"What is my path?" Yuan Meng's strength has reached the extreme of the sub-saint, and he only needs to take one more step to take the last step.

"It's still a little bit short."

Yuan Meng closed his eyes and thought about his own path carefully, but he still lacked something.

"What do I want?" Yuan Meng murmured.

"At first, I was born in the prehistoric world, just wanting to survive. Later, I protected the ferocious beasts and finally changed the outcome of the three tribes until now." Yuan Meng murmured.

The path on his body dimmed, and the chains formed by the three thousand great ways were slowly disappearing.

Yuan Meng's body began to decay and entered a state of extinction.

This is a terrifying state!

If he can't wake up, he will be completely silent.

Countless questions emerged in Yuan Meng's mind.

What do I want? What is my purpose? My path has been determined, why am I still so confused?

Is there no goal?

What is the meaning of the existence of the Supreme?

Or what is he pursuing?

Questions emerged one after another.

Yuan Meng fell into extinction.

His body shrank, no longer emitting the eternal and immortal light.

His soul fell into silence.

Time passed slowly.

Millions of years passed.

Yuan Meng's body floated in the chaos like a mummy.

It was horribly shrunken.

There was no luster, as if it had completely extinguished.

Yuan Meng's soul was in endless time and space.

He saw the heavens and the worlds, the afterlife of the prehistoric world, and the three thousand demons in the chaos.

"Perhaps from the beginning, I knew what I wanted?" Yuan Meng's soul gradually woke up from his stagnation.

"Prehistoric world, I want Prehistoric World to be the only existence, standing above the heavens." Yuan Meng murmured.

From the beginning to the end, Yuan Meng wanted Prehistoric World to become a world that surpassed the heavens and the worlds.

He did not want Prehistoric World to end up in ruin and withering like the original history.

At this moment, in Yuan Meng's soul, endless divine light bloomed, the immortal breath was spreading, and the long river of time was surging, like the bright lamp of the beginning, illuminating the endless darkness.

In the chaos.

Yuan Meng's shriveled body opened his eyes, and endless brilliance bloomed.

"Resurrecting in the dead silence, returning in the eternity, I am the only variable!" Yuan Meng's tone was firm.

Endless laws appeared on Yuan Meng's body and intertwined.

At this moment, the long river of time was surging with terrifying fluctuations.

Yuan Meng looked at the long river of time with a gleam in his eyes.

"Found it!!" A voice shook the avenue of heaven and earth.

The long river of time unfolded.

Three supreme creatures came against the years, with immortal bodies surging on their bodies, protecting them from crossing the years.

"Creatures from the future." Yuan Meng looked at the three creatures from the future with a gleam in his eyes.

One of the humanoid creatures was covered in golden armor, holding a golden spear in his hand, and under his feet was an unknown creature with four legs and two horns, shaped like a rhinoceros, covered with bronze scales, and the avenue was shaking with every step.

Another creature was also a humanoid creature, with wings on his back, endless sacred light blooming, and holding a pure white sword.

The last one was a beast, standing up, with six arms, a pair of beast claws, a pair of white arms like a woman, a pair of dragon claws, a single horn on his head, covered with red scales, and the breath of Tao wrapped around his body.

"Sure enough, it's here, the Tao master's deduction is indeed correct." The humanoid creature with gold on his back looked at Yuan Meng with undisguised murderous intent in his eyes.

Endless murderous thoughts descended and shattered billions of worlds.

"Found you." The cold tone, with endless coldness, came out from the mouth of the creature with wings on his back.

Yuan Meng's eyes were extinguished, and endless laws intertwined, turning into Pangu's body.

His body was terribly dry, and his long, crystal-clear hair was a little scary, as if it would decay at any time.

"Creatures from the future, you are going to wipe me out." Yuan Meng said slowly, his voice dry and hoarse, as if an old man was about to die.

"The biggest black hand in the world." The creature with a single horn on his head and red scales all over his body looked at Yuan Meng, and the hatred in his voice ran through the ages.

"Oh?" Yuan Meng looked at this creature.

"It seems that my path is right." Yuan Meng murmured.

"Coming against the years, you and I are separated by countless epochs. To come here, the price you paid is not small." Yuan Meng said slowly.

Coming from the future to kill the weakest self now.

Such a hand is not small, and the price paid is also not small.

Even if it is the current Yuan Meng, it is impossible to go against the long river of time and kill the future enemy.

The power of time cannot be used so easily, it is a taboo among taboos.

"With the protection of the Taoist master, as long as I can wipe you out, everything is worth it." The creature in the golden armor said with a hint of heaviness in his eyes.

Looking at Yuan Meng, his eyes were filled with fear and anger from the bottom of his heart.

"It seems that you are very afraid of me, even if you are separated by countless years, you will come to kill me." Yuan Meng said slowly.

"Although I don't know which world you are from, you want to kill me with just three sub-saints. Don't you underestimate me too much?" Yuan Meng's eyes were filled with disillusionment.

Endless storms swept across the long river of time.

The breath of invincibility was everywhere.

"No matter how invincible you are, you will fall here." The creature with wings on his back said in a deep voice.

They are all the strongest in their respective worlds, the strongest under the Tao Lord.

If they can't do it, then others can't do it.

"No matter what the cost, it's worth it to wipe you out here." The creature with a single horn on his head said in a deep voice.

Their figures are still in the long river of time.

It seems that they are not far from Yuan Meng, but in fact, one step is ten thousand years.

If there is no protection from the so-called Tao Lord, they have become the past now, annihilated in the endless long river of time.

Going against the long river of time, killing the future enemy.

This kind of thing is a taboo among taboos.

"I'll stand here and wait for you to come over and see how you kill me." Yuan Meng said in a deep voice. Yuan Meng was proud of himself and was invincible in the same realm.

No matter which era, which era, or which world he was in.

This was Yuan Meng's pride and confidence.

Even if the years passed and the enemy from the future was in the same realm, Yuan Meng did not think he would be defeated, nor did he think he would lose.

"Your Dao Lord cannot take action. Let me guess, is he afraid of alarming the future me?" Yuan Meng said slowly, his eyes were illusory and he saw everything clearly.

The three living beings looked a little ugly.

If their Dao Lord took action, it would be different, and that was something that could not be done at all.

The Dao Lord could certainly go against the long river of time and kill Yuan Meng.

But the future Yuan Meng would also notice and return from the future.

Yuan Meng did not think that the other party paid such a great price to let three sub-saints go against time to kill him, and they were unwilling to take action themselves.

It is more likely that they were afraid of alarming their future self.

Thinking of this, Yuan Meng became even more certain that his path was right.

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