Sun Star!

The birthplace of Emperor Jun and Tai Yi, countless golden sun true fires are spreading.


The endless sun true fires separated, and two figures walked out of the flames.

Emperor Jun, Tai Yi!!

The aura of Emperor Jun and Tai Yi has broken through the peak of Daluo and reached the realm of Quasi Saint, and at the same time killed a corpse.

This also determines that their future journey is only the peak of Quasi Saint, and there is no possibility of any progress.

It's just that they don't know it yet.

"Brother." Tai Yi looked at Emperor Jun with endless ambition in his eyes.

"It's time." Emperor Jun murmured, looking at Buzhou Mountain.

"Let's go." Emperor Jun said in a deep voice, turning into two long rainbows, and came directly to the top of Buzhou Mountain, which is the entrance to the thirty-three heavens.

There are still a million years before Hongjun's next sermon.


The two stepped directly into the thirty-three heavens.

In fact, the thirty-three heavens is not an accurate term, the accurate term is the thirty-six heavens!!

The last three heavens have always been empty.

Even the second generation of Emperor Haotian lived in the thirty-third heaven. Of course, the Tushita Palace of Taishang Laojun is also in the thirty-third heaven.

The thirty-sixth heaven is a limit, even the fate of the Emperor cannot bear it.

So generally only the thirty-three heavens are mentioned, not the thirty-sixth heaven...

Emperor Jun and Taiyi stepped into the thirty-third heaven and came directly to the thirty-third heaven.

Endless palaces spread in it. These were built by the subordinates of Emperor Jun and Taiyi. While being extremely luxurious, they also represent endless power and status.

Located on the top of the prehistoric Buzhou Mountain, this is the center of the prehistoric world.

Represents the absolute supreme power and ambition.

At the same time, it can also control the movement of the stars in the prehistoric heavens.

Emperor Jun and Taiyi have been planning this place for a long time. Since the first sermon, they have been laying out here.

Finally, this place has been built.

The endlessly luxurious heaven appeared in the eyes of Emperor Jun and Taiyi.

Interwoven with brilliant colors.

"Brother." Taiyi's voice was a little excited.

"Let's go." With endless ambition in his eyes, Dijun walked straight into the palace representing the throne of the Emperor of Heaven in the eyes of other creatures.

Dijun sat directly on it. There was a smaller throne next to it, which was Taiyi's position.

"Give the order, and the Heavenly Court will be established ten thousand years later." Dijun said in a deep voice.

"Yes!!" Dijun's men said with a little excitement.

Taiyi also had a little excitement in his eyes.

Soon the news that Dijun was about to establish the Heavenly Court spread throughout the prehistoric world.

Under Mount Buzhou.

In the tribe of the Wu clan.

"These two three-legged crows are looking for death!!!" Zhurong, who had the hottest temper, said with a little anger.

Gonggong glanced at Zhurong: "What's the use of quarreling here, just go and kill them."

Hearing Gonggong's words, Zhurong's eyes were a little unhappy, and he was about to quarrel with Gonggong immediately.

Dijiang said, "Okay, they built the Heavenly Palace, that's their business, it has nothing to do with us, as long as they don't disturb our Wu Clan."

In fact, the Wu Clan didn't feel anything when Dijun and Taiyi built the Heavenly Palace. After all, the Wu Clan didn't care about the so-called Heavenly Palace.

Hou Tu breathed a sigh of relief. Although there are many conflicts between the Wu Clan and Dijun and Taiyi now, it's really not to the point of life and death.

What Hou Tu is afraid of is that some of her reckless brothers will be angry and go to trouble Dijun and Taiyi.

The biggest difference between the current Wu Clan and the original Wu Clan is.

The current Wu Clan doesn't think that the world should belong to them.

In the original fate trajectory, the Wu Clan was most unhappy about the demon clan building the Heavenly Palace and wanting to rule the prehistoric world.

Now, because of the existence of Yuan Meng, the Wu Clan is in a state of "if you don't mess with me, I won't mess with you."

So I don't feel anything about the Wu Clan building the Heavenly Palace, at most I'm unhappy and say a few words.

But there's no need to talk about the Wu Clan.

On Mount Kunlun, the Three Pure Ones were a little unhappy.

How could you, Emperor Jun and Taiyi, sit in the Heavenly Palace and rule the six realms and eight wastelands of the prehistoric world?

They, the Pangu Sect, did not do these things, how dare you.

Especially Yuanshi, who was very concerned about his followers, especially those who wore fur and feathers, and he looked down on them the most, and he was the most angry.

But now the Three Pure Ones did not say much.

According to their thinking, now that Emperor Jun and Taiyi had accomplished something, if they really went to cause trouble, it was unclear who would make whom look bad.

The other great gods of the prehistoric world had different ideas.

Time passed slowly.

Ten thousand years later.

Ding! ! !

A chaotic bell sounded throughout the prehistoric world.

The thirty-three heavens appeared in the prehistoric world,

and two golden suns crossed the sky.

"I am Emperor Jun (Taiyi). Today, I feel that the creatures of the prehistoric world are in chaos and fighting endlessly. I have established a tribe called: demons! Those who swallow and exhale the essence of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon are demons!!!"

This sentence directly made all the gods of the prehistoric world explode.

Those who swallow and exhale the essence of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon are demons.

This directly made Emperor Jun and Taiyi offend all the innate great supernatural powers in the prehistoric world.

Which of these innate great supernatural powers does not swallow and exhale the essence of heaven and earth and absorb the essence of the sun and the moon?

Otherwise, it would be better for you, Emperor Jun and Taiyi, to directly say that those who can practice are demons?

However, now that Di Jun and Tai Yi are powerful, those old antiques who have lived from the ancient times and can cause trouble for Di Jun and Tai Yi have also understood who the protagonist of this catastrophe is. It is you.

So even if they have the ability, they did not go to Di Jun and Tai Yi. Just pretend that they did not hear it. There is no need to vent their anger and then let themselves fall into the catastrophe.

The tragic scenes of the previous two catastrophes are still vivid. The blood of countless immortals rushed to the sky and flooded the prehistoric land. The ancestral veins of the western land were blown up.

It is unknown how tragic this catastrophe will be.

On Mount Kunlun.

Yuan Shi’s eyes were murderous: "Too much bullying!!!"

Lao Tzu’s face twitched, and then he sighed: "Sit down, why bother with him, pursuing the great way is what we should do now."

Tong Tian had a smile on his face and thought it was all very interesting. After all, for Lao Tzu and Yuan Shi, it can be seen from their images.

Tongtian is the image of a young man, full of vigor and vitality, while Yuanshi is the image of a middle-aged man, symbolizing the time when a man cares most about his face.

Laozi is the image of an old man, symbolizing the time when a person becomes a spirit.

The oath of Dijun and Taiyi continues.

"I, Dijun, am the Lord of Heaven, and I am canonized today; Taiyi is the East Emperor of the demon clan..."

Then Dijun began to canonize the ten demon generals, 365 demon saints, etc. of the demon clan.

Wait until everything is over.

The way of heaven roars!

The golden light column fell on Dijun and Taiyi, indicating the recognition of the way of heaven.

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