Western land.

The demonic cloud covered the entire western land, and countless creatures were demonized and became bloodthirsty and brutal.

Just waiting for Luo Hou's order to walk out of the western land and sweep across the prehistoric world.

But the three tribes are still too powerful now!

So, Luo Hou is waiting for an opportunity.

In the Demonic Abyss.

The eternal light shines on the endless Demonic Abyss. As the catastrophe becomes more and more tragic, the riots of the Demonic Abyss never stop.

The black sun transformed by Yuan Meng shines with eternal light on the Demonic Abyss.

As Yuan Meng opened his eyes and moved his body, a clanging sound rang out, and countless chains of laws surrounded Yuan Meng's body. Each chain of laws was intertwined with the highest avenue.

"Ancestor Dragon, the First Kirin." Yuan Meng looked at the prehistoric land with disillusioned eyes.

There were countless creatures falling, and the blood of immortals and gods rushed to the sky, dyeing the prehistoric world red.

Each of them is above the Golden Immortal realm.

Those below the Golden Immortal realm are not qualified to participate in such a war.

Golden Immortals, immortal immortals, are second or third tier beings even if they are not the first tier in the universe. In the prehistoric world, under such a catastrophe, they are not even cannon fodder.

These are all ancient Golden Immortals. In the prehistoric world after Hongjun Hedao, any ancient Golden Immortal can beat those so-called Golden Immortals.

The blood of the immortals rushed to the sky.

Countless corpses fell, and the unwilling obsession echoed in the prehistoric world.

"Zulong, Shi Qilin, survive this catastrophe and are qualified to become chess players." Yuan Meng murmured, with endless time in his eyes.

It seemed as if he saw the distant future.

Then Yuan Meng looked at the world of fierce beasts.

There was a change somewhere.

A red light column that penetrated the sky and the earth rose from the tomb of Shen Ni.

"Did the prehistoric catastrophe trigger the avenue of killing in your body?" Yuan Meng looked at the tomb of Shen Ni.

Countless killing laws are gestating inside, and the God-killing Spear is ringing.

Intertwined with endless laws.

The great catastrophe of the prehistoric times, accompanied by endless killings, has aroused the killing avenue in Shen Ni's body, and is about to revive.

"Unfortunately, it's not enough. Maybe you can come back before the next great catastrophe, or maybe after the infinite catastrophe." Yuan Meng's eyes are filled with endless time.

Yuan Meng doesn't want to help Shen Ni revive.

This is a rare opportunity for Shen Ni. Resurrecting from the desolation and blooming from the ruins is a great terror and a great opportunity.

If Shen Ni can return against the will of heaven, he can also step into the level of a saint.

His status and his footsteps are enough.

All this depends on Shen Ni himself.

If Yuan Meng takes action in this matter, then Shen Ni's final achievement will at most stop at the level of a sub-sage.

Shen Ni has already walked out of his own path, and everything depends on him.

As the saying goes, those who learn from me live, and those who resemble me die!

If you can't find your own path, you will never reach the end.

There is only one source of each path.

That is the ultimate path!

Yuan Meng withdrew his gaze from the world of fierce beasts, and then looked at the chat group that had not been opened for a long time.

He looked at the chat messages between Esdeath and Dokushima Yazi.

Esdeath has unified the empire, but it has not been completed yet, and everything is still under planning.

As for Dokushima Yazi, the catastrophe of her world has begun.

Unlike the catastrophe in the anime, the catastrophe in Dokushima Yazi's world has undergone some strange changes.

Those corpses have gained the ability to evolve, and can devour humans and even evolve their own kind.

This point makes Yuan Meng somewhat interested.

Of course, the interest is only because of the changes in the corpses.

Why did such a change happen.

Yuan Meng looked at the world of School Apocalypse, and in an instant he understood why the whole world became like this.

In the world of School Apocalypse.

A group of people dressed strangely, some dressed like Western paladins, some dressed like ancient knights, and some wore high-tech armor.

Some were unarmed.

The only thing in common was that these people all wore a silver-white watch.

