hurriedly disconnected the traction force.

As expected.

As he was disconnected, the aura of the immortal way on his body became more refined, and the innate sacred aura was fading.

This scene made him feel daunted for a moment.

"The way of the gods..." Hongjun looked at a certain place and whispered.

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