Time passes slowly.

This war lasted for millions of years.

In the end, the battle ended with the defeat of Emperor Jun Taiyi and the demon clan.

Di Jun and Tai Yi returned directly to the thirty-three days.

Originally, the Twelve Ancestral Witches wanted to continue chasing him, but after Hou Tu's reminder, the Twelve Ancestral Witches stopped.

Although the demon clan has killed billions of creatures this time.

But the Wu clan was not much better, with nearly half of the Wu clan killed or injured.

Compared with the demon clan, it can be said to be a great victory.

But you have to know that the Wu clan itself has a small number of people. It really means that if one dies, one will be missing.

This is also the reason why the Twelve Ancestral Witches stopped. If they continue, I am afraid that all the other witch clans will die in the battle. Even if they are the only Twelve Ancestral Witches left, they will win, but what's the use?

The aura of calamity pervades heaven and earth.

Some old antiques who had survived the Dragon and Phoenix Catastrophe naturally knew that this was the coming of the Catastrophe, and they all huddled in their own caves and never came out.

The Monster Clan is on guard against the Witch Clan and is also preparing to recuperate for a while.

As for the Wu clan, they are worried about the reproduction of their own clan.

In this way, the first battle between the lich and the lich ended. If we had to say who was the winner, it would be the Witch Clan. On the surface, the Witch Clan won and defeated Di Jun, Taiyi and others.

In fact, the Wu clan, which had lost half of its value, was not much better.

Countless innocent souls have once again gathered in the vast sea of ​​blood. These innocent souls have not yet been reincarnated and can only drift in this endless sea of ​​blood.

Time passes slowly.

Thousands of years after the end of the First War.

Di Jun and Taiyi approached Fuxi and Nuwa.

Now, although Fuxi and Nuwa have joined the demon clan, they have not participated in the struggle of the lich and are still in Buzhou Cave Mansion.

Fuxi is the emperor Xi of the demon clan, and Nuwa is the emperor Wa of the demon clan.

"You came here this time to ask me to propose marriage to you?" Nuwa looked at Di Jun and said curiously.

"Yes." Di Jun nodded.

"Oh? The lonely sun doesn't last long. This also coincides with the great road of heaven and earth. Is this the prehistoric female fairy?" Nuwa asked Di Jun.

Ordinary female fairies are not worthy of God's handsomeness.

Di Jun is the Emperor of Heaven, and he is a creature born from the Sun Star.

Ordinary female fairies can't bear the status of the emperor and empress.

"Taiyin Star Goddess Chang Xi!" Di Jun said in a deep voice to Nuwa.

Nuwa nodded: "I agree to this matter."

"Then thank you Emperor Wa." Di Jun said with a smile on his face.

"Well, you go back first." Nuwa waved her hand.

Di Jun and Taiyi left Nuwa's cave directly.

"Chang Xi, the goddess of the lunar yin, is not bad at all. Her fate and personality are both good. She is qualified to be an emperor and empress." Nuwa thought slowly.

Nuwa then started to prepare. It was impossible to go to Sun Star just like that.

This is the first wedding between heaven and earth, and it is also a heavenly wedding. It cannot simply end like that.

Nuwa will not say anything here.

Chaos Island.

Yuan Meng was fishing with great interest, when suddenly Yuan Meng looked towards the endless chaos outside the sky.

"Huh?" Yuan Meng disappeared on Chaos Island instantly.

Appeared in chaos.

Yuan Meng's figure emerged here in the endless chaos.

Countless avenues intertwined at Yuan Meng's feet.

Yuan Meng looked at the big world in front of him that had strayed into chaos, with interest in his eyes.

This is not the big lifeless world before, but a big world full of living things.

Although it is not as good as the Great Wilderness, it is not much worse than the Great World of Ferocious Beasts.

Among all the heavens and worlds, they are all part of the great world.

Thinking of this, Yuan Meng looked at this big world with endless laws of disillusionment in his eyes.

The dazzling divine light intertwined, looking through the endless heavens and looking at this big world.

Then Yuan Meng was even more surprised.

"Interesting, it turns out it's this big world." Yuan Meng said with a smile on his lips.

"But it's not a bad world to train in the world of ferocious beasts." Yuan Meng murmured.

Stretching out his big hand, covered by endless laws, this big world appeared in Yuan Meng's hand.

And in the big world.

None of the gods knew what had happened.

Then Yuanmeng returned to the world of ferocious beasts.

"Ten kings came to see me." Yuan Meng appeared in the world of ferocious beasts.

Ten streams of light appeared in front of Yuan Meng, ten kings of ferocious beasts.

Yuanmeng took out the big world in his hand: "This is a big world that is not used in the prehistoric world. Although it is not as good as the prehistoric world, the origin of the world is also comparable to the great world of ferocious beasts."

There was a glint in the eyes of the Ten Kings.

"But don't worry, the strongest person here is only in the realm of Da Luo, and is even inferior to Da Luo at the same level as the Great Desolate." Yuan Meng said slowly.

"Your Majesty, with such a strong origin of the world, why are the creatures in this world so miserable?" the Eternal King said somewhat incomprehensibly.

According to the origin of the ferocious beast world, although the highest level can only reach the existence of the sub-sage.

But the tallest one in this world is Da Luo, but his combat power is not as good as that.

"I'm not talking about the Taikoo Da Luo before Hongjun's union, but the Pseudo Da Luo after Hongjun's union." Yuan Meng said slowly.

The Ten Kings of Ferocious Beasts instantly understood what Yuan Meng meant.

This world is very weak, so you, the ten kings, should not get involved and just leave it to the ferocious beasts under your command.

You should know that the Daluo before Hongjun's fusion of the Dao all walked the Great Dao. It is impossible to enter Daluo without sufficient qualifications.

What is the Daluo after Hongjun's fusion of the Dao? At most, it can only be regarded as a pseudo-Daluo.

A dividing line can be drawn between the Daluo in the prehistoric world. The Daluo before Hongjun's preaching were all ancient Daluo, and the Daluo after Hongjun's preaching were all pseudo-Daluo.

The Ten Kings of Fierce Beasts also know this. This is an essential difference. Before Hongjun's preaching, those who entered Daluo all relied on their own exploration to walk out the most suitable path for themselves.

Such an existence is completely incomparable to the Daluo who follows the routine after Hongjun's preaching.

"Why are the creatures in this world so weak? It's because they don't know how to practice. They have never practiced since they were born. They are completely in whatever realm their bloodline can grow to." Yuan Meng said slowly.

The Ten Kings of Fierce Beasts were also a little speechless.

Such good qualifications, but they don't know how to practice, and they grow up completely on their own.

Isn't this a waste?

"Okay, I called you here because of this matter. I will let this world border on the world of fierce beasts. As for what fortunes to obtain, it depends on the younger generations." Yuan Meng said lightly.

"Those above Daluo cannot take action, they can only watch. This is a training and a tempering." Yuan Meng said in a deep voice.

"Yes, Your Majesty!" The Ten Kings of Fierce Beasts said in a deep voice.

Then Yuan Meng placed this world next to the world of fierce beasts, bordering the world of fierce beasts. In a maximum of ten years, the two worlds will collide.

This is also a preparation for the fierce beast seat of the world of fierce beasts.

Yuan Meng's figure also disappeared in the world of fierce beasts, and then appeared in this world.

Endless thunder flashes, which is the way of heaven in this world.

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