After thinking about these things in his heart, Gu Changqing did not let the gods wait for long.

He looked at them and said seriously: "I just handed over the main power to my brother, the Holy Spirit Ancestor!"

"Holy Spirit Ancestor? Where is he?"

"Yes, why doesn't he come for such a big thing?"

"Alas, I don't know how good the Holy Spirit Ancestor's cultivation is, whether he can suppress other great ways in the prehistoric world!"

"Yes, I don't know where the future of us innate sacred beings will be?"


"Okay, I'll leave first, and the Holy Spirit Ancestor will come later. You can wait as long as you can." Facing the messy gods, Gu Changqing shouted loudly.

After the gods calmed down, he said to his three new brothers: "I'll leave first. If you have anything to do later, tell the Holy Spirit Ancestor. He knows where I am."

For Gu Changqing's easy handing over of power to others, the three of them couldn't help but sigh at Gu Changqing's free and easy attitude.

But since he had made a decision, they couldn't say anything.

As he said that, Gu Changqing disappeared in the Temple of the Gods in full view of everyone.

Not only that, before he left, he also disconnected the connection between his own divine luck and the Temple of the Gods.

So after he left.

What Cang Tian Lao Zu and Ye Wenhua saw was.

The throne belonging to Gu Changqing actually collapsed in front of them and then disappeared.

And Cang Tian Lao Zu's throne was directly promoted to the first place, replacing Gu Changqing's previous position.

"He really gave up everything in the way of the gods!?"

Everyone was surprised to see this scene in front of them.

At this time, Cang Tian Lao Zu and the others suddenly understood.

Could it be that Yuan Yi wanted to take the path of Hongjun, the immortal way?


Gu Changqing, who returned to the Yuan Yi world, felt that his innate sacred aura and divine luck had disappeared, but it did not disappear, but returned to the Temple of the Gods and the clay tablet of fate in his hands.

At this time, Gu Changqing no longer had the strength of the peak of the Daluo sacred.

At this time, he called the path of enlightenment he took: the way of the world.

The realm contained in it was deduced by his understanding.

From low to high, they are:

The Lord of the Planes (Golden Immortal), the Lord of the World (Taiyi), the Lord of the Universe (Daluo), the Lord of the Multiverse (Hunyuan Golden Immortal), the Lord of the Infinite Universe (Hunyuan Daluo), the Lord of Chaos (Dao), and Transcendence!

Because this road is destined to have no successors, and he, Gu Changqing, is the first and the last person to walk this road.

Therefore, there is no mortal realm on this path of enlightenment.

The starting point is the Golden Immortal level.

And Gu Changqing, who gave up the innate Daluo sacred cultivation of the Divine Way, turned to the way of the world at this time, and his realm reached the peak of the Lord of the World.

And this world is the Yuanyi Realm.

Although his cultivation seems to have decreased, his realm of the law of the Great Dao is still there, and his strength is not necessarily lower than that of ordinary Daluo sacred.

Moreover, after years of seclusion to take care of Yuanyi Realm, Yuanyi Realm has long been on the verge of promotion.

When Yuanyi Realm is promoted to the universe-level small world, his cultivation will naturally be restored to its heyday.


At the same time.

Holy Spirit Emperor Gu Changqing appeared in the Temple of the Gods.

He holds the power of the gods.

He looked coldly at the gods who questioned him and said indifferently:

"I am the Holy Spirit Emperor, and I have already mastered the control of the Temple of the Gods and the will of the gods!"

After that, the Holy Spirit Emperor Gu Changqing released the will of the gods in the fate clay tablet at the right time.

To show that he has obtained the recognition of the will of the gods.

In the face of this powerful oppressive will, everyone finally succumbed.

They all stood up and greeted Gu Changqing.

"We, meet His Majesty the Holy Spirit Emperor!"

The Holy Spirit Emperor nodded, and then motioned to the gods to sit down.

"I know that there are many of you who are not convinced, but it doesn't matter."

