Li panted for a while, then said proudly: "I took this from the mountain tribe under the northern Xuanming ancestor witch!"

Houyi nodded after hearing this, and did not continue to ask him how he got it. What he was thinking now was, as soon as possible! As soon as possible! As soon as possible!

Thinking of this, he packed the nine witchcraft instruments in a witch bag, and then said to Li: "I'm leaving, you go back, Li!"

He turned around and left without hesitation.

Li stood there and watched Houyi's back, silent for a while, then smiled silently, and then turned around and left.

However, he didn't know that after he left.

Two figures came out from the shade of the trees on the side.

"Second brother, are they going to fight?" The younger man asked softly.

"Third brother, can't you see it yourself?" The middle-aged man said impatiently.

"It won't be long before the three-year deadline comes, right?"

The middle-aged man cursed when he heard this: "Hmph, don't mention the three-year deadline to me!"

"The teacher said that the gods will also join the war. What should we do then?" The young man muttered to himself.

At this time, the middle-aged man also fell into deep thought.

Then, he heard him whispering in his heart.

"Don't give me a chance, otherwise..."

Above the East China Sea.

As soon as the Jinwu princes stepped into the East China Sea, they saw ten huge water dragons flying below.

The leading Jinwu prince was instantly drenched by these ten water dragons wrapped in magic power.

"Who! Is that bastard who dares to block my way?"

As he said this, the blazing sun fire ignited on his body again, and even poured a little sun fire on the earth.

Afterwards, several Jinwu princes spotted a female dragon hiding in the shallow sea water.

Beside it, two young dragons that had been roasted into charcoal could be seen.

"Give me back my son's life!"

The mother dragon saw that her hiding place was exposed, and she stopped hiding immediately.

So she rolled up a huge wave and covered the Ten Golden Crows.

However, under the surging sun fire of the Ten Golden Crows, the water and waves were evaporated before they got close.

"Haha~ I didn't expect that there would be food delivered to our door!" The eldest prince of the Golden Crow laughed.

The second prince also said coldly: "We haven't eaten a dragon for a long time, right?"

The third prince was really angry when he heard this: "Let alone a dragon, I haven't tasted a dragon for a long time!"

"Yeah, the last time I ate it was a hundred years ago!" Xiao Shi also agreed.

Below, Ao Yu listened to their unrestrained words and was immediately furious.

Because she remembered her mother.

In order to cover up and save herself, she chose to throw herself into the trap.

Thinking of her two children who had just been born, she was no longer worried in grief and anger.

He opened his mouth and spat out his dragon ball that was about to take shape, and quickly threw it at one of the Golden Crows.

When the Sixth Prince saw the dragon ball flying towards him, his eyes suddenly shone.

"Good stuff!"

He opened his mouth wide and wanted to swallow it and refine it.

However, as soon as it entered his mouth, the dragon ball exploded, and blood instantly flowed from the corner of his mouth.

As his blood fell into the shallow sea, it was clear that the sea water was boiling more, and a huge pit was formed on the seabed.

Fortunately, he was protected by the Sun True Fire just now, otherwise the Sixth Prince's mouth would have been blown open.

However, even if the injury was not serious, the Sixth Prince was still furious.

He immediately looked at Fang Yu below and spewed out the blazing Sun True Fire.


Facing the Sun True Fire pressing towards him, Fang Yulong's eyes were filled with tears, and in despair, he burst into the last shrill dragon roar!

Soon, the Sun True Fire covered her whole body, and she screamed and fell into the shallow sea, until she was burned to charcoal like her two children.

Seeing the dragon's body burned like this, the eldest prince shouted unlucky: "What bad luck, there is nothing to eat!"

"Hahaha~ Brothers, since there is nothing to eat, I will take the first step!"

As he said, the eighth prince flapped his wings to the west and instantly left them far behind.

"Ah! Damn it, the eighth prince is too treacherous, I'm leaving too!" As he said, the seventh prince quickly followed.

"Hehe, are you competing with me in speed? Look at me!" As he said, the eldest prince suddenly burst into huge solar flames all over his body, and quickly chased after his brothers who were going away.

