As the last person left, Gu Changqing was the only one left in the prehistoric scene, looking at the human ancestral land below and thinking secretly.

At this moment, the void surged, and the original body, Gu Changqing, appeared out of thin air.

"Done?" Yuan Yi glanced around, then asked with a smile.

"Well, it's all arranged!" The Holy Spirit Emperor nodded.

After speaking, he then asked: "What do you think of Master Hongjun's proposal?"

"What proposal?"

"It's just a proposal to jointly take charge of the prehistoric operation!"

Hearing this, Yuan Yi seemed to have come to his senses and said innocently: "Oh, um, you see what you can do, anyway, in the vast world, I will not give up in the end!

Just be prepared to break up with Hongjun! When the time comes, don't be sold out by that old guy and count the money for him! "

Upon hearing this, several black lines lit up on the Holy Spirit Emperor's forehead.

"By the way, how should we punish Mr. Taiqing?" the Holy Spirit Emperor asked, changing the subject.

"We promised Hongjun that we shouldn't go too far!"

"Excessive? What is excessive?" Yuan Yi and Gu Changqing rolled their eyes and said, "Is it too much to slap his origin? Is it too much to hit him with Pangu Qingqi?"

"Okay, then have you smoked yet?" The Holy Spirit Emperor shrugged and said speechlessly.

"What do you think?"

"I think what do you think?"

"What do you think I think you think?"

"I felt……"

"Get out!"


"Fuck, come back!"

"Hey, what are you doing?" Holy Spirit Emperor Hehehe said with a smile.

"Hurry up and arrange the affairs of the Law Dao. I think Yangmei Lao Dao's idea is very good, and it will be of great help to my World Dao! Don't let Hongjun find a lot of Law monks first!"

Yuan Yi said solemnly.

"I understand!" The Holy Spirit Emperor also said seriously.

"By the way, after the three-year period has passed, have you thought about what you plan to do with the Chaos Spiritual Treasure Myriad Realms Gate?" At this time, Yuan Yi and Gu Changqing asked again.

The two looked at each other first, and then said in unison.

"For the growth of the world's Tao, use the gods as soldiers, the Lord God as the generals, the Great Luo God as the generals, and the Supreme God as the commander, to invade the real heavens and worlds!"

Then the two of them laughed at each other and said, "Oh, it is indeed me!"

"Go away, disgusting!"

"Oh, you are so pretty!"

"That's you too!"

Yuan Yijie.

The Yuanyi Realm is one of the ten worlds that Gu Changqing obtained from the system. Among them, Gu Changqing also planted a tree of life with high-grade innate spiritual roots.

It's just that this tree of life is the opposite of the tree of life Xiao Sheng, it's just a male.

Now more than 10,000 years have passed, and with the cultivation of countless resources, this top-grade life tree has not only reached a height of ten thousand feet, but also has a shallow consciousness inside it.

I believe it won’t be long before my innate consciousness will be awakened.

However, Yuan Yi and Gu Changqing did not come here for the tree of life.

But I came here for Taiqing Laozi who was suppressed in Yuanyi Realm.

Through a conversation with the incarnation of the Holy Spirit, he suddenly came up with a great idea.

he knows.

As long as the prehistoric world is not destroyed, or the prehistoric world is not his decision.

These heavenly saints will not die easily.

And this is also the reason why he was not exposed in the eyes of Hongjun and Tiandao.

It's really because the worldly way he practices is in opposition to all the worlds, and the way of heaven will definitely not sit still and wait for death.


It must be a matter of life and death for them to meet.

Fortunately, he has not yet attained enlightenment to the Lord of the Multiverse (Hunyuan Golden Immortal). He can appear in the prehistoric world at will, and they won't notice anything.

But after he has broken through the Lord of the Multiverse, he cannot stay in the prehistoric world for a long time.

Unless one day, he has incorporated the prehistoric world into the system of World Tree.


In the heavens and realms within his World Tree system, countless heavens follow him on a rampage.

Shaking his head, Gu Changqing came back to his senses.

Looking at Taiqing Laozi who was imprisoned by the chains of the world, a sneer appeared on his lips.

"Haha, an immortal saint?"

With a wave of his hand, the chain of the world was broken, and Taiqing Laozi slowly fell from the air.

Since everything has been banned, Taiqing Laozi's soul and power have been banned.

Just like how he treated Gu Ling'er, Gabriel and others.

After he disconnected the world, the seal of his power was released, but because the soul was sealed, he did not wake up and could not use any power.