"I can set the first iron rule of the Temple of the Gods in front of the will of the gods. As long as there is anyone who is stronger than me and has a higher throne than me, then what's wrong with me abdicating and letting others succeed?"

"Is this true?"

Ye Wenhua's eyes lit up when he heard this.

The other gods also looked expectant when they heard this.

Even the innate gods in the eastern row were the same.

With this iron rule, they can also take a trip on the road of the gods.

"Of course!"

Holy Spirit Emperor Gu Changqing felt funny and sad for them.

Even if they fight to the end, they will not find that the peak of the gods they pursue is just working for the spokespersons of the gods.

Anyone who takes the path of proving the way based on the gods is just adding a new concept to the gods.

And the Holy Spirit Emperor completely uses the gods as his own concept to prove the way.

The gods are him, and he is the gods.

As for the position of the throne.

Gu Changqing, the Holy Spirit Emperor who controls the body of the Temple of the Gods, the most precious treasure of the Gods, who dares to rank higher than him in the throne of the Temple of the Gods?

"After talking about the first iron rule, I will talk about the current situation in the prehistoric world. Most of you may not be very clear about it now."

As he said this, the Holy Spirit Emperor looked at the group of people at the bottom of the throne.

Even, he saw some people among the innate Daluo gods making puzzled movements.

This made Gu Changqing speechless.

It turned out that a considerable number of them still didn't know the situation in the prehistoric world.

No wonder.

No wonder why the prehistoric world he knew in his previous life, the Shinto, had never stirred up a wave.

Not only was it a pile of loose sand, but everyone didn't care about the general trend of the prehistoric world.

When the immortal way completely rose in the hands of Hongjun, there were no more Shinto cultivators in the prehistoric world, and suddenly they realized that the general trend of Shinto was gone.

Before Hongjun became a saint, most of the innate gods in the prehistoric world either sacrificed themselves or turned to the immortal way.

Even if they were the fourth batch of innate gods, they were born in the most unfriendly era of Shinto - the immortal way era.

Even the top batch of innate Daluo gods went to the Immortal Zixiao Palace to listen to the teachings, and what choice could the lower-level innate gods have?

In the end, they could only turn to the immortal way with the general trend.

It is no wonder that after the establishment of the Heavenly Court, the Shinto would become a subsidiary of the Immortal Way.

Thinking of this, the Holy Spirit Emperor Gu Changqing could not help but sigh inwardly.

The path of the Shinto is really... a long way to go!

Gu Changqing continued.

"The current situation in the prehistoric world is already very clear in front of the peak great supernatural powers.

There are those of us who are born in accordance with the laws and the great way, and there are also the Immortal Way created by Hongjun Daoren, who was previously a top-level innate great supernatural power, the Demon Way created by Luohou, the Bloodline Qiyun Way created by the three tribes, and the Chaos Demon Way of the ancestors who returned to themselves.

Although the prehistoric world is still the strongest with our innate Shinto, don't forget.

As the number of acquired creatures and new tribes born in each tribe in the prehistoric world increases, can the innate Shinto still resist the counterattack of the Immortal Way and the Demon Way?"

Speaking of this, the Holy Spirit Emperor Gu Changqing looked serious.

"As more and more innate gods sacrifice themselves, when the prehistoric world no longer gives birth to new innate gods, then my innate godhood will surely perish."

"Your Majesty the Holy Spirit Emperor, this situation shouldn't happen, right? After all, isn't it normal for the prehistoric world to give birth to new innate gods? How could they no longer be born?" Carlo asked in confusion.

"No! After a few more calamities, the prehistoric world will no longer allow new innate gods to be born."

"Why?" Ye Wenhua asked.

"Because the Heavenly Dao doesn't allow it, and neither will the Immortal and Demon Dao." Holy Spirit Emperor Gu Changqing said calmly.

"How is it possible? Why doesn't the Heavenly Dao allow it?" Sa Muyi said doubtfully.

"Because... this is unspeakable."


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