Seeing this, the other few golden crows also screamed and chased after them.


Wherever they passed, the land was dry and hot, the water was dry, the vegetation was dead, and the ordinary acquired spirit beasts and weak monsters died of dehydration.

Just as they were about to enter the Yellow River Basin, a loud roar shook them all together, almost shaking them down.


"How dare you! I was lucky enough to let you go last time, but today I, Houyi, will definitely keep you all!"

The Ten Golden Crows looked down and saw the thousand-foot-tall Wu Clan battle body roaring at them from below.

The Wu Clan held a huge Wu weapon longbow, stepped on a small hill, and glared at them from afar.

Seeing this, the eldest prince immediately cried out, and then mocked and cursed: "Where did you come from, little Wu, dare to block our way!"

"You little Wu Clan dare to block us! Humph, you are looking for death!" The second prince also snorted disdainfully.

As the mortal enemy of the Wu Clan, they certainly knew that the best way to distinguish the power of the Wu Clan was to use their Wu Clan battle body to distinguish.

The taller the battle body, the stronger its power.

On the contrary, the weaker the witch clan, the smaller its battle body.

The battle body of a big witch is generally more than ten thousand feet, and the battle body of a small witch is generally more than a thousand feet and less than ten thousand wen.

The ordinary witches of the witch clan generally have a battle body of more than ten feet and less than a thousand feet.

Next is the human witch with a battle body less than ten wen.

This part of people is generally born from the combination of witch warriors and humans.

And the normal pure-blooded witch clan is born with the strength of a witch.

And it is equivalent to the strength of a celestial being.

Above them is the ancestor witch, whose battle body is generally more than one hundred thousand feet.

So, when they saw Hou Yi's battle body, they thought he was an ordinary witch warrior at the level of a small witch.

In the face of their ridicule, Hou Yi did not explain, but stared at them with sharp eyes.

Then, under the gaze of the Golden Crows, he took out the first arrow from the witch bag.

Seeing this, the second prince Jinwu immediately laughed and said, "Shooting arrows? Can you reach us with your strength? Haha!"

The other Jinwus also laughed at Houyi's overestimation of his own abilities.

Let alone whether or not he got it, even if he shot it in front of them, they would not think that the witch clan's magic weapon would be useful to them.

They seemed very confident about the invincible Sun True Fire.

"Brother, kill him! We have wasted too much time. When the father knows, we will be caught again!" This is what the ninth prince said worriedly.

"In this case, let's kill him in one bite!" The eldest prince also said solemnly.

So, the ten Jinwus controlled their huge mouths and were about to spit out the Sun True Fire at Houyi below.

Suddenly, a black stream of light flashed below and shot towards them at a high speed.

The locked old six felt a chill in his heart, and he didn't care about accumulating power, and the true fire in his mouth instantly sprayed towards the black stream of light.


The Sun True Flame they were so proud of seemed to be vulnerable in front of this stream of light, and was instantly pierced by it, and continued to fly towards the locked Sixth Prince.

Seeing this, the Sixth Prince was immediately frightened and shouted: "Big Brother, save me!"

The other Golden Crow Princes were also stunned, and looked foolishly at the stream of light that instantly pierced through the bodies of their Sixth Brother and Sixth Brother.

Even the blazing Sun True Flame on his body could not stop it at all, and after piercing through the body of the Sixth Brother, it continued to fly into the sky for dozens of miles without stopping.

"Sixth Brother!"

"Sixth Brother!"

The other Golden Crows cried out in grief.

When the Third Prince, who was close, was about to go up to catch the Sixth Prince's falling body, he suddenly felt a chill in his heart.

He looked down with a start.

Then he saw that the little witch of the Wu Clan was bending over and aiming at him again.

This sight made his heart break, so he didn't even bother to catch the remains of Lao Liu. He turned around and flew high into the sky.

However, how could he escape the arrow of chasing the sun from the hand of the great witch when he was locked in.


With the sound of an arrow, the other Jinwu princes woke up one after another.

