Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 31 As long as the evil is not destroyed, I will never die!

The three great worlds directly cut and separated Luohou's body, flowing to the future and the past respectively.

"What kind of power is this." Luohou's eyes were disillusioned, and endless demonic nature burst out. His body returned and condensed again, with a hint of surprise in his eyes, reaching their level.

Any Taoism and magical power can be seen at a glance.

But the power displayed by Yuan Meng does not seem to be the power that should appear now.

"Wu!!" Yuan Meng said in a deep voice, without hiding.

"Wu? Martial Arts!!!" Luohou looked at Yuan Meng with a hint of surprise in his eyes.

"Martial Arts." Hongjun had a gleam in his eyes.

This is a road that is not inferior to the immortal way and the demon way.

"What a martial arts, come again." Luohou's eyes were filled with excitement, and the ancient long sword gathered endless laws and condensed together.

The simplest and most effective use of the law also reflects Luohou's strength.

Choke! ! ! ! !

The sword light was the entire river of time.

Yuan Meng's eyes were disillusioned, and eternal light bloomed on Yuan Meng's body.

The dazzling sword light directly slashed on Yuan Meng's body.

The next moment, the sword light collapsed, and Yuan Meng stood intact.

Yuan Meng looked at himself and chose to bear it hard. Yuan Meng also wanted to see what level his physical body had reached.

Now the answer came out, Yuan Meng was very satisfied.

Luo Hou's eyes were also surprised. Not only Luo Hou, but also Hongjun, Zulong, Yuanhuang and others did not expect that Yuan Meng's physical body was so strong.

The next moment, Yuan Meng appeared in front of Luo Hou.

The right hand was clenched into a fist, like billions of brilliant black suns blooming.

It came with the breath of great destruction.

The next moment, Luo Hou's body collapsed.

Then reassembled.

"Too weak." Yuan Meng said lightly, looking at Luo Hou.

Luo Hou didn't know what to say.

Is Luo Hou weak? It must be strong. As the ancestor of the magic, Luohou's strength is definitely at the peak of the prehistoric world. It's just that he feels so weak compared to Yuan Meng.

"Is that all? Luohou." Yuan Meng looked at Luohou with some dissatisfaction.

Boundless demonic nature appeared on Luohou.

Countless worlds appeared behind Luohou, and boundless demonic creatures came out of them, and countless demonic sounds were singing.

There was a hint of disappointment in Yuan Meng's eyes.

"The destroyed will eventually be destroyed, and the withered will eventually wither. The eternal heavens will be destroyed!!!" The mighty demonic sound emerged, and boundless demonic nature also appeared on Yuan Meng.

Countless worlds were destroyed, and countless creatures withered.

This is a supreme forbidden magical power. The heavens and the worlds are in the ruins and are in ruins.

Countless creatures are wailing in love, and finally return to dust.

Luohou's body was wiped out again, including the countless demon creatures.

Yuan Meng looked at Luohou who had condensed his body again, and then disappeared in the long river of time.

"You are too weak. I hope that when you come back again, we can fight again." Yuan Meng's voice sounded in Luohou's mind.

Luohou was silent for a while, and then he was excited, with a trace of burning fighting spirit in his eyes.

There are three thousand great ways, and the same destination is reached by different paths. In the end, the one who reaches the end is the supreme existence.

"Hongjun, let's continue our fight." Luohou said in a deep voice and looked at Hongjun.

"Good!!" Hongjun looked at Luohou.

In the long river of time, the war continued.

Yuan Meng returned to the prehistoric world.

There was a trace of indifference in his eyes.

Originally thought that Luohou could play a good game with him, but he didn't expect it to be a crushing game.

"Perhaps we can only have a good fight after those saints are born." Yuan Meng couldn't help thinking.

Now that the sage of the prehistoric world has not come out, Yuan Meng can be said to be the first person in the prehistoric world, no one else.

