Honghuang: With a supernatural understanding, I have opened up three thousand demon worlds

Chapter 57 Yuan Meng: It's time to give birth to a child

"But this is not a long-term solution." Hou Tu then thought of something. He couldn't let the ancestor witch bleed all the time.

"There will be an opportunity later." Yuan Meng smiled, but didn't reveal what the opportunity was.

Hou Tu felt relieved after hearing Yuan Meng's words.

"Your Majesty, since you are here, stay for a while." Hou Tu said to Yuan Meng.

"I just came to see you on the way. There are still things on Chaos Island. If you have any questions, you can come to Chaos Island to find me. After all, you are also the heirs of the Taoist tradition I passed down." Yuan Meng said with a smile.

The reason why I passed by the Wu Clan was purely because I came to Buzhou Mountain, so naturally Yuan Meng would come to see the Wu Clan.

I happened to see this scene, so I explained it to Hou Tu.

Then Yuan Meng returned to Chaos Island.

Hou Tu also told the other ancestor witches as Yuan Meng said.

The other ancestor witches also knew that this was a good way. Although it could not last long, it could make up for the problem of the number of Wu Clan.

Which tribe of the prehistoric tribes is not worth hundreds of millions of people.

Only the Wu clan has such a small population.

In the cave of Nuwa and Fuxi.

A thousand years after Yuan Meng left, Nuwa woke up from enlightenment and looked at Yuan Meng who had left, feeling a little disappointed: "Is he gone?"

Then she looked at Fuxi, and then Nuwa continued to practice in seclusion.

On Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng's mind moved and he looked at the chat group.

Now in the world of Dushima Yazi, the reincarnation has been completely solved, and Dushima Yazi has started his own road of killing monsters and upgrading.

Although it is a bit strange, this is the way Dushima Yazi practices.

The world of pirates.

Kaido asked his men to start preparing for war, but before that, Kaido also knew that it was a foolish dream to unify the world of pirates by himself.

Not to mention the existence of such a cheater as Wang Luffy.

So Kaido is also preparing his own army. It is not a simple matter to seize the world from the hands of the World Government.

In the world of Zelda: The Legend of the Swordsman, Esdeath has completely conquered the Revolutionary Army.

The entire empire has been completely unified.

In comparison, Esdeath's progress is the second in the group.

There are other alien races.

The first one is of course Ying Zheng of Daqin.

After obtaining the Emperor's Conferring God Technique, Ying Zheng immediately began to prepare for the sacrifice, prepare to communicate with the heavenly way or world will of his own world, and establish Yun Dynasty.

Of course, this is to establish Ying Zheng has just unified the six countries, and it is the most cohesive time for Daqin.

However, even so, preparing the altar, collecting gold and silver, and preparing for the sacrifice also made the world complain.

Even within Daqin, many officials disagreed with this and made countless remonstrations.

In the end, all were suppressed by Ying Zheng.

Ying Zheng knew very well that it was a good thing to go under such circumstances. It was just right to use this incident to let the remnants of the six countries jump out.

In short, it was law enforcement fishing.

Time passed slowly.

It was not far from the time for Hongjun's third sermon.

The immortal volcano in the south.

After Yuan Huang left a spiritual imprint to suppress the Immortal Mountain, he went directly to Chaos Island.

"You are here." Yuan Meng looked at the peerless Yuan Huang and said with a smile on his face.

"I am here, and I will never leave again." Yuan Huang had a beautiful smile on her face.

Yuan Meng held Yuan Huang's waist: "Then should we consider the issue of succession?"

Yuan Huang had a hint of shyness on her face and did not refuse.

Yuan Meng laughed twice and took Yuan Huang back to the Chaos Palace.

In the chaos.

The door of Zixiao Palace opened.

The third sermon began.

After the second sermon, all the gods in the prehistoric world had a huge breakthrough.

In just three million years, these great gods basically broke through to the quasi-saint level. As if they were free, the quasi-saints in the prehistoric world emerged in an overwhelming manner.

Another golden age.

However, the arrival of a prosperous age is often accompanied by a terrible catastrophe.

After the first two catastrophes, the old antiques who survived in the prehistoric world knew that this was the prelude to the catastrophe.

Some cautious old antiques began to hide.

For example, the old man Tianji who established the prehistoric list had already slipped away early, and no one knew where he ran to.

In the Zixiao Palace.

The first row was still the Three Pure Ones, Nuwa, and the two from the West.

The ones behind were Zhen Yuanzi, Kunpeng, Hongyun, Minghe and others.

It was just like the situation in the prehistoric world in the future.

The first row was all the existences standing at the top of the prehistoric myriad creatures.

The second row was all the existences of the second ladder of the prehistoric world.

The most special of course were Zhen Yuanzi and Minghe.

Among them, Zhen Yuanzi, holding the Book of the Earth and mastering the prehistoric earth veins, was later honored as the ancestor of earth immortals, which showed how strong Zhen Yuanzi was.

The ancestor of earth immortals here is not referring to the realm of earth immortals, but the earth immortal world formed after the prehistoric world was broken!

It refers to the ancestor of the earth immortal world. At that time, the saints were confined to the Taoist temple in the chaos.

Zhen Yuanzi can be said to be the strongest group of existences between heaven and earth.

He deserves this title.

As for the Styx, it was also born with great luck. It is the only creature bred by the Blood Sea. It is accompanied by the spiritual treasures, Avici, Yuantu, the treasure of the way of killing, and the fire red lotus. It can be said that the luck of the Blood Sea is 10%, and the Styx occupies 90%.

The remaining layer is occupied by the second creature born in the Blood Sea.

As for the second creature born in the Blood Sea, it is naturally the Mosquito Taoist in the Conferred God Tribulation in the later generations, the first mosquito between heaven and earth.

Speaking of the Styx, many people think that the Styx is weak, but in fact, the Styx is very strong. Even the saints can do nothing about the Styx.

The blood sea does not dry up, and the Styx does not die, which explains everything.

Evaporating the blood sea is equivalent to destroying the foundation of the underworld. You must know that the development of the underworld occupies a large part of the blood sea, and even the saints cannot bear the cause and effect.

That is the earth path among the three paths of heaven, earth and man.

This is also where the Styx is strong.

In addition, Minghe later learned from Nuwa to create humans and founded the Asura clan. Although he did not become a saint, he can be said to be the strongest group of people under the saints.

In the entire Zixiao Palace, the great gods who were later known as the gods have emerged.

Among them, the two who are in the limelight now are of course Di Jun and Taiyi, one is the Emperor of Heaven, and the other is the Donghuang of the demon clan. It can be said that they are two suns in the sky.

As for the others, the more special one is Ran Deng, who is really an old man.

He is still in the middle stage of Daluo.

He can be said to be the most lame one among the three thousand guests in Zixiao Palace. He directly dragged down the others in the entire Zixiao Palace and pulled down the status of the three thousand guests.

Now Ran Deng heard in Zixiao Palace that after Yuanshi became a saint, he shamelessly wanted Yuanshi to accept him. In the end, Yuanshi had no choice but to give Ran Deng a position as a registered disciple. Although he was a registered disciple, he was the deputy leader of the Chan Sect.

Of course, this is nothing.

During the Conferred Gods Tribulation, this old bastard Deng defected and took some disciples of the Chan Sect to join the Buddhist sect, becoming one of the ancient Buddhas of Buddhism, the Burning Lamp Buddha.

The gate of the Purple Heaven Palace was closed.

The third sermon began.

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