"Escape! Escape to the Heavenly Gate!" The eldest prince suppressed the grief in his heart and shouted to the other Jinwu brothers.

There are four Heavenly Gates in the east, west, south and north of the Heavenly Court facing the prehistoric land.

And each Heavenly Gate will be guarded by a demon god with many demon kings.

Even within a thousand miles of the Heavenly Gate, there will be many demon soldiers patrolling!


As long as they get close to the Heavenly Gate, they will definitely attract the attention of the garrison. They can be rescued.


With the call of the eldest prince, the remaining few Jinwu princes fled in all directions.

However, before they left, they heard the screams of the Third Prince who had fled to the sky.

They looked back in shock, and then saw a scene that made them extremely sad.

A big hole was broken in the Third Prince's chest, and his golden hot blood sprinkled all over the sky and slowly fell to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Third Prince's huge body quickly fell to the ground below.

During the fall, the blazing sun fire burning on his body also fell with him, hitting the ground like a meteorite, and smashed a huge deep pit.

Then, they saw a yellow figure flash by, and then the huge remnant of the Big Sun Golden Crow disappeared.


Seeing this scene, they were extremely sad and angry, and they all cast hateful eyes at the figure.

Of course, they did not forget that Hou Yi of the Wu Clan was still aiming at them with an arrow below.

However, after seeing this, they were immediately filled with dead souls.

This is not aiming!

How can you aim at four arrows at once?

You thought you were shooting at low-level creatures!

Anyway, the fifth, fourth, seventh and ninth princes among them all sensed the chill in the dark.

So, they didn't care about anything else and flew into the sky in an instant.

The remaining first, second, eighth and tenth princes fled in two directions.

Among them.

The first prince fled to the South Heaven Gate with the tenth prince, while the second prince and the eighth prince fled to the East Heaven Gate.

However, just as they flew 100,000 miles, they noticed from the corner of their eyes that four huge fireballs fell to the earth from the sky.

They knew that their fifth, fourth, seventh and ninth brothers had also died at the hands of the Wu Clan.

There was no time to be sad.

What they wanted at this moment was to survive. As long as they could survive, they would definitely make the Wu Clan look bad one day!

They would be dead all over the land, and there would be no place for them to be buried!

The eldest prince roared in anger and swore.

The coast of the East China Sea.

On the Qingqiu Mountain.

Several three-tailed foxes who were playing suddenly felt that the sky was bright again.

And it was getting brighter and brighter.

They could even feel that their hair was about to burn.

This scene frightened them and they hurriedly ran to the barrier in the cave.

"Wow, grandma~ The Golden Crow is flying back again!" As they ran, a child's voice also sounded.


However, before they entered the cave, they heard a miserable cry from the sky.

Curious, they couldn't help but look up and look back.

Then they saw a scene that they would never forget in their lives.

Two huge fireballs were seen falling slowly from the sky to the shore of the East China Sea.

After falling, they also saw hundreds of black shadows flying towards the crack where the fireballs fell.

"Did someone kill Jinwu?"

At this moment, an old voice came from behind them.

They hurriedly looked back and immediately threw themselves into his arms with tears of joy.

"Grandma! Xiaobai almost never saw grandma again!"

One of the snow-white three-tailed foxes cried aggrievedly.

The other slightly yellower three-tailed fox said firmly: "Don't worry, sister, sister will protect you!"


"And protect grandma!"

"Yeah, Xiaobai also wants to protect grandma!"

Then, the two sisters were sick of each other again.

"Haha~ As long as you can learn something soon and work for the Nine-tailed Demon God in the future, grandma will be satisfied!"

With that, the old fox led them back to the Qingqiu Fox Realm.

As the second and eighth princes who fled to the East Gate of Heaven also died,

At this time, only the first and tenth princes who fled to the South Gate of Heaven were left.

Outside the Yellow River Basin.

The great wizard Hou Yi stood on the mountain peak, watching the first and tenth princes who fled to the South Gate of Heaven in the distance.

He was looking for an opportunity, an opportunity to kill two people with one arrow.

Because he only had one arrow left at this time.

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