Years passed.

Tens of millions of years later.

Hongjun and Luohou came out of the long river of time at the same time.

Luohou's body was dry, and countless cracks appeared on his body, as if he would decay at any time, but there was endless divine light in his eyes.

"Hongjun, you won." Luohou said with a big laugh.

Hongjun was not much better. After tens of millions of years of fighting, if it weren't for the existence of the Jade Disc of Creation, Hongjun would have fallen long ago.

But now he is much better than Luohou.

"Fellow Daoist Luohou, it's not too late to turn back now." Hongjun said to Luohou.

Luohou's eyes were full of brilliance: "Turning back? Why should I turn back? I have seen my way."

At this point.

Endless divine light burst out from Luohou's eyes, and the extremely brilliant power emerged.

The entire western land was shaking.

Hongjun's pupils shrank, and he looked down at the western land.

That was the ancestral vein of the western land. Although it was broken, it was still possible to recover. But now it was actually affected by Luohou. What did Luohou want to do?

Thinking of this.

Hongjun's eyes were filled with a trace of fear.

"Luohou." Hongjun's voice sounded with a hint of anger.

"Hahaha, I just realized it now, it's too late, Hongjun, wait for me, I will come back again after countless years, and then we will have another fight!" Luohou said with a big smile on his face.

"Yuan Meng, wait for me, before I come back, don't lose to those juniors." Luohou looked in the direction of the Demon Abyss and said with a gleam in his eyes.

"Okay!" Yuan Meng's voice came over.

Luo Hu looked at Hongjun with an angry look on his face with a smile on his face.

"It's really rare to see such anger on your face." Luo Hu said with a smile and looked at Hongjun.

"I really want to see it again, but unfortunately I don't have the chance." Luo Hu murmured to himself.

The ancestral veins of the Western Earth burst out of the earth directly, and then merged into Luo Hu's body.

Luo Hu's originally dry body became plump, and his hair, which was like withered grass, became crystal clear and blooming with divine light.

The majestic body is surrounded by three thousand demonic worlds.

Countless demonic sounds were loud and powerful, spreading throughout the ancient world.

Yuan Meng's body appeared on the Demonic Abyss and looked at Luo Hu.

The same is true for Zulong, Yuanhuang, and Shi Qilin.

Hongjun's face turned extremely ugly.

Luo Hu looked at his body, and countless divine lights emerged from his palms, which were dazzling and shining on all the heavens and all realms.

"The way of heaven is above. I am the ancestor of demons, Rahu. Today, I founded the way of demons and transformed into the demon world. From now on, the demons will disappear, and the demons will disappear. All living beings can become demons in all the worlds. I hope the Tao will learn from this!!!" Luo Hu's words The sound spread throughout the world.

Purple-gold thunder flashed across the prehistoric world.

Avenue approved! !

"The Demonic Path is established!!!" Luo Hu roared, and countless merits fell from the sky and merged into Luo Hu's body.

The aura on Luo Hu's body surged.

"What a pity." Luo Hu looked at Yuan Meng. He didn't have time now, otherwise he would really want to have sex with Yuan Meng.

"Countless epochs later, I will return from my life. The devil's path will not end, so I will not die." Luo Hu's eyes were filled with light. At this moment, Luo Hu's aura had entered the realm of Hunyuan Daluo Jinxian.

Then Rahu's body began to dissipate, from his feet to his body, and finally only his head remained.

"Hongjun, this is my last gift to you." Luo Hu looked at Hongjun.

There was unspeakable anger in Hongjun's eyes, which then turned into a bitter smile.

"Ancestral veins explode!!!" Luo Hu had a smile on his face.

next moment.

The ancestral veins of the western land were detonated by Rahu.

It swept across the entire western land in an instant.

The prehistoric world is shaking and screaming.

The thunder of heaven appeared, and an Eye of Heavenly Punishment appeared under the western land.

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