I saw Gu Changqing grabbing Laozi Taiqing's head with his big hands and lifting him up.

"Old guy, although I am older than you, I still think it is more appropriate to call you old guy!"

"I used to admire you three, but now... you are relying on your background to do profit-seeking and narrow-minded things!"

Speaking of this, Gu Changqing's eyes turned cold, "Especially you, the shady guy!"

Afterwards, Gu Changqing carried him to the top-grade innate spiritual root tree of life.

I saw him stretching out his slender palm and gently pressing it on the outer skin of the trunk of the tree of life.

Then, the Tree of Life shook, and four huge tree roots that were one thousand meters long suddenly burst out from underneath.

Seeing this, Gu Changqing threw Taiqing Laozi in his hand towards him.

Taiqing Laozi was still in mid-air when he was firmly entangled by four huge tree roots, and then gradually surrounded into a huge sphere.

Huge energy began to emanate from the inside of the sphere, all rushing towards the trunk of the tree of life.

As a top-grade innate spiritual root, the tree of life has various functions of transforming and storing energy.


When the tree of life absorbed Taiqing Laozi's energy, it quickly transformed into several kinds of innate energy that were beneficial to the growth of the tree of life.

Coupled with the power of heaven in Taiqing Laozi, this is even more beneficial to the tree of life.

Looking at the scene in front of him, Gu Changqing couldn't help but smile with satisfaction.

Dare to draw the origin of my little Ling'er, today I will draw your energy and origin to cultivate another child of mine.

Anyway, as a saint of heaven, Taiqing Laozi has endless energy on his body, and no matter how much he absorbs, he will not be sucked clean.

Besides, it's only been absorbed for three years!

As various innate energies were transformed, Gu Changqing clearly felt the joy from the tree of life.

Gu Changqing was very proud of this.

Yuanyi Realm.

After finishing everything, Yuanyi Gu Changqing came to the villa area of ​​Yuanyi Realm.

As soon as he entered the door, he saw Xiao Ling'er pouting in grievance, copying the laws of the Divine Court with a brush!

Opposite her was the serious-looking Holy Spirit Queen Xiao Sheng'er.

As soon as they saw Yuanyi Gu Changqing entering the door, they immediately shouted with joy.

"Father God!"

"Wow~ Grandpa Yuanyi!!"

Before the Holy Spirit Queen Xiao Sheng opened her arms and reacted, she saw Gu Ling'er throw the brush back, quickly occupy the position of the Holy Spirit Queen Xiao Sheng'er, and pounced into the arms of Yuanyi Gu Changqing.

Looking at Gu Ling'er who was hanging on Gu Changqing, the Holy Spirit Queen Xiao Sheng immediately shouted angrily.

"Gu Ling'er!! Did the Mother God let you move?"

The harsh voice scared Gu Ling'er in Gu Changqing's arms and trembled all over.

Looking at the lively girl in his arms, Gu Changqing laughed heartily.

"Hahaha~ Sheng'er, it's okay, it's good like this, Father God likes to see little Ling'er lively and cute!"

The Holy Spirit Queen felt both happy and sad about Gu Changqing's excessive pampering.

"Father God, you will spoil this girl sooner or later!"

"Haha, Father God knows, it's good to give Ling'er a happy childhood!" Gu Changqing patted the little man in his arms and said with a smile.

"That's right! Ling'er is still young now, only more than 10,000 years old!"

As he said, Gu Ling'er in Gu Changqing's arms turned his head again and made a face at the Holy Spirit Queen.

"How can there be a childhood of more than 10,000 years? If it's like this, Ling'er will never grow up in her life, thinking about playing every day, playing around, and causing trouble!"

This scene made the Holy Spirit Queen Xiao Sheng itchy.

So she walked to them, stretched out her beautiful fingers, and fiercely lifted Gu Ling'er's long pointed ears.

Since the pointed ears of the Holy Spirit Clan are more sensitive, Xiao Sheng mentioned this.

Xiao Ling'er immediately reacted, her face flushed.

However, at this time, her mother goddess, the Holy Spirit Queen, exclaimed happily: "Look! You are still calling me little, and you have a reaction! Quibbling!"

"Ah~ Mother Goddess, you are so annoying!" As she said that, Xiao Ling'er struggled to jump out of Gu Changqing's arms and quickly hid.

"Dare to hide?"

Seeing this, the Holy Spirit Queen was very interested, so she chased Xiao Ling'er.

Gu Changqing was dumbfounded by this scene.

He swore that he had never been so embarrassed as today.

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