"Interesting." Yuan Meng looked at these people.

The main god space, the reincarnation.

"Is that so?" Yuan Meng had a smile on his face. In Yuan Meng's eyes, these people were like ants, and their strength was not that strong.

Yuan Meng had no intention of taking action, so he left it to Esdeath and Dudao Yazi to solve.

If everything required Yuan Meng to take action, then why did Yuan Meng let them become stronger?

Wouldn't it be better to just lie down.

The strongest of these people was weaker than Esdeath.

At that time, Yuan Meng would open up the channel between the two worlds and merge the world of Zhan Mei and the world of campus together.

With the world of Zhan Mei as the main one, let the world of Zhan Mei be promoted.

Then Yuan Meng closed the chat group.

As for these reincarnations, Yuan Meng planned to let them be the whetstone of Dudao Yazi.

First sharpen Dudao Yazi.

Dudao Yazi inherited the Heavenly Dao Tablet, so even if he was worse off, he wouldn't be that bad, at least he would be able to save his life.


Time flies.

Millions of years have passed.

The three tribes have lived for nearly 100 million years.

The prehistoric world is in a state of decay.

Countless creatures have perished in it.

Some prehistoric creatures have closed their caves and dare not come out.

"Fellow Daoist Zulong, now the Qilin and Phoenix tribes are at the end of their rope. We can take advantage of the victory and destroy the Phoenix and Qilin tribes directly." Huang Tian encouraged Zulong with a gleam in his eyes.

Zulong glanced at Huang Tian, ​​sneered at Huang Tian in his heart, and remained calm on the surface. After returning from that non-existent time and space.

Zulong deliberately went to investigate secretly.

He found that as Yuan Huang said, someone was indeed plotting against him.

And this person was from his own internal organization. After a secret investigation, Zulong found that it was none other than Huang Tian.

As for why Zulong was so sure that it was Huang Tian.

Of course, there was a reason.


Just like the deal between Huang Tian and Luohou, Huang Tian betrayed Cangtian, and Qingtian also betrayed Huang Tian.

Qingtian also knew that Huang Tian would not let him go.

The reason why Huang Tian still kept him was because Qingtian was still useful now.

Otherwise, the three heavens have the same origin, and Huang Tian has no reason to let Qing Tian go and not come to complete himself.

It is precisely because of Qing Tian's proof that Zu Long can be more sure that it is Huang Tian, ​​and Zu Long also has the answer to who is behind Huang Tian.

However, Zu Long knows very well that now is not the time to turn against each other. Huang Tian is still useful, at least not now.

Zu Long took over Huang Tian's words calmly.

"Huang Tian Daoyou, now the dragon clan has also suffered heavy losses, which is not much better than the Phoenix clan and the Qilin clan." Zu Long said with a trace of fatigue on his face.

Huang Tian looked at the fatigue on Zu Long's face, with a trace of joy in his heart.

"Zu Long Daoyou, now the Phoenix clan and the Qilin clan are at their weakest. If you miss this opportunity, I am afraid there will be no such opportunity again." Huang Tian said to Zu Long in a deep voice, with a hint of anxiety and heaviness in his tone, as if he was really considering Zu Long.

Hearing Huang Tian's words, Zu Long's eyes were full of brilliance.

"Fellow Daoist Huang Tian, ​​you are right. If that's the case, then you will lead the army of millions to attack the Phoenix Clan, and I will personally wipe out the Kirin Clan." Zulong said with ruthlessness in his eyes.

Huang Tian was delighted.

"Of course!"

"Then I'll trouble you, fellow Daoist Huang Tian." Zulong said slowly and looked at Huang Tian.

"Fellow Daoist Huang Tian, ​​you just need to hold back the Yuan Huang. After I wipe out the Shi Kirin, I will bring people to join us and take down the Phoenix Clan in one fell swoop." Zulong said in a deep voice.

"Fellow Daoist Zulong, you are too polite. This is what I should do." Huang Tian had a smile on his face, and he didn't see Qingtian standing behind him, with a gleam in his eyes.

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